Space-time Traveler

Chapter 122: Hunting 3[3000 subscriptions will add more updates]


The sound of dripping water came.

As if they smelled the smell here, three humanoid creatures with dark cyan skin crawled out of the smelly garbage ditch.

Water ghost.

This kind of monster Su Ziyu has been dealt with before, and it is a relatively easy monster to deal with.

Su Ziyu took one look and said to Melissa: "You rest. Let them solve it."

The most important thing these sorceresses need to overcome now is the fear of fighting and killing. As long as they kill monsters a few more times, they will gradually adapt.

at this time.

Only then did Su Ziyu have time to carefully observe the three wealthy sisters around him.

In the world of witchers, a warlock's power comes from his own talent, and only those with qualifications can learn to master spellcasting abilities through exercise. Their root power is 'earth, water, wind and fire'. Some extremely talented people master the energy of chaos, which is the power of elements, when they are just born. They believe that everything is originally born from the elements of earth, water, wind and fire. .

These people are called Source Warlocks.

However, the number of source warlocks is quite rare, and they are all famous figures in history.

Warlocks can extract magical energy from four elements - air, water, earth and fire, which can be used for long-distance teleportation, treatment or killing, etc. They can greatly delay their own aging by fusing the energy of these elements, and even use this to Change your appearance and maintain a youthful and beautiful appearance.

This is a bit like the cultivation of immortals in Eastern culture, except that the elemental power of earth, water, wind and fire is replaced by the spiritual energy of the five elements.

When Su Ziyu first learned this from Ms. Enid, he was quite surprised.

Generally, warlocks have an elemental field that they dominate. Judy uses fire, Nicole uses water, and Mira uses earth. The three of them all use different specialization abilities. Spells are just a way to release magic energy. , they can also directly use elemental energy to damage the enemy without using spells, but the power of this is not very good.

The magic system in this world is not perfect, and Su Ziyu feels that there is a gap in their inheritance.

The battle ended quickly.

Ms. Judy used flames to burn the water ghost into a ball of charcoal, and Ms. Nicole used ice to freeze the water ghost into an ice lump. Mira was even more relaxed. She created a piece of quicksand on the ground.

Su Ziyu killed the water ghost trapped in the quicksand with a sword and said in a deep voice: "Let's go."

Warlock's starting point is indeed very high.

They can become effective quickly with just a little more training.

As the group of people gradually went deeper into the sewer, the faint smell of rotting corpses became stronger.

Su Ziyu's guess was correct, ordinary monsters were indeed unable to provide source power, and he had to find more dangerous enemies. On the way, they encountered some large mutant rats. Su Ziyu didn't make a move the whole time, not because he wanted to paddle, but because these simple enemies were just for the sorceresses to practice with.

"Huh?" Ms. Elena, who was holding the map, suddenly said: "This passage seems not to be on the map."

Su Ziyu went over and took a look.

He discovered that the wide passage on the right was indeed not on the map. From the signs, it seemed that it was dug out later, and he didn't know where it was connected.

"Let's go in and take a look." Su Ziyu said.

After entering this passage, the group of people suddenly felt a cold air, a faint smell of blood in the wind, and a faint and strange sound.

Su Ziyu seemed to hear the sound of bats.


The distance is a little far.

The environment here is quite dark, there are some dark brown marks on the ground, and something seems to have scratched the wall with its claws. After Su Ziyu took a look, he said in a deep voice: "Get ready to fight! Pay attention to your surroundings!"

"There are vampire beasts here!"

It is said that some vampires secretly raised some vampire beasts, and they released them in the sewers.

Su Ziyu didn't expect this rumor to be true.

Da da da.

In the darkness, some high-speed moving sounds came from the sewers extending in all directions. Shortly after Su Ziyu's words fell, seven or eight ferocious and deformed figures swooped out. They are very fast. They are not monsters at the same level as the water ghosts we met earlier. Under the bright light, you can see a big deformed head, a bloody mouth full of sharp teeth, flat and disgusting The face looks a bit like a bat, and the body is bald with some acne.

"Careful! It's the Bat Demon!" Melissa shouted.

The real battle will not give you much time to prepare. These bat demons quickly climbed up the top of the sewer and launched an attack directly from the heads of the sorceresses.

A bat demon pounced on Su Ziyu.

This kind of monster is very fast. Although it is not as fast as a high-level vampire, it is not comparable to ordinary humans. Its dark blue claws looked very sharp, and its bloody mouth bit directly into Su Ziyu's neck. .


Su Ziyu instantly pulled out the meteor from his waist and cut off one of the arms of the bat demon in front of him, then swung his sword and stabbed through the bat demon's blood gate, and the dark red sword blade came out from the back of its head.

"Live with 1 point of source power."

This monster's vitality is quite tenacious. The fish even pierced its head, but its body is still alive. It can still struggle and twitch a little, but it has lost its mobility.

"Vampires are really hard to kill!"

Su Ziyu cut off the bat demon's head with a final blow. When he turned his head to look at the others, he immediately frowned slightly.

Once the real encounter breaks out, the sorceresses' shortcomings are exposed.

It was difficult for them to target the fast-moving monsters in the dark. This was a sign of lack of experience. Daisy and Alice performed best. If it were not for the protection of the mana shield, the others would have been injured at this moment.

"It seems we can't count on them to deal with high-level vampires." Su Ziyu shook his head secretly.

His figure flew up, and while supporting Ms. Nicole, he threw his black short blade in the air and nailed it on the back of a bat demon who was attacking Ms. Judy. These monsters have amazing recovery abilities, and wounds burned by flames on the surface can heal quickly.

Although the sorceresses were a little panicked, they were a team after all. After a wave of spell bombing, they still solved the three bat demons.

"Pay attention to how they move."

"They can't run, they can only climb and jump." Su Ziyu stopped Sorceress Nicole's slender waist with one hand, led her in a circle in the air, and then swung the sword with his right hand to disembowel a bat demon.

A flame fell.

The bat demon was quickly burned to the point of twitching crazily, and soon turned into a ball of charcoal.

Su Ziyu showed an appreciative smile to Ms. Judy next to her, which immediately made the sorceress feel more energetic.

They are very fast, have strong recovery capabilities, are stronger than adults, and like to move in groups.

No wonder witchers don't like to deal with vampires, because even low-level vampire beasts are quite difficult to deal with.

… … …

(End of chapter)