Space-time Traveler

Chapter 128: Rescue 1


Su Ziyu was indeed stunned for a moment when he received the news.

He had long thought that Van Tesin would cause trouble, but he didn't expect that he would make such a big deal all of a sudden!

Ms. Enid obviously still had manpower arranged in the southern countries, and it was already the afternoon of the next day when the news was sent. The sorceresses have some special means of communication that can send messages directly across thousands of miles.

The information sent back by those people was not very detailed.

Su Ziyu only knew that Fan Texin led more than a dozen demon hunters to sneak attack on the Knights of the Flaming Rose. They assassinated many senior church officials and also killed the deputy leader of the Knights of the Flaming Rose. It is said that a The archbishop was also seriously injured by them, but the specific information is not very clear.

The only thing that is certain is that they burned down the station of the Knights of the Flaming Rose and at the same time blew up their 'Holy Fire' with alchemy tools.

The Sacred Fire is the iconic building of the Eternal Fire Cult.

They will ignite a long-lasting flame within the church's sphere of influence. This flame is said to have magical power and can drive away evil and darkness. Church believers pray to this flame every time they gather.

Inside the Chamber of Commerce.

Su Ziyu, Ms. Enid, Ms. Elena, Ms. Judy and others were all gathered in the hall at this moment.

Next to Su Ziyu was Melissa, who looked worried and hesitated to speak. She seemed to be very worried about Van Tesin's safety, but she knew that this was not the time for her, a newly promoted demon hunter, to speak.

There was a brief silence.

Su Ziyu looked at the others and said slowly: "What do you think?"

Judging from the intelligence transmitted, the situation of Van Tesin and his party at this time is quite dangerous. The Eternal Fire is currently the most powerful sect in the southern countries. This attack made the entire church extremely angry. Many witch hunters and church members are searching for their traces.

When they evacuated, they even left behind a few corpses of witchers, which were being nailed to the church square.

Secular and ecclesiastical powers are after them.

The expressions of the sorceresses present were a little hesitant, and some were even more worried about whether they would be retaliated by the Church of Eternal Fire if they got involved in the dispute.

"What do you plan to do, Mr. Su?" Ms. Enid stood up and said slowly.

The lady seemed to have anticipated the situation at this time, but kicked the ball back to Su Ziyu, wanting him to make the decision.

Su Ziyu said without hesitation: "We have to find a way to save them."

Although the demon hunters have great strength and inhuman physical fitness, they are only as strong as ten enemies. Although a demon hunter is not afraid of the enemy in a one-on-one situation, a single demon hunter may die when faced with a small group of elite soldiers. During the Great Purge that year, many demon hunters were killed in this way, and even an army of only three to four thousand people could easily capture the base camp of a demon hunter school.

Since the probability of passing the demon hunter's trial potion is not high, each school only had more than a hundred people even at its peak.

Let’s not talk about his personal relationship with Van Tesin.

If Su Ziyu wants to restore the heritage of the demon hunters, he must save these people.

Because the total number of surviving demon hunters in this world is probably only a few dozen, including those who disguise themselves as ordinary people and live in seclusion.

The words fell.

The hall suddenly fell silent, and many people looked hesitant, as if they were not willing to take this risk.

Su Ziyu felt a little want to laugh.

No wonder Fantasia said that these sorceresses are roses with thorns, and some are poisonous flowers. At this time, it can be seen that what they care about most is actually themselves.

"I support Sir Su's decision." At this time, Ms. Judy took a step forward, looked at the others and said, "Fantasy has helped us. We also need his power."

As soon as Judy stood up, Nicole and Mira also stood up behind her.

Su Ziyu looked at Ms. Judy with an expressionless expression, nodded slightly, and focused his attention on Ms. Enid in front of him.

Melissa looked at the three rich sisters with gratitude, and she didn't seem to expect that they would stand up to support Su Ziyu's decision at this time.

Su Ziyu is waiting for Ms. Enid's decision, her decision is the most critical.

Ms. Enid's expression was calm. She was observing the others. After thinking for a moment, she said: "I agree too."

As soon as she opened her mouth, she basically said yes.

Although some people in the Sorceress Mutual Aid Association were reluctant, they had to agree to the rescue at this time.

"I can open a portal here and go directly to Cologne." Ms. Enid said softly: "But we don't know where Fantersin and the others are. The Knights of the Flaming Rose are chasing them crazily."

Su Ziyu thought for a moment and said, "That's enough."

He no longer planned to hide his strength in this operation, and it was time to take out the anti-material sniper rifle and use it. Coupled with Su Ziyu's newly strengthened spiritual power, as long as he didn't encounter an army, he could kill hundreds of enemies by himself.

"I have a batch of alchemy potions on hand." Ms. Elena whispered at this time: "You should bring it with you, it should come in handy."

This lady has a very weak voice in the Sorceress Mutual Aid Association, and most of the time she plays the role of a bystander.

That was how it was settled.

Ms. Enid led people to prepare the teleportation circle, while Su Ziyu discussed with others the candidates for this operation.

at the same time.

In a deep mountain forest in Cologne, Van Tesin was leading seven or eight people forward with faltering steps. The leader was a middle-aged man wearing a wolf head badge, and behind him was Lev who looked tired. Lev was carrying a thin, hideous-looking man on his back.

"Old Viper? Can you still hold on?" Fan Tesin was supported by a man with a hooked nose. There was already a lot of blood on his chest.

The ferocious man carried by Lev raised his head and showed a stiff smile, gasping: "Old crow! You are not dead yet, how could I die!"

Most of these demon hunters wear different emblems on their bodies.

Lev has a bear head badge on his chest, the leading strong man wears a wolf head badge, the ferocious man wears a viper badge, and the hook-nosed man supporting Van Teshin has a griffon badge on his chest.

The three men in charge of the rear are the flying lion monster, the pterodactyl and the raven.

"Has everyone else been sent away?" Van Tesin gasped.

The wolf-headed man at the head said solemnly: "We should have boarded the boat and left yesterday. Don't worry. The church people can't catch up with them."

"That's good." Fan Tesin took a breath and said with difficulty.

There were some sounds in the distance.

The strong man with a wolf head climbed up to the treetop to take a look, and said solemnly: "Those hunting dogs are catching up soon."

"Find a place. Give them some color." The old viper took out a bottle of ice-blue alchemy potion from his pocket, threw it over and said, "Be careful. This is the last bottle."

… … …

Chapter 42 is blocked. The application for unblocking is being modified.

There are two updates today, and there will be another chapter in the afternoon. Will update again tomorrow.

that is all.

(End of chapter)