Sovereign to Immortality

Chapter 83: subdue


Yang Junshan went to the mine every three days, and all the 10% of the concentrate he brought back was spent on more than ten processes in the remaining two days. The amount of cotton soil powder he got in a month was only six taels, which was not enough for one piece. Minimum usage of magic weapon.

This is just a kind of spiritual material, and the refining of each kind of magic weapon, even a low-grade magic weapon, requires at least seven or eight kinds of spiritual materials. There are even more than a dozen kinds of spiritual materials. For one magic weapon It often takes monks several years or even more than ten years to collect the required spiritual materials.

And even if all the spiritual materials are prepared, the monk still needs to find an weapon refiner and ask him to refine it for him; and there is still a possibility of failure of the magic weapon during the refining process, and these risks also require the monk to If you take the responsibility yourself, it's okay if the magic weapon is finally successfully refined. If it doesn't succeed, it often means that years and decades of energy have been wasted.

This continuous process has naturally resulted in the scarcity of magical weapons in the world of cultivation. Of course, the power of magical weapons is also unquestionable. When a warrior-level monk holds a magical weapon, unless the gap in cultivation is too great, Big, often have a 30% to 50% improvement in their own strength.

During this month, Yang Junshan was not only mining in the mines in Qingshu Village. He also explored the mine tunnels extending in all directions formed by mining over the years. Based on the treasures in his previous life, The rumors at the time of the excavation were checked and eliminated one by one, gradually narrowing down the scope of the possible existence of the treasure in the mine tunnels.

On this day, after Yang Junshan entered the mine, he walked towards several mine roads that had gradually narrowed down after investigation. Unexpectedly, when he reached a fork in the mine road, he was suddenly rushed by two adult miners from the fork. One after another, they were blocked in the middle.

"Boy, do you know why I'm stopping you?" The person standing in front of Yang Junshan was a burly man with muscles all over his body, and his bronzed chest exposed through his open clothes.

Yang Junshan shook his head honestly and said: "Two eldest brothers, the younger brother has never offended you two on weekdays, so I asked the two older brothers to find a convenience, but the younger brother took the path of Manager Han..."

The strong man waved his hand impatiently and said: "I know you have followed Han Xiusheng's path, but you kid, don't even think about using him to pressure me. Since I dare to block you in this mine tunnel, I'm not afraid of you complaining. If you get angry, I'll twist your neck and throw you deep into the mine. Does anyone know?"

Yang Junshan has grown very fast recently, but his childish face cannot be hidden from others. The strong man does not believe that he is not afraid of threatening this half-year-old child.

As expected, Yang Junshan was frightened, and his trembling tone of voice could not be coherent: "Two, two eldest brothers, we, we have no grievances, you, you..."

The man behind him said impatiently: "Boss, this kid is a coward. Just beat him up and go back to collect the money. What are you talking about with him? The mines here extend in all directions. In case someone passing by hears it, tell Han Xiu Sheng is also a problem!"

The strong man glared at the man behind him and said: "What do you know? How many jade coins can you earn if you stick your butt out and dig all day long

After the strong man taught his partner a lesson, he smiled at Yang Junshan and said, "Boy, I have been paying attention to you for a long time. Miners always occupy a mine tunnel and dig hard, and I have never done anything like you."

Like this, I go to a different place every day when I go into the mine, but the quality of the concentrate I carry out every time is obviously higher than others. Boy, is there some secret in this? Tell me, how can you sift out such good concentrate in the mine? What's the secret behind it? "

The man behind him also beamed with joy when he heard the strong man's words, and said: "It turns out that the boss has noticed this. Boy, say it quickly. If you say it well, we may be gentler later. If you don't say it, hehe , then don’t blame us for being rude, it’s not good for you to offend anyone, it’s bad luck for you if you offend the Yang family!”

"Shut up!" The strong man shouted, then looked at Yang Junshan and said: "Boy, you heard it too. You can afford to offend the old Yang family. My two brothers are just suffering. It's just a matter of trust between people, but if you tell the two of us your method of mineral selection, I can make the decision to let you go. But when the time comes, whoever the old Yang family sends to deal with you will have nothing to do with us. It’s our brother’s business, so let’s think about it!”

It is common for miners in the mine to fight for the mine tunnels and ore. Yang Junshan saw it several times in the mine more than a month later, but because he always asked Han Xiusheng to deal with the mine, and He is a half-grown child, so no one has ever paid attention to him.

However, he didn't expect that his whereabouts would be noticed by someone who was careless. As for someone from the old Yang family looking for trouble with him, it seems that no one except his twelfth uncle Yang Tianshou used such inconspicuous means.

In the previous life of this mine, Yang Junshan also dug for three months for cotton soil powder, but that was after the treasure in this mine was unearthed. Therefore, although Yang Junshan heard many rumors from the miners, he was not sure about the treasure. Which mine tunnel was it dug out from? But during those three months, he still had a clear memory of which mine tunnel and where some rich ore had been dug out at that time.

Although the mine tunnel has not yet been excavated to the places in the previous life, Yang Junshan is right to dig all the way according to the location of the rich ore in his memory. In fact, in this month, he has only picked out one of the evil ores. Being able to harvest six taels of clay powder is already an extremely remarkable thing. Even Han Xiusheng was amazed by it. In order not to attract attention, every time he turned in the concentrate, Han Xiusheng and others turned it in. Circumstances were mixed.

Despite this, Yang Junshan did not expect that he would be noticed.

"Boy, have you thought about it? I don't have the patience to waste time with you here!" A look of impatience appeared on the strong man's face. He took two steps towards Yang Junshan, as if waiting for Yang Junshan to say " The word "no" means taking action.

Unexpectedly, Yang Junshan, who originally seemed honest and honest, suddenly smiled and asked: "You are here because of the temptation of Yang Tianshou, but do you know who I am?"

The strong man was stunned when he heard this, and asked subconsciously: "Oh, who are you?"

"My surname is Yang too!"

Before he finished speaking, Yang Junshan took the first step and bumped towards the strong man.

"How brave!"