Space-time Traveler

Chapter 131: Rescue 4



Fantersin's actions were not just about revenge.

They also took back part of the magic potion formula from the Church of Eternal Fire. When the Witcher School was purged, many information and formulas fell into the hands of the Church. The strengthening potions used by witch hunters were improved from the Demon Hunters' trial potions.

One of Van Tesin's goals is the formula for these potions.

Although the effect of the church's improved potion is not as amazing as the witcher's trial potion, it also has an incomparable advantage, that is, the chance of surviving after taking it is quite high!

The physical fitness of a witch hunter is very close to that of an ordinary witch hunter.

Their biggest flaw is that they cannot use spells, and it is extremely difficult for them to master even the simplest seals.

The church has been studying information on warlocks and demon hunters over the years. Van Tesin even met a warlock during this assassination operation. He seemed to have joined the Eternal Fire Sect and was serving them secretly. No, He prepared the young witch hunter's potions.

The church prohibits others from studying the power of magic, but it has a dedicated department internally to study these things.

Van Tesin doesn’t know what their purpose is!

The headquarters of the Eternal Fire Church is not in Cologne. The most powerful person here is an archbishop. He suspects that there may be more than one warlock serving them within the church.

In the hall.

Ms. Elena walked out of the room. She washed her hands full of blood and said, "They were seriously injured and may need to recover for a while."

This sorceress was once a doctor, and she also studied at Faroba Medical College in the north. If she hadn't suddenly awakened her talent as a sorcerer, she might have been a very powerful female doctor. Most of the people in the Sorceress Mutual Aid Association used to be ordinary people. Today's warlocks are a little different from the past. During the academy, people from the Warlock Brotherhood took the initiative to find talented people to train, but now the vast majority of warlocks appear. Some of them were forced to join after they awakened the day after tomorrow.

Gifted people generally awaken to some special abilities around puberty.

"Yes." Su Ziyu nodded to show that he understood.

Ms. Enid has already arranged for someone to pick up the remaining group of demon hunters. In their hands, they have the information recovered from the Church of Eternal Fire.

Melissa is looking after the other witchers.

The girl has very complicated feelings for Van Tesin, including respect for her father and admiration for her admirer.

Night falls.

Just as Su Ziyu was thinking about his new fighting skills, Alice walked in wearing a black palace dress. She seemed to have washed off her black eye shadow today and looked much brighter.

She walked to Su Ziyu and said softly: "Ms. Anirila is here."

The boss lady of the Queen of the Night

What's she doing here all of a sudden? Did you hear something

Su Ziyu stood up and went to greet her. Soon he saw Ms. Aenirella with two vampire banshees outside the door.

"Giggle." Ms. Aenirella seemed quite happy tonight. The high-level vampire chuckled and said, "I heard that you have made a big move in the south?"

Do vampires also have people there to collect intelligence

Su Ziyu nodded slightly, but had no intention of answering.

"How's it going? How's Fantesin's injury?" Ms. Aenirella's expression was very calm, but she waved to the vampire succubus next to her and handed over a bottle of dark red potion, and said slowly: "This is for healing. Potion. It works well."

It seems that Van Tesin has a pretty good relationship with her.

Su Ziyu motioned to Ms. Elena next to her to take the potion, then smiled and said: "Thank you very much."

"Is this why Ms. Aenirella came here late at night?"

The high-level vampire walked over with a chuckle, sat in front of Su Ziyu, and said slowly: "Of course not."

"But I am still very happy to hear that you burned down the Eternal Fire Church's residence."

"You know."

"They used to hunt me down."

"I came here this time because of the matter of Djimon Van Tarf. My people have found his traces. He is hunting in the northern islands. According to his past habits, Djimon Van Tarf will Return to your base camp in three days.”

Three days later

There was still enough time. Su Ziyu nodded and said, "I understand. We will arrange it."

"That's good."

Ms. Aenirella stood up, turned around and left with the two vampire banshees. "Then I'm waiting for your good news."

The Queen of the Night boss lady leaves just as quickly as she comes.

After Su Ziyu sent her away, he summoned the sorceress Daisy and prepared to notify Ms. Enid to start taking action.

at present.

Su Ziyu's task of restoring the inheritance of demon hunters has been mostly completed. He rescued Lev, who is said to be one of the only three remaining demon hunters of the Bear School. The other two demon hunters of the Bear School have disappeared. I don’t know if he is dead. There are also people from the Wolf School, Raven School and Viper School on the sea. The survivor of the Griffin School is the man with the hooked nose. As for the Flying Lion School and the Pterodactyl School, I don’t know if there are any apprentices who have survived. Come down.

Fan Tesin took back part of the potion information from the Church of Eternal Fire, which was a great help to Su Ziyu. Now he only needs to find a way to establish a demon hunter academy to slowly restore their passed down.

The sorceress fraternity can help them prepare potions, and these surviving old witchers can teach new apprentices.

This task is almost completed.

The potion Ms. Anirila sent was indeed very effective. Van Tesin actually woke up the next day and was even able to get out of bed and move around.

"High-level vampire? Djimon Van Tarf?"

Fan Tesin frowned and sat on the bed, and said solemnly: "I have heard of this name! The evil beast of the night!"

"This is not an easy guy to deal with."

"About a hundred years ago, a master demon hunter died in his hands! Aenirella really posed a problem for us!"

If witch hunters are compared to ordinary ghouls, then Djimon Van Tarf is at the level of a super aberration.

The top creatures in this world are terrifying.

And it just so happens that high-level vampires are at the top of the food chain. Even the witchers in their heyday have never successfully killed high-level vampires.

"Prepare some materials for me!"

Fan Tesin climbed up with difficulty and said: "We need a lot of alchemical fire oil and black blood potion... A high-level vampire can control other low-level vampires... He definitely has more minions at his disposal than you think..."

“This is a tough battle for us!… ”

… … …

After modifying it, applying to unblock it is still useless, so I can only delete a large section.

There will be an update in the afternoon. Will add more today.

(End of chapter)