Space-time Traveler

Chapter 101: Sorceress Mutual Aid Society 4


"A generous reward?"

Su Ziyu raised his eyebrows upon hearing this and said, "Compared to money, I am more interested in those who can travel through time and space."

"If you could tell me about your experience during this time."

"Maybe I can think about whether I should accept this mission."

You also said that you are not a cat person.

Only people of the cat school have such strong curiosity!

Normal witchers would not be too curious about things beyond their abilities, but only witchers of the cat school like to seek death the most, always trying dangerous things that are far beyond their capabilities.

Ms. Enid couldn't help but fell into thought after hearing this.

After a moment, she raised her head and stared at Su Ziyu in front of her and said, "Okay."

She seems to care about Su Ziyu.

It seems that the situation of the Sorceress Mutual Aid Association is a little more difficult than Su Ziyu imagined. Among the people who came to the banquet today, the only one who made Su Ziyu feel a little dangerous was Ms. Enid in front of her.

Others, including Alice, are not very strong.

"Through some divination methods, we discovered that the source of the plague came from a group of people who were said to be able to travel through time and space. They occasionally appeared in physical form, and occasionally transformed into ghost hunters running wild at night."

"We are trying to find a way for them to clear up one of the most serious accusations made against us by secular and ecclesiastical forces."

"But the plan failed."

"They come and go without a trace and are difficult to detect, and we found that even if we find them, the secular and ecclesiastical forces will not listen to our excuses."

"They just want to combat the power of magic."

"They fear and hate everything about us!"

Ms. Enid's expression was a little gloomy. The power of public opinion manipulated by the enemy has made the witches the enemy of everyone. Even though they have powerful spells, they have long been at a disadvantage due to the existence of anti-magic metal. That's why the members of the Sorceress Mutual Aid Association want to escape from here and cross the sea to the Free City on the North Road.

Su Ziyu had been listening silently and suddenly asked: "What have you discovered during this time? About those ghost hunters?"

"Them?" Ms. Enid thought for a moment and said, "What do they seem to be tracking? Maybe a person? Maybe some kind of magical creature?"

"While I was following their trail, I found traces of unicorns."

"But I can't find it."


Su Ziyu frowned slightly and said, "Do you know where they come from?"

"I don't know." Ms. Enid shook her head and said, "You must have heard of [Celestial Convergence], right?"

"I've heard of it. But I'm not sure." Su Ziyu nodded.

"Hmm." Ms. Enid said softly: "The witcher really doesn't know much about this aspect."

“The conjunction of celestial bodies is a strange and supernatural phenomenon.”

"In the universe we live in, there are thousands of different worlds. But for some unknown reasons, these worlds all have some kind of spatial connection when the celestial convergence phenomenon occurs."

"This world once had spatial connections with thousands of worlds."

"That's how you humans came to be."

"In addition, many creatures came here because of this. At first, only elves survived in this world, but later humans, dwarves, halflings, vampires, werewolves, ghouls, trolls and other creatures appeared. ”

Is this the intersection of time and space

Su Ziyu felt that this mission might be more troublesome than imagined.

"Those ghost hunters may also be from one of those worlds." Ms. Enid stood up and whispered: "It's just that they seem to have mastered the ability to actively transcend time and space."

"You'd better be careful if you encounter them, they are very difficult to deal with!"

Not only will creatures from other worlds come here, but creatures here will also enter other worlds.

Some people disappear this way.

Su Ziyu couldn't help but fell into deep thought after hearing this. After a while, he raised his head and said, "Thank you for telling me all this. If there is any information about those ghost hunters, please inform me as soon as possible."

Sure enough, those who live longer know more, and Ms. Enid has much more knowledge than other sorceresses.

He continued: "I accept this commission."

"I will escort you to the Free City."

Since his current identity is that of a demon hunter, Su Ziyu plans to play this role well.

"What reward do you want?" Ms. Enid seemed to be quite happy because Su Ziyu agreed so simply. A hint of joy appeared on her delicate face, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised as she said: "Money? Magic potion?" Equipment? Or a lover?”

It seemed that she already knew some things. I don’t know if it was Van Tesin who said it or Melissa’s mouth wasn’t tight enough.

Su Ziyu's expression was a little stunned, then he smiled and shook his head and said, "Didn't you just pay me?"


"If we encounter some tough trouble on the road."

"You have to pay more!"

Su Ziyu's slightly joking tone made Ms. Enid couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle. She smiled and said: "Your Excellency Su is very interesting. Far more interesting than other witchers."

"Such a powerful and funny witcher is very popular among the sisters. And you are still so young, with endless potential."

"Even me."

"I can't help but wonder if I should find a lover like this."

Ms. Enid stopped talking and did not mention the reward again. Instead, she turned around and took out a strange clover amulet, handed it to Su Ziyu and said: "This is a lucky clover amulet." , it is said that it was once blessed by the fairy in the lake.”

"It can sense evil appearing nearby. I hope Mr. Su can accept it."

This is a woman who makes people feel like a spring breeze. Su Ziyu has to admit that she has the charm of a leader.

Su Ziyu did not refuse and reached out to take the clover amulet.

However, he did not continue the topic of lovers, because he knew very well that the sorceress in front of him just wanted to win over a powerful thug. Neither witchers nor sorceresses can give birth to offspring, and few of them can enter into marriage. Their relationship with each other is complicated, and in the end, whether lovers have more love or interests.

No one knows.

They are all aliens in the eyes of ordinary people. They may need to combine interests with each other, or they may need spiritual comfort to eliminate loneliness.

The fates of the two have been entangled in this way for many years.

Fan Tesin had a sorceress lover when he was in Dongluo, but he rarely mentioned his past, but from then on he would rather go to a brothel to have a good time than find another sorceress lover. Witchers and sorceresses have long lifespans, and Fantersin should be over eighty years old this year.

… … …

It's so harmonious now, even a short paragraph about hitting someone with the ball has been harmonized. Don't rush racing! This chapter must be talking about drag racing!

I have a toothache recently and may need to have my teeth extracted. Does anyone have four wisdom teeth like me? Uh-huh, I'm going to cry.

(End of chapter)