Space-time Traveler

Chapter 1: Hourglass of Time 1


Sure enough, I traveled through time again.


Su Ziyu closed his eyes and felt it, and as expected, the strange golden hourglass in the consciousness space began to flow slowly. He knew that when all the golden quicksand at the upper end of the hourglass flowed into the lower end, he would be forcibly sent to another strange world. A gust of cold wind made him shiver. Su Ziyu tightened his animal skin clothes and looked up at the sky, trying to determine his position through the stars, but he found nothing and only saw a huge yellow-brown sphere. . This is not the earth, and he doesn't know where he is, but he knows that the most important thing right now is to survive, because the cold north wind has made his body feel a little stiff.

"I have to find a warm place or I'll freeze to death."

"If my guess is correct, I will stay here for about ten days. I don't know if it is possible to return to Earth."

The cold wind howled, and there was a vast expanse of white snow all around.

It was obviously a hot summer in the last world, but here it has become a cold winter. Su Ziyu felt that he had been lost in the long river of time and space, and he didn't know where he would wander next time. This is the third world he has experienced. After accidentally activating the strange golden hourglass, a strange artifact said to be from Egypt, he was sent to a lush primeval forest. At first, he thought he was It was on the earth until nightfall when he was awakened by the sound of heavy footsteps. Through the thin starlight, he saw a huge black shadow. It was a dinosaur about twelve meters high. He was not sure if it was a Tyrannosaurus rex, because He was already stunned by that time!

Have you traveled through time

Traveled to the Jurassic era

How about committing suicide

Su Ziyu knew very well that he had no ability to compete with the prehistoric creatures. His chance of survival in this era was infinitely close to zero. But it is impossible to commit suicide. An ant can still survive, let alone a living person. Perhaps because of the presence of the prehistoric overlord, Su Ziyu did not encounter any accidents that night, although he lay on the tree all night and did not dare to sleep. The behemoth appeared again the next day. Su Ziyu was now sure that it was a type of Tyrannosaurus Rex. Although there were some sharp thorns on its back, he could not mistake the appearance of Tyrannosaurus Rex. .

After despair comes the desire to survive.

Fortunately, he had watched a lot of wilderness survival programs, and Su Ziyu thought of what he should do after the initial panic. The peculiar golden hourglass disappeared after being activated, but when he concentrated, he could see it in his consciousness space. The golden gravel was flowing downwards. It was a time scale. Maybe he could go back when the sand was gone.

Be safe, food and water.

The flow of golden gravel is not too slow. Suziyu estimates that it will all flow out in about three or four days. In the Jurassic era, it was impossible for him to be Robinson Crusoe, because any dinosaur could easily kill him. Hunted as prey. He took a moment to find a huge, smelly poop nearby, then smeared it on his body, then moved some more and sprinkled it near the tree where he was. He was not sure if it was Tyrannosaurus Rex's feces, but there should be no other large dinosaurs active in Tyrannosaurus Rex's territory.

Then, Su Ziyu starved in the tree for three whole days.

It's not that he doesn't want to explore this world, but that he has no ability to survive in this world at all. These days, he saw pterosaurs flying by in the sky, saw the ferocious raptors being chased by packs, saw the Tyrannosaurus rex dragging the body of another dinosaur back to its lair, and even saw a long-lasting velociraptor. He felt that any one of the centipede-like black insects, about two meters long, had the ability to kill him as a human in an instant. He didn't dare to go out to look for food, and he didn't know what he could and couldn't eat because he was afraid of being poisoned and could only rely on the dew he collected to maintain his life.

He had never been hungry for such a long time since he was a child. In the end, he felt very weak, as if he might fall from the tree at any time.

It takes about three days.

The gravel at the top of the golden hourglass finally drained away. At the moment when the time scale ran out, he thought he would return to the earth and his familiar home. But he didn't. His consciousness seemed to drift in the long river of time, and when he finally woke up again, he was already in a hot desert area.

At that moment he was really desperate.

He knew that a person who had been hungry for three whole days and relied solely on collecting dew to survive would have no chance of walking out of a desert alive.

He was almost ready to die.

The hope that kept him alive in the first three days was that the golden hourglass could send him home, but after this hope failed, he was on the verge of collapse. Then, he saw a big black scorpion, and the sudden surge of hunger made his eyes red. He felt that he should do something, even if he died, he would have a full meal.

Time seemed to stand still at that moment.

When Su Ziyu came back to his senses, he realized that he had actually caught the scorpion. He quickly twisted off the stinger, then put it directly into his mouth and chewed it.

He no longer cares if it's poisonous or not.

All kinds of bacteria and parasites were just floating clouds. He just wanted to eat some meat before he died, even if the meat was not very tasty.

The food allowed him to regain some strength, but it was still impossible to get out of the desert. He didn't know where to go and could only move in one direction. He even couldn't figure out why he hadn't fallen down yet. Maybe he was really I'm not willing to give in, I don't want to die silently like this.

He didn't know how long it took, but he seemed to hear some strange sounds, but his consciousness was already a little blurry.

He eventually collapsed.

His consciousness drifted in the darkness for a while. Su Ziyu thought he was dead, but when he opened his eyes, he found that he was not.

He's in a cage!

“$#%&*… %#%*@#¥%… ”

In front of him is a clay pot with water and food, surrounded by a circle of humanoid creatures with dark brown skin but no ears or hair and a short tail behind them. They look like a combination of snakes and lizards. The eyes of these aliens were full of curiosity and surprise, and they spoke in a language that Su Ziyu could not understand at all. They spoke very fast, with a bit of a snake-like babble. They took away everything on Su Ziyu's body, but left a simple animal skin coat that exuded a fishy smell next to him. A tall alien with scars on his body seemed to regard him as his slave and trophy. He kept the fish in a cage and showed it to other aliens, as if it were some kind of novel beast on display in a zoo.


Su Ziyu tried to communicate with them, but what he got in return was a whip. The pain made him groan, and then he heard the laughter of the aliens, which seemed very harsh.

This is a very bad memory.

For five days, Su Ziyu was kept in a small cage, where he ate, drank, and defecated. In order to keep warm, the cage was covered with straw-like plants, but when night fell, he would still shiver from the cold. The temperature difference between day and night here is huge. The leader of the aliens trains his men every morning. These aliens use weapons made of black metal, which look quite brutal. More than once, he saw the blood spattered by the aliens during battle training. Every day, aliens would escort him out for people to watch. Su Ziyu judged that he should be in a city.

There was no way for the two parties to communicate at all. The alien leader looked at him as if he were looking at a dangerous humanoid beast. Any excessive reaction might be rewarded with a whip. In the last three days, he even tried to use The whip tamed him as it would a wild beast.

They just want to keep him in a cage.

Su Ziyu finally gave up the idea of communication, but this did not mean that he would not be whipped. He even felt that he had become accustomed to the pain in just a few days.

Day six.

Su Ziyu was escorted back from outside. A trace of blood was oozing from his forehead, which was thrown by a alien child with a stone. The alien leader appeared in front of him again, and of course it still held the dark red whip in its hand. It seemed to whip the fish as a pastime, and planned to use the whip until he surrendered. The alien leader didn't like the look in Su Ziyu's eyes. There was freedom and equality in that look, which was not what a slave should have. It wants to use a whip to make Su Ziyu completely surrender, understand that it has become a humble slave, and learn to lower its head to show the expression it should have when trying to please its master.

But the slave it caught today seemed a little different.

Because he actually raised his middle finger towards himself, and then showed a provocative smile, even though blood was still oozing from his forehead. This discovery made the alien leader furious. He waved his whip and prepared to teach the slave a lesson, using his painful screams to calm the anger in his heart.

This distance is enough.

It's almost time.

Su Ziyu faced the alien leader approaching step by step, and the anger in his heart became more and more intense. His fingers trembled slightly, but he controlled the changes in his body very well. He felt that the adrenalin was Secretion is crazy, and the heartbeat begins to accelerate gradually. During this period, his life was worse than that of a dog. These aliens did not treat him as a human being at all. Even with the qualities of a modern civilized person, a cold murderous intention emerged in his heart.

Blood for blood, tooth for tooth.

This is the truth given to us by our ancestors.

Facing the alien leader who was so close at hand, Su Ziyu's figure suddenly pounced forward. Time seemed to stand still for a moment. Everything turned into slow motion frame by frame. He reached out and pulled out The weapon at the waist of the alien leader then stabbed directly into its head from its mandible with all its strength.

Blood splattered.

At this time, the exclamations of other aliens came from all around. The leader of the aliens in front of him had a face full of disbelief, and then his tall and burly body collapsed!


"I really don't think I have a temper!... I'll fuck you to death!... Isn't it nice to hit me with a whip?... I'm calling this a retaliation!..."

Facing the angry aliens who rushed towards them with weapons from all directions, Su Ziyu raised two middle fingers towards them, and then the whole person suddenly disappeared out of thin air, as if he had never existed at all, leaving only He found the alien body that was getting cold outside the cage.

Kill with one knife!

… … …

(End of chapter)

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