Space-time Traveler

Chapter 126: Raven in the shadows! [1500 monthly ticket plus more updates


Lund. Hearthfire Tavern.

This pub is located on the southeast side of the old city. Although the decoration is relatively shabby, there are many people coming to drink.

Two men dressed as witch hunters were sitting in the corner, discussing a business deal in a low voice. There was a circle around them, and almost no ordinary people dared to sit next to them.

The business the two witch hunters were discussing was about an out-of-town businessman with some modest assets.

This businessman has a beautiful daughter, and they are planning to give her the identity of a witch. As long as they can get some evidence to prove that she may be a 'witch', the two of them can make a fortune.

Normally, if ordinary people encounter this kind of thing, as long as they are smart enough, they will know that they should solve it with money.

Even if there is an old stubborn who is unwilling to take out the money, they can still arrest the girl and lock her up for a few days. As for what will happen in the dark dungeon in these few days, no one will know.

In most cases, those who were blackmailed by witch hunters found ways to settle the matter with money.

The secular world and the church have given witch hunters the power to arrest, but this power is not strictly restricted. Many people join the ranks of witch hunters because it is profitable. Whether they are witches or not is entirely a matter of their words, and it is a slight frame-up. A little evidence can lock people up, and even if they are rescued, they will still be tortured. Many girls commit suicide in this way.

In recent years, many beautiful girls have fled to the Southern Islands, because that is the area of worship of the goddess Freya. The church that serves her is different from the Eternal Fire. They will protect women and children.

This goddess is the oldest belief in the world.

The religious symbols are virgins, pregnant women and old women. Her priests master certain spells, but are more proficient in herbalism. They have a good relationship with druids and will protect women who are being persecuted. Her priesthood is relatively broad, covering the earth. , love, fertility, etc., there are some, but it is mainly aimed at the female field. Many midwives learned their knowledge from her priests.

The church of this goddess has a tense relationship with the Eternal Fire, and often protects girls who are persecuted by witch hunters.

About ten minutes later.

The two witch hunters had already quietly discussed a plan to frame him tomorrow. They walked out, slightly drunk, arm in arm, and turned directly into a small alley.

"Would you like to have some fun tonight? A group of northern girls are coming to the port." A witch hunter unbuttoned his belt and said with a mouth full of wine: "I heard they are very enthusiastic!"

"Really? Then you can go and see it." Another witch hunter chuckled.

Open defecation was very common in this era, especially in the old cities where the poor lived.

Tap tap tap.

At this time, a man wearing a gray and black cloak also walked out of the tavern. As he walked, he put his hands on his waistband, as if he was also planning to pee nearby.

"Get away, you bumpkin!" the witch hunter next to him cursed unceremoniously.

A cold light flashed across.

At the moment when the two witch hunters realized something was wrong, the man suddenly swung the dagger from his waist, with a clean blow, blood spurted out, and the throats of the two witch hunters in front of them were cut at the same time.

Bang bang.

One of Fantersin's faces was exposed to the moonlight. He swung a dagger and stabbed the witch hunter in the kidneys, holding their heads until their bodies gradually stopped twitching.

"Ahem! Bah!"

A mouthful of phlegm fell on the corpse of the witch hunter.

Van Tesin thought for a while, kicked the two corpses with his feet in disgust, then turned them over and reached out to fumble around.

He took out two money bags.

"I don't see that you are quite rich." Fan Tesin reached out and weighed his money bag, then turned and left the alley.

Under cover of night.

Fantersin left the city alone, riding a horse in the direction of Cologne.

Before leaving, he released a black crow.

Vicardo. Bear Valley Town.

This is a not-rich town, with a population of probably only a little over a thousand, because there are many ferocious beasts nearby, and not many businessmen usually pass by.

In front of the town is a small blacksmith shop.

Its boss is an unusually strong and tall man, as strong as a brown bear. He has gray-white hair and a bad temper. He doesn't like to deal with people. He just sits at the door every day and smokes in a daze. Occasionally he picks up a heavy subway hammer and hits it. A few kitchen knives came out.

This man named Lev has been living here for nearly five years.

He doesn't like to get along with others, so no one will come to disturb him, and no one will cause trouble. You must know that when he first came here, he killed a black bear with his bare hands.

In the past, there would be widowed women in the village who took a fancy to him and wondered if the two of them could live together.

But this old guy refused irritably every time, and in the end no one mentioned it again. He looks to be in his forties, has no children, and lives alone in a blacksmith shop. He seems a bit out of tune with the entire town. In the eyes of others, he is a weirdo.


Today, this old man is still sitting at the door of the blacksmith shop smoking his own tobacco. He has some friendship with some dwarves and often gets a little tobacco from the hands of the dwarves.

Occasionally people would pass by, but no one would disturb him.

Because this is a very strange person. Sometimes he can stay alone for a whole day in a daze.

It's getting dark.

Just when Lev was about to pack up his things and close the door, suddenly a cold light pierced his chest. In this moment of life and death, the old man avoided it with agility that he shouldn't have, and then instantly swung a heavy hammer and hit it. passed.


A thin figure in the darkness rolled back and opened a little distance. When the other party rushed forward like an angry brown bear, he coughed and said in a hoarse voice: "Long time no see, old guy."

"I thought you couldn't carry the weapon anymore."

Lev stopped, picked up a heavy hammer and knocked on the iron felt, and said in a deep voice: "Why do you, a poisonous snake, come to my place?"

Under the dim firelight.

A ferocious face with scars appeared in front of him. He couldn't tell his age. He was wearing an eye patch and seemed to have lost one eye. His body was very thin and his chest seemed to have been seriously injured. A little out of breath and occasionally coughing, he showed an ugly and ferocious smile and said in a hoarse voice: "That old crow has taken action!"

A sealed letter was thrown over.

Lev caught it casually and glanced at it under the firelight. His breathing suddenly became faster. Then he turned to look at the ferocious man in front of him and said in a deep voice: "What? You poisonous snakes can't bear it anymore?"

"Jie Jie." The emaciated man seemed to have been severely tortured before. His vocal cords must have been injured. His laughter was harsh and he said hoarsely, "Have you forgotten the blood shed by the Bear School back then?"


"You have completely lost your fighting spirit like those cowards."

"Are you going to pretend to be an ordinary blacksmith here until you die of old age?"


Lev slammed the iron felt, rushed forward with agility that did not match his size, and picked up the man in front of him with one hand. He roared with restraint and said slowly: "Say it again! "

The ferocious-looking man in front of him raised his hands and said with a charming smile: "Calm down."

"So many years."

"You're still so grumpy!"


Lev threw the man down casually, picked up a bottle of wine, took a sip and said, "You are sending yourself to death!"

"What? Are you afraid of death?" The man's face looked like a ghost in the firelight. He smiled strangely and said, "Leif, who once killed the griffin beast with his bare hands, will one day be afraid of death?"


Lev picked up the hammer and knocked it hard, and said in a deep voice: "Old Viper. Are you looking for death?"

Jie Jie.

The ferocious-looking man smiled miserably, glanced at Lev in front of him, then turned and left. A hoarse voice came from afar: "I've already brought the words."

"We respect your choice."

"The bear may have lost his fighting spirit, but the viper will never forget his hatred!"

… … …

(The subscription ratio is a bit low. It seems that there are many people watching pirated copies. I don’t know what to say, so just work hard to code. Please support me with a monthly ticket. The inflammation is gone. I will find time to pull out my wisdom teeth in the next two days. 嘤嘤嘤.)

(End of chapter)