Space-time Traveler

Chapter 111: Free City 2 [Fourth update]


The land in the northern continent is relatively barren.

I didn't see any decent towns along the way, just some backward villages.

Many of the humans who first came here were mercenaries, criminals and adventurers, which resulted in the folk customs here being quite tough. Coupled with the prevalence of smuggling trade, the people here are closely related to gray forces. twilight relationship.

There is still a slavery system in the Northern Continent, and the slaves come from the human kingdoms in the Southern Continent.

They were imprisoned in farms and mines to work hard, and were occasionally sold to some inhuman creatures at high prices.

Since humans colonized the world and took a dominant position, they successively defeated the elves and dwarves to expand their territory, then expelled other aliens, and finally began to establish their own kingdoms and kill each other. There are no elves, dwarves, or gnomes in the southern countries anymore, and halflings are even rarer in number. Now the targets of persecution are slowly turning to the sorceresses and demon hunters within the human race.

It is said that the oldest classics record that humans came here to colonize because their own world was destroyed.

The city of freedom.

When Su Ziyu came to this legendary city, his expression was quite surprised.

Because he saw a rather grand and majestic big city. The city walls here were more majestic than Lunde. From a distance, he could see many large buildings with spiers. The style was quite elegant and gorgeous, with many pointed arches, ribs and so on. Vaults and flying buttresses.

To be honest, he almost thought he had arrived in a Renaissance city at first.

This city is completely different from the style of the entire northern continent!

Maybe he wouldn't be too surprised if he saw such a building in a royal capital of the southern countries, but Su Ziyu was quite shocked to see such a prosperous city in the desolate and barren northern continent.

"This city was originally built by the elves who retreated north." Ms. Enid's voice sounded in my ears.

There was a hint of sadness in her expression.

Unable to resist human expansion, the world's native races of elves, dwarves and gnomes were forced to evacuate. The elves initially fought against humans, but they were defeated and lost a lot of fresh blood. No race in this world can resist the expansion of humans, because the hateful elves would rather destroy their cities when they evacuate than leave them to the expanding humans.

The weak eat the strong, and the fittest survive.

The original indigenous people in the northern continent were not all slaughtered yet.

"This place is a little different from what I thought." Su Ziyu smiled.

The group of people gradually approached the city gate.

Just as he reached the city gate, Su Ziyu felt the clover amulet on his chest move slightly, and his eyes couldn't help but fall on a man dressed as a guard.

This man is not a vampire.

He didn't have the cold scent of a vampire, and Su Ziyu didn't know what he was, but the clover amulet clearly detected something.

"Don't act rashly." Fantasia whispered.

He probably knew a lot about the City of Freedom, so he lowered his voice and said in Su Ziyu's ear: "We are not welcome here."

The city does not exclude outsiders.

But it didn't look very safe here. Prosperity and decadence coexisted here. Su Ziyu saw many tough-looking mercenaries and adventurers, and someone was escorting a group of shackled humans. They might be criminals, Bankrupts and deserters, but now they were just a bunch of slaves waiting to be sold.

Su Ziyu saw elves, dwarves and gnomes here.

Unlike the elves he imagined, the elves living here seem to be similar to humans except for their handsome appearance. They are shrewd businessmen who bargain with merchants, without the legendary elegance at all. There are even elves buying them. Some human slave.

Dwarves are not as honest and honest as expected, but they do care about their beards, and their tempers seem quite bad.

The most surprising thing is the dwarf.

Because Su Ziyu saw a steam hammer in a blacksmith shop run by a dwarf, and the weapons and equipment forged here seemed to be very popular.

This place is different from the southern countries. There are people who openly open alchemy shops on the streets, and there are many strange things in them. If this kind of shop was in the southern countries, it would probably be demolished by the knights of the church that day. In the past two or three years, even humans who study alchemy have been caught and tried by the church.


The church actually possesses a large amount of alchemy, otherwise the alchemical fire oil they developed would not be more powerful than the demon hunters. They occasionally arrest witchers, but as far as Van Tesin knows, many fanatic believers within the church have taken potions similar to the witcher trials.

"Let's go in," Ms. Enid said softly.

Su Ziyu didn't expect that Ms. Enid actually had a chamber of commerce here, which seemed to be run by elves.

The land and houses in the nearby circle are owned by the Chamber of Commerce.

Those elves treated Ms. Enid with great respect and called her 'Sage' in a special language. If Su Ziyu hadn't mastered the translation ability of proficient languages, I'm afraid he wouldn't have known the meaning of that title.

After arriving here safely, the sorceresses were obviously much more relaxed.

Here Su Ziyu saw halflings for the first time. They were only about one meter tall, had a pair of big furry feet, had a lively personality, and were rumored to have excellent cooking skills. These halflings seem to be elven merchants attached to this place, and their attitude towards everyone is very humble.

"This place is really unsafe." Fan Tesin sat opposite Su Ziyu.

The two had just started a game of Gwent.

On the way to the Chamber of Commerce, the clover amulet on his chest vibrated at least three times. However, because there were too many people on the road, nothing unusual was found. The vampires here could not be seen from their appearance, and they were not afraid of the sun. High-level vampires would even sunbathe.

There are a lot of aliens hidden in this city.

"There are a lot of vampires here."

Fan Tesin's expression was very serious when he was playing cards, and he said slowly: "Gryphon."

"I know there is a brothel here run by a vampire succubus. Do you want to take you there to see it tonight?"

Is your recipe too extensive

"Dwarf defender." Su Ziyu frowned and said, "Vampire banshee? Have you tried it?"

"Yeah. What if that's not the case?" Fan Tesin said with a bad smile, "They are quite special."

This guy is definitely fooling me.

So, Su Ziyu decided to play cards seriously and no longer listen to his nonsense.

… … …

(End of chapter)