Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 1914: The origin of creation (continued)



A crisp snap of fingers resounded in the starry sky, even penetrating the spreading origin area of chaos and reaching deep into the source of the leakage of chaos origin.

Immediately afterwards, the source of chaos that was originally just continuing to spurt out and spread suddenly became chaotic. It seemed that something drastic changed at the entrance of chaos where the source of chaos erupted.

While many people with great supernatural powers were still hesitating, Yang Junshan and Puyuan Tianzun had already rushed towards the entrance of chaos.

Almost at the same time, a large-scale turbulence in the origin of chaos suddenly came, accompanied by a muffled groan and a turmoil similar to that caused by the explosion of magical powers.

Being able to cause such violent and obvious shocks under the assimilation and erosion of the origin of chaos is undoubtedly due to the magical power of the chaos realm.

"The person Yang Junshan said has appeared?"

"Is it the Mr. Miao that Yang Junshan said may have been taken away by the will of the plane?"

In an instant, several invisible breaths appeared in the void, but they all rushed into the spreading source of chaos.

Yang Junshan and Puyuan Tianzun soon noticed that many people were following behind them. Knowing that the matter had been discovered, Yang Junshan made a prompt decision and reached out to draw a spear that was almost entirely made of thunder and lightning.

I saw Yang Junshan holding the spear of thunder and swiping it in the origin of chaos in front of him. The white and golden thunder light tore apart the origin of chaos that filled the eyes, and continued to extend forward, actually opening up new creations in the origin of chaos. Create a passage!

"Let's go!"

Yang Junshan pulled Pu Yuan Tianzun, and the two of them followed the road opened by the thunder light and arrived at the entrance of chaos in an instant.

Puyuan Tianzun still had a look of surprise on his face at this time: "You used the Kaitian Divine Thunder, not the Zixiao Divine Thunder!"

Puyuan Tianzun is very sure. As the Lord of Zhoutian World and the founder of Zhoutian World's practice system, he is naturally familiar with the magical powers of Zhoutian World. He was able to determine the origin of the magical powers the moment Yang Junshan took action. .

However, the crux of the problem lies here. Puyuan Tianzun knew that Yang Junshan possessed the magical power of the Chaos realm, the Purple Sky Divine Thunder, but he had never merged the Hongmeng Purple Qi with the Kaitian Divine Thunder.

But everything that happened in front of him clearly told Puyuan Tianzun that when the Kaitian Divine Thunder was used in Yang Junshan's hands, he actually possessed chaos.

The characteristics of supernatural powers.

Not only can he stir up chaos like other magical powers above the Creation realm, and maintain the power of the burst of magical powers under the erosion of the origin of chaos, he can even open a passage in the origin of chaos that leads directly to the entrance of chaos!


Yang Junshan was not surprised that Puyuan Tianzun could recognize the essence hidden in his magical power, and he had no intention of hiding it.

Puyuan Tianzun sighed and said: "Everyone has overestimated you as much as possible, but in fact you are still constantly refreshing everyone's understanding of you. In terms of understanding the nature of chaos , you are already far ahead of me."

Yang Junshan smiled slightly and said, "Senior, that's a compliment."

Puyuan Tianzun shook his head and said nothing more, but there was a hint of sad admiration in his expression that was not concealed.

At this moment, Puyuan Tianzun heard Yang Junshan laugh loudly: "Haha, your Excellency finally appeared, but I don't know whether you should be called 'Fellow Miao Jun' now, or something else?"

At the Chaos Entrance, the original gap had already merged with the Chaos Land. When the source of Chaos was leaked, it had become one with the opened Chaos Entrance.

However, just outside the Chaos Entrance at this time, wisps of invisible void tentacles stretched out from the rapidly incomplete and damaged formation surrounding the Chaos Entrance. Although they were constantly shrinking and thinning under the erosion of the Chaos Origin, they were still A person's limbs, torso and waist were still tied up, preventing him from plunging into the land of chaos from the entrance of chaos.

In fact, these void tentacles protruding from the remaining formation were unable to persist for long due to the erosion of the source of chaos and the struggles of the imprisoned people.

Just when Yang Junshan and Puyuan Tianzun appeared, the void tentacles tied to his right foot and left hand had been forcibly broken by him.

However, Yang Junshan never expected that this method could trap a late-stage Hedao Tianzun who had killed three corpses. All he wanted was to buy him time to arrive in time.

In fact, Yang Junshan's little tricks to stay at the entrance to chaos really came in handy.