Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 46: Hidden orifice


Could it be that it is because he has reached saturation in refining the fairy spirit

After temporarily discouraging Su Baozhang's reckless behavior, Yang Junshan went to the underground cave of Pomegranate Forest again to start practicing. However, most of the day passed, and the feeling of progress that allowed Yang Junshan to clearly feel in the past was gone. The last part of the tiger fang fairy spirit is still motionless,

This situation has not changed in the past few days. This rarely occurs in the process of summoning immortal spirits. In the process of summoning immortal spirits, ordinary monks will never happen until the immortal spirits are refined and reached perfection. The bottleneck situation made Yang Junshan couldn't help but think that it was because his potential had been exhausted

If this is really the case, then Yang Junshan has reached the state of perfection at this time. As for the remaining piece of the Tiger Tooth Fairy Spirit, will he have to cut open the skin and take it out again

With this in mind, Yang Junshan decided to interrupt the final refining of the Huya Immortal Spirit and tried to remove it from the circuit of the "Wu Tu Ling Jue".

It is not unheard of in the world of cultivation that saturation occurs during the process of refining immortal spirits, but that situation mostly occurs in some monks with congenital deficiencies or weak bodies. The vast majority of monks are absolutely incapable of refining any immortal spirit. This situation occurs.

Yang Junshan placed his body in the posture of a crouching tiger, and the "Wu Tu Ling Jue" circulated in the meridians suddenly accelerated, and hit the remaining tiger-tooth fairy outside the fairy orifice, trying to knock it away from the fairy. The location of the orifice makes way for the refined and accumulated fairy essence to impact the fairy orifice.

Unexpectedly, the moment the Tiger Tooth Fairy moved and moved out of the way, severe pain suddenly swept through the whole body, and a crisp crack suddenly came from the vertebrae outside the body, as if something was smashed. generally.

The unexpected turn of events made Yang Junshan forget the severe pain all over his body for an instant, and hurriedly focused all his attention on his body. Originally, Yang Junshan thought that it was when he was using his spiritual power to attack the remaining fairy spirits that the refining of the fairy spirits was restored. It was possible to continue, but unexpectedly, the surface of the remaining fairy spirit was indeed full of cracks, but the crisp explosion was not caused by the remaining fairy spirit.

Just when Yang Junshan was puzzled, he suddenly noticed that the spiritual energy circulation circuit in the body had suddenly changed. When the circulation circuit originally developed in the stage of attracting spiritual energy was moved to the vicinity of the fairy spirit orifice of the vertebrae, it suddenly seemed like After this fairy aperture opened another hidden channel that had never been discovered by Yang Junshan.

With a loud "bang" that only Yang Junshan could hear, the surging spiritual energy cleared this secret spiritual power channel and then reversed its original operation route. "Wutu Lingjue" began to operate smoothly again. However, when Zhou Tian moved the vertebrae, there was only one more channel for spiritual power to circulate.

At the end of this newly opened passage, a barrier hindered the impact of spiritual power, forcing the spiritual power that rushed into this passage to return to its original operating route.

Fairy Spirit Aperture, a fairy spirit orifice actually appeared here!

Yang Junshan was extremely shocked. If it weren't for the critical moment of cultivation, and if it weren't for the fear of going crazy, Yang Junshan would just stand up and shout: This is impossible!

How could there be a fairy spirit orifice here!

I am obviously only four

Only two Immortal Spirit Apertures are suitable for such innate aptitudes. How could such a strange Immortal Spirit Aperture appear? Why was it not discovered during the test of innate aptitudes

Yang Junshan's mind suddenly became a mess. In his previous life, Yang Junshan had always had a fourth-level qualification. Even if someone used methods to hide the fairy spirit orifice in his body, he would never be able to discover it when Yang Junshan reaches the martial arts realm. reason.

In other words, whether in the past life or in this life, Yang Junshan's innate qualifications were originally at the fourth level, and there is no doubt that he has two Immortal Spirit Apertures!

So what happened to this fairy spirit orifice that suddenly appeared? Does it really exist in Yang Junshan's body? What caused its appearance

However, before Yang Junshan calmed down and thought secretly about the reason for the appearance of the hidden fairy orifice, he heard another crisp sound inside his body, forcing his attention to turn to his body again, and then he saw that the small surface of the body had already appeared. The cracked surface of the remaining Tiger Tooth Fairy Spirit suddenly began to shatter, and then a small ball of blood-red liquid flowed out of it, following the newly opened spiritual power channel directly to the barrier of the newly emerged Fairy Spirit Aperture. Before.

"Wu Tu Ling Jue" is still running non-stop, the fragments of the broken Tiger Tooth Fairy Spirit are constantly washed away by spiritual power, and the stagnant Fairy Spirit Essence begins to be refined and condensed again.

At the same time, the small group of blood-red liquid flowing out from the Tiger Tooth Fairy also began to be refined under the wash of spiritual power. This group of blood-red liquid was actually a fairy, and this group of fairy was actually It was directed towards the newly-appeared Fairy Spirit Aperture.

If someone is still in the Lingquan Cave at this time, they will be able to find that the originally dark cave is now filled with a faint red aura, and the source of the aura is on the back of Yang Junshan. Such a scene is different from the original one. The situation was exactly the same when the tiger sitting on the mountain in Baque Mountain once tried to "condensate bones and transform into spirits" in front of Yang Junshan.

At this time, Yang Junshan had also realized that this mass of blood-red flesh was most likely the top-grade fairy spirit that Zuoshanhu had accumulated when he tried to "condensate bones into spirits". Originally, he thought that Zuoshanhu had failed. Thinking that this most precious and top-grade fairy was actually hidden in the top-grade tiger-tooth fairy.

This mountain-sitting tiger actually gave birth to two kinds of fairy spirits in his body, and they are top-grade fairy spirits and top-grade fairy spirits that are of higher quality than the treading bears. If the mountain-sitting tiger hadn't been injured by Zhang Yueming first, even if it was halfway Being ambushed, the Ground-Treading Bear would never be a match for the Sitting Tiger.

Now that he had figured out the secret hidden on the fairy, Yang Junshan, who had calmed down, secretly recalled the secret legends about the fairy orifice in his past and present lives, which finally reminded him of a secret he had heard in his previous life.

After the great changes in the world in the previous life, natural disasters occurred all over the world, which was called the end of the world of cultivation. Many original secrets of the world of cultivation gradually spread, one of which was the rumor about the hidden apertures in the monks' bodies.

One explanation for hidden apertures is that there are very few monks who may have hidden fairy apertures in their bodies without knowing it. Such fairy apertures are often discovered after the monks’ cultivation reaches the warrior realm. However, at this time, the monks’ cultivation Since the cause has been fixed, the discovered fairy spirit aperture can no longer provide any support for the monk's practice.