Space-time Traveler

Chapter 109: Druid 2 [Second update]


According to Su Ziyu's judgment, this monster should have a high probability of dropping source power.

So he planned to take over the druid's task entrustment.

From Fan Tesin's mouth, he learned that the druids in this world also mastered some spells, but they were far inferior to the sorceresses. They were more proficient in herbalism and alchemy.

Druids are more often like spiritual mentors and wise men, thinking about some philosophical issues between man and nature.

It is said that powerful druids can stop storms, cause hail, and summon lightning, but Van Tesin has never seen such a person. Most druids are masters of herbal medicine, and occasionally use some to control plants and appease animals. of spells.

In the Southern Islands, locals would seek out druids to treat injuries and mediate disputes. People there disliked warlocks, but respected druids.

Fantersin once saw a druid praying for rain in a drought-stricken area.

Around the campfire.

Just when Su Ziyu was packing up and preparing to leave, Ms. Judy's figure appeared next to her. She sat on the right side of Su Ziyu and whispered, "I'll go too."

The sorceress had already changed her clothes, wearing a dark red tights, a belt, and riding boots.

Su Ziyu's eyes couldn't help but be attracted by her proud figure for a moment, and then he said simply: "Okay. Get ready and we'll set off right away."

There is no need to worry about the safety of the campsite.

With Ms. Enid here, and there are so many sorceresses, just preparing a few spell traps is enough for the enemy to drink.

Anti-magic metal is mainly produced from a certain mountain range in the southern continent. There are not so many things to restrain them in the northern continent.

The Demonic Gold Bomb is firmly in the hands of the church.


Melissa's expression was very excited, and she rode behind Su Ziyu and Fan Tesin, with Edson and Ms. Judy beside her.

This druid knows the wilderness well.

About two hours later, they came to a dark forest.

Along the way.

Fan Tesin is explaining the characteristics of this monster to Melissa. This is an ability that Suziyu does not have. He can only teach Melissa how to fight.

"There are three kinds of thorn demon trees."

"One is brownish-red, which is the best to deal with."

"The other two are dark green and dark purple. Where the former is, there may have been massacres, while where the latter is, there must have been blood sacrifices."

"They're afraid of fire."

"Most plant-based monsters can be solved with fire." Fan Tesin said in detail along the way, because the demon hunter is an expert in dealing with monsters.

There is a strange smell of decay in the forest.

There are no animals in sight.

I wonder if they were all eaten by the Demonic Thorn Tree.

This kind of monster is a cursed creature. They look like a huge piranha flower. Although it is a plant, it can move and burrow into the ground. There are many sharp teeth inside the petals and can spit out Venom and acid.

They are easy to deal with for experienced demon hunters, but they are not so friendly to novices.

"Right in front." Fan Tesin suddenly stopped and said.


He and Su Ziyu looked at each other, and at the same time took a few steps back, letting Melissa and Ms. Judy next to them walk in the front.

Melissa looked a little nervous.

At this time, Fan Tesin's voice sounded: "Listen carefully and use the sense of the demon hunter. The smell of the monster is easy to identify."

Su Ziyu noticed something strange, but did not make a sound to remind him. He just pressed his hand on the hilt of the meteorite's sword.

Both men were a little nervous.

Perhaps a little more nervous than Melissa who was walking in front, because they both had their hands on the hilts of their swords.


A huge mouth suddenly appeared in the darkness. The deep purple mandible-like leaves were covered with sharp teeth and bit directly into Melissa's white neck.

"Careful!" Judy exclaimed.

A cold light flashed.

Melissa swung her sword instantly. The flowers and leaves of the Thorn Demon Tree were very tough, and dark red blood would flow out after being scratched by the silver sword. Blood dripped onto the ground, making a slight sizzling sound, and seemed to be highly corrosive.

"Contamination found."

"Release mission: clear the thorn demon tree."

"Task reward: authority level increased!"

A ball of flame appeared in Ms. Judy's palm, and then a tongue of fire fell on the thorn demon tree. It shivered violently and retracted into the darkness.

The sorceress looked very nervous.

She probably had never experienced any battle before, and her good background allowed her to avoid most dangers.

"I found you!" Melissa raised her hand to cast her seal and threw out a bottle of alchemical fire oil.


The flames rising in the explosion were more powerful than Judy's spell. In the light of the fire, a monster tangled together like vines appeared in front of him. Its body was a bit like an old tree with dead vines, about five or six meters high. It looks dark purple on the surface, with some tangled vines, and the top looks like an open piranha flower, covered with many sharp teeth.

It moves, but not very quickly.

Under the burning flames, the body of the Thorn Demon Tree suddenly squirmed, and then a stream of dark purple liquid was sprayed out from its mouthparts.


Melissa's reaction was very fast. She instantly rolled to avoid the venom spewed out by the monster, and then jumped up to the treetop like a cat. She was very fast and had excellent balance. She rushed quickly on the treetop and swung violently. The sword stabbed down.

Ms. Judy is chanting a spell.

She also discovered that the initial attack was very ineffective, and was now preparing a more powerful spell.


Melissa threw out another bottle of alchemical fire oil.

The blazing fire devoured the thorn demon tree, and the fire oil stained its body and kept burning. The monster twisted its body crazily and gradually weakened.

At this time, a fireball flew over.

In the violent explosion, the body of the Thorn Demon Tree was directly blown to pieces.

"mission completed!"

"Permission level increased!"

"Get 2 points of source power!"

Su Ziyu walked over and touched the monster's body. Next to him were Melissa, who looked a little excited, and Ms. Judy, whose chest was heaving with excitement.

They killed the monster.

Both women were very excited, especially Melissa's look of begging for praise and compliments which was even more hilarious.



At this time, Fan Tesin came over. He frowned and looked at the monster corpse that had been blown to pieces, and said slowly: "Congratulations on completing this commission."

"But it seems that the alchemy materials on this monster can't be used anymore."

"Coupled with the two bottles of alchemical fire oil and the bottle of cursed sword oil that you just used, you have lost at least six gold galleons on this mission!"

Melissa, who was still very happy, suddenly froze on the spot.

Then her expression looked like this.


Very good and realistic.

Fantersin taught Melissa a very vivid lesson, that is, a witcher cannot lose money when working.

… … …

(End of chapter)