Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 47: Chongqiao


Yang Junshan himself didn't know how long he had been practicing. He just felt that no matter in his previous life or in this life, the process of cultivation was not as smooth as it is now. The pain caused by the spiritual energy entering the body was infinitely weakened. It was originally slow and slow. , the famously calm "Wu Tu Ling Jue" also became extremely fast during the Zhoutian operation at this time. The powerful spiritual power accumulated in the cave was taken into the body and formed a raging spiritual power tide. Soon the Huya Fairy Spirit was finally The little fragments were refined into nothing.

The top-grade fairy marrow wrapped in the tiger-tooth fairy spirit gathered outside the fairy spirit orifice that also appeared in the marrow of the vertebrae, and was then devoured and refined bit by bit by the surging spiritual power, turning into a fairy spirit. The essence lingers outside the fairy orifice of the bone marrow.

Although there are not many drops of fairy essence, every drop after refining gives Yang Junshan a sinking feeling, as if one mountain after another is pressing on his spine, trying to crush him life and death, and Yang Junshan Junshan can only slightly relieve this pressure by constantly circulating his spiritual power, but the continuous circulation of his spiritual power refines more fairy marrow into fairy essence.

Finally, the fairy essence lingering outside the marrow hidden aperture seemed to have reached the limit that the meridians could bear. The refined fairy essence circled and crashed into the wall of the fairy aperture.


There was a sudden explosion in Yang Junshan's ears. When his cultivation of summoning immortal spirits was about to reach perfection, the refined essence of immortal spirits could not wait to start impacting the barrier of the immortal spirit orifice.

Yang Junshan knew that this was because the foundation he had laid was too solid. Ordinary monks could only refine one fairy spirit. After refining the fairy spirit to perfection, they still need to accumulate spiritual power and accumulate strength before they can attack. Immortal Spirit Aperture Barrier, advanced to the third level of mortal realm.

It's not that some monks don't have the financial resources and ability to refine two fairy spirits. The key to the problem is whether the fairy spirit and the fairy spirit aperture are consistent with each other, and whether they are consistent with the cultivation method. This fit also includes attributes. Whether it is compatible, whether the type is suitable, and many other matters, if you want to talk about them one by one, it must be complicated. Each of them can have an impact on the refining of the fairy to a greater or lesser extent. The difference is just how much.

For example, some people have immortal spirit orifices in their kidneys, and the kidneys belong to water, but this person practices earth-attribute exercises. What's worse is that after trying hard, he got two fairy spirits and one medium-grade fire attribute. One of the fairy charcoal stones was a low-grade water-attribute fairy named Liuyunlu, so he had to give up the middle-grade fairy and had to refine Liuyunlu, a low-grade fairy.

This is just the simplest principle of birth and restraint in the five elements. In addition, there are many other things to pay attention to. For example, the bear bile fairy is bred in the bile, and Yang Junshan’s fairy aperture is also in the bile. , this is also a kind of fit, etc.

It is not easy for ordinary monks to find a fairy spirit that perfectly fits their own fairy spirit aperture. More monks can only be affected by various negative effects caused by unsuitability. Although this influence will not affect the monks' cultivation. improvement, but it will definitely slow down your improvement.

And Yang Junshan's two fairy spirits, whether they are the tiger tooth fairy spirit that he had planned for a long time, or the bear bile fairy spirit that he got by accident, plus the even more unexpected top quality fairy essence wrapped in the tiger tooth fairy spirit, for Yang Junshan's In terms of the three fairy apertures, even if they are not perfect, they are three kinds of fairy spirits that are highly compatible.

Once these three kinds of immortal spirits are refined and Yang Junshan reaches the perfect state of summoning the immortal spirits, the rich foundation accumulated at this time will be far beyond his reach.

It was not something that ordinary monks could compare to. The refined essence of the best fairy spirit marrow that had been refined at this time did not even require Yang Junshan to deliberately control or accumulate it, and directly launched an impact on the barrier of the fairy spirit orifice.

Driven by the best fairy spirit marrow, the refined essence of the Tiger Tooth Fairy Spirit also began to move, and then the power of spiritual power transfer in the body also launched an impact on the fairy spirit orifice in the vertebrae.

The fairy essence in the gallbladder was moved last. Since the two fairy essences hit the fairy orifice at the same time, Yang Junshan had to run his skills to absorb more spiritual energy into the body, so that the fairy essence could be condensed. The stronger impact force caused the transfer of spiritual power in the meridians to finally stimulate the fairy essence in the bile. The bear bile essence continued to turmoil outside the fairy orifice, and eventually formed a wave towards the fairy. The barrier outside the spiritual orifice was knocked away.

Compared with the fierce impact of the best fairy essence on the fairy orifice barrier and the fierceness of the tiger-tooth fairy, the impact of the bear bile fairy essence on the bile fairy orifice can only be described as tepid, which seems a bit uncomfortable. Reluctantly, it was only because of the violent turbulence of the other two fairy essences, coupled with the instigation of the increasingly rich and rapid spiritual power that it had to follow the turmoil.

Outside the body, because Yang Junshan began to attack the bottleneck of the third spiritual aperture at the moment when summoning the immortal spirit reached perfection, causing a large amount of spiritual energy in the cave to gather around him, and even because of the eager movement of the spiritual power in the cave, the cave The supply of spiritual energy was actually in short supply for a while, so that a faint vortex gradually formed around Yang Junshan. Once the spiritual energy escaped from the spiritual spring, it would immediately converge towards Yang Junshan.

Gradually, because the spiritual energy continued to escape from the spiritual spring, a layer of light water mist formed on the small pool where the spiritual spring was located, and this layer of water mist also gradually moved towards Yang Junshan's body with the condensed spiritual energy. Haunt and go.


Seeing that this layer of water mist was about to wet Yang Junshan's clothes, suddenly a crisp sound like a bell came from Yang Junshan's body, and along with this crisp sound, a piece of debris fell to the ground. With the sound of the sound, this layer of water mist was suddenly shaken and scattered in all directions like a frightened rabbit.

After this crisp sound, Yang Junshan's whole body calmed down again, but the spiritual energy vortex formed around him became larger, and even brought up a breeze when absorbing the spiritual energy in the cave.

The scattered water mist gathered again, and this time due to the influence of the breeze, the speed of gathering around Yang Junshan accelerated a lot.

However, just as this mass of water mist was about to be swept into the whirlpool of spiritual energy, another explosion came from Yang Junshan's body. This sound was different from the previous sound that was like "a silver bottle is broken and water slurry bursts out". It was more like a beaten war drum, which not only dispersed the slowly gathering water mist again, but even caused the spiritual energy vortex around him to collapse.