Space-time Traveler

Chapter 11: Wasteland Age 1


Su Ziyu felt as if he was floating in the void.

He seemed to have seen an extremely splendid space-time galaxy, in which countless sands emitting a faint light were slowly flowing. He was like an inconspicuous speck of dust. After floating for an unknown length of time, he was suddenly caught by one of them. The place attracts and then becomes involved.

Su Ziyu slowly opened his eyes.

He looked up at the sky, suddenly trembled, and murmured: "I'm back?"


He saw a moon.

But then Su Ziyu couldn't help but frown, because he saw the ruins around him. This place should have been a city in the past, but it had been abandoned for who knows how long. There are mottled and broken walls everywhere, and there seems to be some dust in the air, making people feel uncomfortable breathing.

Some kind of intuition makes Su Ziyu dislike this place, as if staying here is dangerous and uncomfortable.

Must leave as soon as possible.

He didn't know why, but his intuition told him so.

It should be morning now.

Su Ziyu tried to find a way out. Fortunately, his skills were much better now than before. He could easily climb over a four- to five-meter-high wall with just one run, and his physical fitness was also much stronger than before. This should be the earth, but it doesn't seem to be in China, because he saw some English letters. In the ruins, he found a rusty metal iron frame with a row of dates '2051.10.23' printed on it, and at the bottom there were There is a row of English letters 'Made-in-China'.

Su Ziyu suddenly fell silent.

He stayed there for a while, then continued to look for a way out.

He did return to Earth, but it didn't seem to be the era he was in, and he wasn't even sure if it was the original world. Because he knew the concept of parallel universes, he felt that he was completely lost in the long river of time and space. If this was a dream, he really hoped he could wake up soon.

"Food, water, safe spot."

The human body is really fragile.

Even though he had been strengthened, Su Ziyu gradually felt thirsty and hungry. Fortunately, the city was not very large, and he could vaguely see the forest in the distance. So far, he has not seen any living things. There is deathly silence all around, except for the occasional whine of the wind.

He was a little hungry, but felt a little thirstier.

Su Ziyu's physical condition seemed to be not as good as it was at the beginning. He must leave this place as soon as possible.

The edge of the city is getting closer.

Just as Su Ziyu kept accelerating his pace, he suddenly heard a burst of gunshots coming from the south. The sound was so harsh that there was absolutely no way he could hear it wrong. Su Ziyu just hesitated for a moment before rushing in that direction, and then he saw a group of people being attacked. They were shooting wildly at a group of things that looked like zombies. Su Ziyu was not sure whether those things were zombies, because they moved very fast and were very strong. Even if their withered flesh and blood were hit by firearms, it would not be a big problem. The casualties of the team were rapidly increasing.

They're finished.

The team's defenses were broken, and as the first man began to flee, the others followed suit.

Su Ziyu noticed that these people were wearing strange costumes, which covered their whole bodies, making it difficult to see their faces and even distinguish between men and women. This strange costume made him think of protective clothing. Some people were knocked down and drowned by those humanoid monsters, and some people fled in the direction of Su Ziyu. However, people were constantly being attacked and knocked down along the way. Once they fell, there was almost no possibility of survival. sex.

A person gradually approached here.

He even saw Su Ziyu standing on the broken wall dressed as a savage and holding a short blade in his hand. This extremely impactful scene made him stunned for a moment, and he even thought that he was hallucinating. It's all messed up. At this moment, a monster that looked like a zombie rushed over. He raised his gun and wanted to shoot, but found that the magazine had long been exhausted. Then a black shadow rushed over, and the face with dried flesh and blood was extremely terrifying. , the wide open mouth made him close his eyes involuntarily. The expected severe pain did not seem to come. The monster trembled in mid-air, and then hit him directly. Then the back of his head hit the ground hard, and his consciousness suddenly blurred.


Before the monster pounced, Su Ziyu suddenly threw the black short blade in his hand. This was a subconscious move. He didn't even think about whether he could hit it, but the black short blade accurately hit the monster's head. , just like cutting into tofu, almost completely submerged.

This short blade is sharp.


"Are you still alive?"

There was blood on the back of the head of the man in strange clothes, as if he had hit the gravel on the ground. There was some movement in the distance. Su Ziyu squatted down, first picked up the gun, and then pulled it out from the monster's head. He picked up the black short blade, then thought for a moment, bent down and picked up the man on the ground, and then quickly evacuated outside.

This seems to be a woman.

Her body had curves and undulations, and a few long hairs were scattered from the damaged clothes. Su Ziyu carried her and quickly evacuated the battlefield, and the gunshots there gradually stopped being heard. But just as Su Ziyu was carrying her and running out, suddenly a cold electronic sound came from the woman's wrist:

"Warning! Warning!"

"The current radiation pollution index has exceeded 20%!... Please stay away from radiation sources as soon as possible!... "

Su Ziyu's footsteps paused.

He frowned and put his hand into the woman's clothes to fumble around, then took out something that looked like a watch and put it on his hand.

"Warning! Warning!"

"The current radiation pollution index has exceeded 35%!... Please inject anti-radiation drugs as soon as possible!... "

He finally knew why he felt something was wrong from the beginning!


There is radiation pollution in this damn place!

Has there ever been a very serious nuclear leak in this city? No wonder these people are wearing what looks like protective clothing!

Su Ziyu carried her all the way out of this abandoned city. Now he had many questions in his mind, and these all needed to be answered by the woman on his shoulders. But the most important thing at the moment is to find a medicine to eliminate radiation, because he already feels uncomfortable. The radiation pollution index displayed on the strange mechanical watch has gradually approached 40%, but fortunately he is far away from the radiation behind the ruins of the city. The rising rate of pollution index finally slowed down and then stopped. It seems that the most serious nuclear radiation contamination is in the ruins of the city, and other places are relatively safe.

Probably an hour or two later.

The woman who was rescued by Su Ziyu finally woke up. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a black gun muzzle pointed at her. This made her startled, and then the scene before coma emerged. In her mind, she looked at the alert man in front of her and said in English: "Did you save me? Thank you!"


Can communicate.

Su Ziyu lowered his gun a little and said in a slightly unfamiliar tone: "Which anti-radiation agent is that?"

He had already stripped off the woman's protective clothing. Su Ziyu found some injections on her body, but he didn't know which one was the anti-radiation agent.

"Those with green labels." The woman in front of me quickly replied.

Then, in her somewhat surprised eyes, Su Ziyu took out an injection with a green label and pricked it on her arm. After seeing that the radiation pollution index of the mechanical watch on her hand was continuously declining, , he then took out an injection and pricked himself.

There is a cool feeling in the body.

Su Ziyu's physical condition was continuously recovering. He took a mechanical watch and put it on his hand. He soon discovered that the radiation pollution index had gradually dropped to 0.

This is a very vigilant man.

Pasha quickly understood the behavior of the man in front of her. She looked up and down Su Ziyu with a little curiosity and asked, "Are you a wilderness hunter?"

"Yeah." Su Ziyu answered perfunctorily.

He stared at the woman in front of him for a while, and then asked: "Is there anything to eat?"

"No." Pasha shook her head and seemed to feel a little hungry. Her stomach growled: "All the logistics supplies are lost."

"Me neither." Su Ziyu said helplessly.

There was nothing to eat.


Su Ziyu had just consumed a lot of energy, and now he was in urgent need of some protein supplements. Fortunately, this is Earth, and outside the ruins of the city is a wilderness forest. He may be able to find some food. Nearby, you can see traces of some roads that have been abandoned for a long time. Civilization has been gone for who knows how long, and now only a few weathered remains are left.

The woman next to him kept looking at him because she felt that Su Ziyu was a little out of tune with everything around him!

"What's your name?" Su Ziyu asked.

"Pasha." The woman looked at him and asked, "What about you?"

"Su Ziyu." He thought for a moment and said, "You can call me Su."

"We need to find something to eat."

"And clean water."

Food and water came first because he was hungry and needed to replenish his energy.

… … …

(End of chapter)