Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 56: Ning Bin


The boy stared blankly at the bloody talisman sword in his hand, standing there motionless until a boy who looked younger than him covered half of his face with a piece of cloth torn from his clothes, holding a A big bow that was as tall as half a man came out of the depths of the woods.

Yang Junshan looked at the expression of the rescued young man, and then walked to the body of Junior Brother Cheng and groped around for a while, and then many broken things were placed on the ground.

From these things, he picked up five or six jade coins, two talismans, and a one-foot-long talisman dagger. The remaining miscellaneous things were swept into the stream by Yang Junshan.

He looked up at the rescued boy who was still in a daze. Yang Junshan also said nothing. Instead, he walked to Senior Brother Ma at his feet and continued to search for everything on him. However, this Senior Brother Ma was indeed a magician. The good things that a monk in this realm has are much richer than that of Junior Brother Cheng.

First he collected the twelve jade coins, and then a mutton-fat jade bottle, which still contained six pills. He poured out one pill and looked at the color, then put it to his nose and asked, Yang Junshan's His face suddenly showed a bit of joy. This is a good Fayun Pill, suitable for the cultivation of high-level monks in the mortal realm. Although it is not as good as the Faxuan Pill that Yang Junshan missed, it is also a pill furnace. The authentic magical elixir prepared is not a medicinal elixir.

In addition, there is a wolf skin talisman, which is exactly the same as the animal skin talisman that blocked several talisman swords before. However, when he saw a wolf head painted on the animal skin, Yang Junshan looked startled, and then thought Without wanting to, he threw the talisman at the feet of the rescued boy.

There were also two red round stones that caught Yang Junshan's attention. Various flame runes were engraved on the round stones. They were two red fire rune stones used to assist in cultivation. The monks who practiced the red flame technique used their spiritual power to inspire After activating the fire runestones, one can cast spells like Red Flame before their cultivation has reached the fifth level.

This kind of runestone is different from runestones that can be activated only by the spiritual power in the body. Instead, the spells engraved on the runestones must be practiced in advance. In this way, the power generated after the runestones are activated is almost equal to the spell itself, and it can continue It is controlled by the monk himself, rather than being inspired only by spiritual power like a talisman. Its power is much weaker than the original spell, and it will no longer be controlled by the monk himself after being activated.

Previously, Senior Brother Ma used the flames at his fingertips to ignite two talisman swords one after another. The spell used was the Red Flame Technique. However, Senior Brother Ma has the fifth level of cultivation of immortal magic. Naturally, the Red Flame Technique no longer requires the Red Flame Technique. To assist the Firework Runestones, these two Runestones were presumably used by Senior Brother Ma to assist in the practice of Red Flame Technique before he advanced to the fifth level.

Although the use of this type of rune stones is relatively complicated, because it involves monks practicing spells, their value is often based on the talismans, talisman swords, etc. that directly seal the spells in them.

It is a pity that Yang Junshan himself does not intend to practice the Red Flame Technique, and he does not know how to practice the Red Flame Technique, so these two Red Flame Runestones are of little use to him, but if they are exchanged for jade coins, I think There will be many monks flocking to it.

In the end, Yang Junshan also took out five or six duck egg-sized pebbles and metal balls from Brother Ma's waist pouch. The three metal balls were all low-grade magical materials that were condensed and refined from the original stones. One It is Red Flame Iron, which is the essence extracted from the Red Flame Stone, and the Red Flame Stone itself is also the original stone used to make the two Red Flame Runestones that Yang Junshan obtained before; the second one is Point Star Steel, according to Yang Junshan What is known

It is the lowest quality metal extracted from meteorites falling from the sky; the last one is Flame Copper Essence, which is a product refined from ores produced in volcanic lava lands.

Yang Junshan knew at a glance that these three low-grade magical materials should be the treasures accumulated by Senior Brother Ma for refining magical weapons for himself, but now these things were all advantageous to him.

The remaining three were all stone balls, and two of them were the red rust rough stones that Yang Junshan was very familiar with. This made Yang Junshan's heart sink. It seemed that the secret of the red rust rough stones had been leaked after all. The monks from Lianzhang County Are you starting to notice this

Yang Junshan didn't notice the last stone ball at first, but when he took it in his hand and examined it carefully, he suddenly realized that this stone ball was actually a middle-grade fairy called a stone egg.

Stone eggs are not eggs, but this kind of fairy spirit is rather strange. It is a treasure condensed in the rocks. Sometimes monks who dig mountains to extract rocks or dig mines will occasionally obtain this object.

This time, the harvest was not small. Yang Junshan nodded with satisfaction, put the two bodies together, and then began to find some dry branches from the forest to prepare for burning the bodies.

Walking to the young man who had been standing still, Yang Junshan asked in a deep voice: "First time killing someone?"

The young man's dull eyes looked at Yang Junshan, who had half of his face exposed, and then as if he thought of something, his eyes finally regained a trace of light.

Nodding somewhat dullly, the young man dropped the broken arrow that was still bleeding on the ground and whispered: "Yes!"

"It's nothing. These people deserve to die. If you don't kill them now, you might be the one who dies in a while, or even your father who was coerced!"

Yang Junshan smiled and continued with some meaning: "As long as you can persist in living, you will slowly get used to such killings."

"Father!" The young man suddenly raised his head and said loudly: "No, those people will kill my father, Uncle Sun, no, that Sun Zelei is an insider from Zhang County. He lied to me and was caught by these people. Go, they are forcing my father to let them purchase Linggu in Huangshan Town, and they will also kill my father and let Sun Zelei take over as the guard. No, I have to go back quickly! "

The young man was about to leave when he suddenly stopped and looked at Yang Junshan and said, "I dare not thank you for saving my life. I am Ning Bin, and my father Ning Ji is the guard of Huangshan Town. Please tell me your name. I will send you my name in the future." Something is rewarded.”

"Ning Bin, your name is Ning Bin?" Yang Junshan looked at the young man in front of him in surprise, who was only one or two years older than himself. He was actually the "Three Masters of Shaking Sky" who adhered to the final tradition of Shaking Sky Sect with Zhang Yueming in his previous life. Ning Bin's eyebrows in "" are quite similar.

It's just that the Ning Bin in the past life memory has gone through many twists and turns, and his expression and temperament have a sense of weathered maturity, but he is not as full of energy as the young man in front of him.

Ning Bin saw that Yang Junshan couldn't hide the surprise in his expression even if he covered half of his face, so he asked, "Do you recognize me?"

"I don't know!" Yang Junshan denied it, and then said: "But the Ning family, one of the three powerful families in Mengyu County, naturally knows it. I heard that the third generation of the Ning family has a sweet son, and his talent may not necessarily be the same. How about Zhang Yueming, the number one genius in Mengyu County? Isn't it you?"

"Of course I can't compare to Junior Brother Zhang!"

Ning Bin has obviously acknowledged Yang Junshan's words, and from the fact that he called Zhang Yue