Space-time Traveler

Chapter 10: Like a dream or an illusion


"pain!… "

Su Ziyu felt bone-chilling pain all over his body. It took him a while to get up with great difficulty. Just as he tried to stand up, he fell to the ground again. He felt as if several bones in his body were broken, his internal organs were in turmoil, his mouth was full of blood, and even his words were very weak.

He was hurt very badly!

Su Ziyu's body was almost covered in blood and covered with wounds of all sizes. What was even worse was that he found that it was becoming more and more difficult for him to breathe and his consciousness had begun to become a little blurry.



Su Ziyu used his only strength to call the names of his two companions, but there was only a whine of wind in the darkness, and he did not hear any response.

"Are you abandoned?" Su Ziyu twitched the corners of his blood-covered mouth, revealing a very ugly smile.

The last bit of strength slowly disappeared.

Su Ziyu lay on his back on the cold ground, listening to the whining wind that kept coming to his ears, and murmured: "What a failure! I can only lie down and wait for death..."

Ken can give up on a whole village of people without hesitation, and naturally he can give up on him without hesitation.

Su Ziyu was not surprised by this result.

He just felt a little cold.

"They say there is great terror between life and death... Why do I feel like that..." This time, Su Ziyu did not replay the past in his mind. He just missed the earth and his hometown a little, and his consciousness gradually became a little confused. He murmured: "I really want to eat rice dumplings..."

I want to eat rice dumplings, meatballs, braised pork ribs, sweet and sour fish, boiled pork slices, mapo tofu, spicy hot pot...

Not far away is the corpse of the monster. It should be completely dead now.

Su Ziyu felt like he was about to die.

His body had gradually become numb and unconscious, but he would occasionally twitch involuntarily. In a daze, he seemed to feel his fingers touching something sharp, and then a stream of data flashed through his consciousness.

"Discovering divine power!... Ingesting!... "

“Get 1 point of divinity!…”

Su Ziyu's consciousness seemed to have recovered a little. He found that there seemed to be an extra point of divinity value on the attribute page of the data flow structure. This seemed to be the same as the source power value discovered earlier that could strengthen the display on his data page. ability, so he did not hesitate to add the only 1 point of divine value to the [Physical Enhancement] in the characteristic column.

Then he passed out.

Su Ziyu seemed to have had a dream, in which he fought the monster again, but this time he killed a monster that was exactly the same as the one on the statue. He could no longer remember the entire battle. Su Ziyu remembered that the monster could not be killed no matter what, and he seemed to have survived no matter how injured he was. In the end, the stalemate lasted for a long time, and he suddenly felt a sudden rush of heart. Go up and chop the monster into pieces and swallow it.

When he regained consciousness, it was still pitch black outside and not long had passed. However, Su Ziyu felt that his physical condition was much better. Although he still felt pain all over his body, he had the strength to stand up.

—"Physique Strengthening LV6!"

As soon as Su Ziyu's consciousness came into contact with the data flow in his mind, he discovered that the original 'Physique Enhancement LV1' in his characteristics column had been upgraded to 'Physique Enhancement LV6'.

This improvement is huge!

Completely different from the initial use of source power to strengthen the White Crow Swordsmanship, Su Ziyu's characteristic has almost soared by five levels, and his overall data has also shown some changes.

"Name: Su Ziyu."

"Race: Human [divine creature]."

"Biological Level: Level 2."

"Ability: White Crow Sword Skill LV1, Time Acceleration LV2 (Psychic Power)."

"Characteristics: Physical enhancement to LV6."

"Source power value: 0."

"Divinity value: 0."

Su Ziyu didn't quite understand the meaning of that [divine creature], but this did not prevent him from noticing that his body was recovering quickly. After resting for a few minutes, he felt that he had the ability to move, so he walked forward along the hillside for almost an hour. When the sky gradually became brighter, he finally walked up a small slope. Climbed up there.

Su Ziyu, who had survived the disaster, sat down on the ground.

He felt that his throat was burning and he was very hungry in his stomach, but fortunately there was always a force in his body to support his movements, even if he was hungry and bleeding, he did not lose his strength.

“Divinity should be a very powerful force!…”

Su Ziyu stood in the sun and watched his scab wounds gradually heal, and said with disbelief: "Unbelievable!... These wounds have actually begun to heal!... It seems that I will be able to fully recover in a day or two at most. !…”

It only takes two or three days to go from a near-death state to complete recovery.

This completely subverted Su Ziyu's past understanding.

It's just a pity that he doesn't know how to get more divinity points, and those creatures with divinity points seem to be very scary!

Killing the monster Lott turned into also involved some luck, and Ken's sneak attack at the beginning was very important, because Lott could talk at the beginning, as if he were a living person. But after Ken pierced his heart, he completely turned into a monster. Not only did he no longer speak, he even lost his human appearance when standing. His movements and attacks were almost the same as those of a beast.

Lot might have been dead at that time, and the monster might have controlled a living person at first, but then it was probably just a corpse that was controlled.

About noon.

Su Ziyu found a river, and it took him ten minutes to catch a fish. Eating raw river fish felt very strange, but at least he had filled his stomach. No trace of other people was found on the road. It was impossible for Su Ziyu to go back to the village, so he could only keep walking along the road.

There is not much sand left in the golden hourglass.

In one day at most, Su Ziyu will be forcibly transported to the next place again. He has no destination at all now, so he is not in a hurry and is trying to conserve his energy as much as possible. He still didn't dare to sleep when he was camping in the wild at night. He almost closed his eyes and fell asleep listening to the goings on around him until dawn. The next day, there were gradually more and more people on the road. Su Ziyu quickened his pace a little. Then when there was not much time left, he discovered a small town, and then he saw the figures of Lina and Ken. They should have arrived here for a while, and Su Ziyu noticed that Linna was arguing with Ken.

"SU!" Lina's expression was full of surprise when she saw him. She almost ran over, but slowly stopped as she approached him, with a complicated look of shame on her face.

Ken's expression was very shocked.

He really never thought that Su Ziyu could survive. The reason why he waited outside the town was just to comfort his sister. Su Ziyu was just a strange stranger to him. There was no way he would take the risk of going back to find him. He had given up on so many people in the village he had been with day and night, so giving up another stranger was nothing.

Su Ziyu looked at the two people in front of him with a calm expression. He suddenly smiled and said to Lina: "We are clear."

The last grain of golden sand falls.

Su Ziyu's figure suddenly disappeared, leaving only two shocked people, as if everything they just saw was just an illusion. Linna stretched out her hands in vain as if to catch something. She didn't know whether what just happened was her hallucination or whether Su Ziyu had really appeared.

She suddenly cried and burst into tears!

… … …

(End of chapter)