Space-time Traveler

Chapter 13: Wasteland Age 3


Pasha seemed to think of him as someone inside the shelter.

Before the Great Disaster, tens of thousands of shelters were built around the world. These shelters were opened for varying lengths of time. The earliest ones were opened decades after the Great Disaster, but there are still many It is still closed underground. Some people in the shelter survived, but many died for various reasons. Different from the people outside, many people in the shelter come from the civilized era. They often have some special skills. Most of them are the elite of that era. At the same time, they are not so aggressive.

People coming out of these shelters easily accept the concept of freedom and equality, and they are the targets of many rebel organizations.

Su Ziyu learned some of the past of this world from Pasha. He was glad that this was not the earth he had stayed in before, but a parallel universe, because this world had a third explosion in the 1980s and 1990s. World War, and was shrouded in the shadow of nuclear war for a long time until the outbreak of the Great Nakba. Pasha didn't know the cause of the catastrophe. She only knew that most of the nuclear bombs possessed by humans on the earth were detonated that day. As a result, the entire earth suffered a devastating blow and the whole world was filled with severe radiation pollution. , and the continental shelf plates were shifted due to nuclear explosions, and many shelters were destroyed due to earthquakes and tsunamis.

Very few people will survive the catastrophe, and even after more than a hundred years, all human beings are still lingering on this broken earth.

Radiation is the deadliest threat!

The entire earth's magnetic field seems to have been changed, and everything that humans can come into contact with seems to be radiated. In such an extreme environment, the plutocrats who have greater power and inherited the legacy of the old world have established a new order. However, they have firmly controlled the entire world's medicines. For more than a hundred years, many people at the bottom have All died due to lack of medicine.

So the rebels appeared.

The organization Freemen believes that if we want to change this barbaric and dark era, we must first break the monopoly of the plutocrats on drugs. It is precisely because the plutocrats control those life-saving drugs that they can force others to rely on them for them. Work hard.

After daybreak, the two men prepared to return to the camp - Polaris.

The food for the deformed deer should be barely enough. Both of them have quite big appetites and must eat at least four or five pounds of meat a day. The biggest problem is actually the water source. Drinking water is a big problem that troubles them. The water sources in this era have basically been contaminated by radiation. Drinking water sources in the wilderness will increase the radiation pollution index. Mild pollution is better. Drinking it once will increase the radiation pollution by about 1%, but if you drink highly contaminated water, it will increase the radiation pollution. Water sources may increase radiation pollution by 10% at a time. As long as the radiation pollution index exceeds 30%, the organs in the human body will gradually begin to fail and become diseased.

There are currently two main types of radiation elimination drugs. One is anti-radiation pills, which can eliminate about 20% of the radiation pollution index. The other is radiation elimination injections, which can reduce radiation pollution in the body by more than 50% in one go. .

There are not many animals in the wilderness.

There are two most common creatures, one is the radiated rat, and the other is the radiated cockroach.

They live better than humans, and are even a bit overrun now. The size of these things has increased to a certain extent, and radiation cockroaches can even grow to the size of a human palm. Pasha told Su Ziyu that some people at the bottom of society would eat the meat of radioactive cockroaches, and then these people would die from excessive radiation pollution soon.

"There's some movement." Su Ziyu suddenly stopped and said.

After entering this world, his physical fitness seemed to have been strengthened again. His time-accelerating spiritual power was upgraded to LV3. There was also an agility enhancement LV1 in the characteristics page displayed in the data. One thing he was sure of was that it seemed that every After passing through a world, the Hourglass of Time will strengthen himself to a certain extent, but the speed of this strengthening is not as fast as his own gains. At least that little bit of divine value has indeed made him undergo earth-shaking changes.

The sound of cars.

Several cars.

Pasha's expression changed slightly and she said anxiously: "It's a predator. Let's hide quickly!"

"It's too late." Su Ziyu shook his head.

Directly ahead, a pickup truck that seemed to have been modified appeared in sight. When Su Ziyu spotted them, the lookout standing on the car also spotted him.

"Hoho! Look what we encountered!"

"A man and a woman! Haha! Brothers! We are having fun!" A burst of strange laughter came from afar.

Then gunfire rang out.

The other party fired several shots into the air. I don't know the reason, and I can't understand their thinking.

"Let's go." Su Ziyu threw the gun in his hand and said in a deep voice: "Go into the woods."

Su Ziyu took Pasha's gun away but did not return it to her at first. Now the gun is obviously more useful in her hands. Those people looked weird, with many tattoos and various holes on their bodies. They wore strange metal rings, a bunch of nose rings, earrings, and mouth rings, and their clothes all looked like mechanical punks. Inlaid with a large number of metal nails, a black man standing on the roof of the car also exposed his metallic arms. Many people have some strange tumors on the surface of their bodies, which look like they have over-expanded muscles. The most disgusting thing is that one guy has a twisted sarcoma on his neck, which looks like it is parasitized by something. .

"They are depraved, unprincipled people."

"Burning, killing and looting."

"Specialized in robbing people in the wilderness, and also attacking scavenger camps." Pasha's expression was filled with disgust.

Most of the plunderers were former criminals, and some joined them because they were desperate, and soon became completely corrupted. They are a group of outright bandits who are unwilling to engage in production work and only think about how to steal materials from others. Scavengers are often attacked by them.

"Keep running. Attract their attention." Su Ziyu suddenly said: "Give me the tactical dagger."

The light in the woods is a bit dark.

Su Ziyu took the tactical dagger handed over by Pasha, turned around and climbed up a tree a few times. His whole body was hidden in the dense leaves. He made a gesture to Pasha to continue running.

"Where are the people?"

"Where did he go?" Several people soon chased him in. They were holding a variety of strange firearms in their hands. They looked extremely rough and seemed to have been modified by themselves.

"Spread out and search! Be careful! That bitch has a gun!"

"Kill the men. Take the women back."

The leader was a bald man with a large rotten scar on his head. I don’t know how it was done. It looked more like a rotten wound due to illness. He was carrying a weapon that looked like a rifle. Su Ziyu was not familiar with firearms. It's very familiar, but I can't tell it apart yet. The men entered the woods and spread out to look for traces, seemingly eager to capture Pasha.

Su Ziyu hid in the tree and gently took out the tactical dagger. He judged the distance briefly and suddenly threw the tactical dagger away.



The bald man at the head suddenly fell down. A tactical dagger was inserted into the scar on his head, almost two-thirds of the way.

Su Ziyu's figure drew down from the tree, and just when the second man next to him raised his gun, he instantly threw out his black broken blade. The black broken blade almost completely disappeared into the opponent's chest, but A burst of piercing gunfire rang out. The bullet did not hit Su Ziyu, but it alerted other people nearby.

Another burst of gunfire came.

It seemed to come from Pasha, and then there was a burst of gunfire.

Su Ziyu flew over, picked up a modified weapon that looked like an AK on the ground, rolled and hid behind a big tree. He turned sideways and fired several shots at the enemy on the other side, but he didn't hit anyone at all. His marksmanship was really bad, and he only touched it during military training in college.

"Damn! Why is the recoil so powerful!"

The bark of the big tree behind Su Ziyu was blown away by the gunfire. It looked like someone was coming from the side. He gritted his teeth and cursed, then threw away the gun in his hand.

In an instant!

The flow of time seemed to slow down, and everything became slow motion frame by frame. Su Ziyu's figure suddenly rushed out, and with a swoop, he pulled out the black broken blade from the corpse on the ground. , raised his hand and threw it out. Immediately afterwards, he saw the flying bullets. The speed of the bullets was not frame by frame, but he could catch it with his eyes. It almost scraped his scalp and hit the ground behind him. He pulled out the tactical dagger, and then threw it out directly. At this time, two screams rang out, and the only remaining predator almost looked like he had seen a ghost, cursing in his mouth, and loading bullets in a panic in his hand.

God knows what just happened!

The man was as fast as a ghost and could actually dodge the bullets he fired.


Su Ziyu picked up the bald-headed weapon at this time, and he fired a shot at the last person. This gun was very good, and it directly blew away the predator, and almost shot a bullet in the chest. Big hole.

Bodies were scattered around.

At this time, Su Ziyu lowered his head and looked at his hands, seemingly not expecting that he had actually killed them all.

"Su?!" Pasha's voice came.

Then, the sound of a woman gasping was heard. She looked at Su Ziyu standing among a pile of corpses with disbelief, and murmured: "Oh, My God!"

"Are you Superman?"

Su Ziyu didn't answer her at all. He leaned down and cut off the bald man's mechanical arm. It was a prosthetic limb full of mechanical feeling. It was heavy in his hand, probably weighing more than ten kilograms.

"Find something clean to eat."

"I'm hungry." Su Ziyu finally spoke.

… …

(End of chapter)