Space-time Traveler

Chapter 133: Vampire Mutation 2 [3300 subscriptions plus more updates]


Van Tesin also has the ability to sense blood.

However, Melissa's blood rage did not appear in his body. Van Tesin could drink blood-like things, which would only make him excited, but would not cause him to go berserk like Melissa.

"This potion can change everything for us!"

Fantersin's expression was a little fanatical. Looking at his gradually healing wounds, he said solemnly: "It can greatly increase the strength of the demon hunter!"

"Even taking just one bottle is enough for us to face many monsters with ease."

If the outstanding demon hunters in the past could fight one against ten, then after taking the vampire mutation potion, they could reach the level of one against twenty.

Especially the improvement in recovery ability can greatly reduce the chance of death of the demon hunter.

"This is just a strengthening direction." Su Ziyu's expression was very calm and he said calmly: "Some demon hunters may not be suitable for this kind of magic potion."

Vampire mutation potions only strengthen the body.

It will not improve the demon hunter's spellcasting ability, and after taking this potion, some strengthening sequences cannot be taken. This is clearly marked in the system database. The Witcher's mutation sequences should be like a skill tree, with some sequences merging and others mutually exclusive.

Su Ziyu has used the system to scan the data brought back by the demon hunters, which contains three strengthening directions, namely the wolf sequence, the viper sequence and the griffin sequence.

The wolf sequence focuses on balanced development and has almost no obvious weaknesses.

The viper sequence has the highest toxin resistance. The demon hunters of this faction are very poisonous just by testing the potion. Only by enduring it can they obtain extraordinary toxin resistance.

The gryphon sequence focuses on spellcasting ability, and trial potions and auxiliary potions both improve these.

Therefore, at present, the gryphon sequence is not suitable for vampire mutation.

"That's enough." Fan Tesin said solemnly.

Most of the demon hunters are not very good at spells. The seals they cast are just to assist in combat. Most of them are accustomed to using hand-to-hand combat to solve problems.

Su Ziyu is more looking forward to other mutation directions after completing the mission.

According to his calculations, the Demon Hunter's mutation sequence should be more than this one, and most likely include mutation enhancements in multiple directions.

Too bad he's not a real witcher.

Su Ziyu has never taken the trial potion, and the vampire mutation potion may not be able to withstand it, but this does not matter to him, because his recovery ability is not much weaker than that of vampires. As long as he has enough source power, he can reach the same height through strength, agility and physical enhancement without transforming into a half-vampire form.

This should be a bloodline transformation, and the upper limit of improvement is the upper limit of vampires.

It is not advisable to blindly pursue abilities, just like the route of strengthening flesh and blood distortion. If Su Ziyu strengthens this aspect, he may be regarded as a monster. At that time, it was difficult to get close to civilized society.

After all, normal people's arms would not turn into tentacles and bone blades.

Elena is preparing more vampire mutation potions. Because the materials are currently limited, she can only make three bottles. One bottle has been used by Fan Tesin, and the other two bottles of squid are ready for Melissa and the Bear School. Husband uses.

The former enhances strength and the latter enhances recovery.

Both of these people withstood the mutation enhancement that day, but Melissa's mutation process was slower and the pain was more obvious.

Lev from the Bear School was much more relaxed, completing the mutation enhancement almost as quickly as Van Tesin.

This means that it is easier for old demon hunters to adapt to this kind of mutation enhancement, which may be related to their own strength accumulation to a certain extent, because the effect of Melissa's mutation is not as amazing as theirs.

Ms. Elena is very interested in this potion formula.

If it weren't for the physical condition of the sorceress who couldn't handle this mutant potion, she would have wanted to give it a try.

However, she still had to take away some of Van Tesin's and Melissa's blood, preparing to conduct some experiments during this period to analyze the differences in this blood mutation.

The third day.

Ms. Enid gathered enough people, and then the group, led by two vampire banshees, headed for Djimon Van Tarf's base camp. It was a place called Disha, which was once a prison where vampires kept humans as animals. Later, it became a place where some low-level vampires lived.

There are no humans in this place, only slaves who are imprisoned.

This operation has a lot of manpower.

Su Ziyu, Fan Tesin, Melissa, Lev and others add up to a total of seven demon hunters. The sorceress mutual aid association has Ms. Enid, Ms. Judy and Ms. Elena in this operation, and the others People including Alice, Daisy, Nicole, Mira and others are responsible for assisting and will not directly face high-level vampires. They are not strong enough to face such terrifying monsters.


Ms. Enid also summoned twelve elf rangers, plus more than twenty archers and swordsmen, totaling nearly forty people.

If they hadn't distrusted those bounty hunters and adventurers, the three rich sisters would have planned to recruit a group of high-level thugs. Anyway, the three of them were very rich, and they were all young rich women.

Having more people doesn't necessarily mean it's useful.

Especially when dealing with an enemy that can fly, it's easy to alert the enemy if there are too many people.

"This is..." Fan Texin looked at the wristband Su Ziyu handed over, put it on in surprise, and then murmured: "Incredible! What is this?"

"I feel like my strength has improved a lot!"

Su Ziyu signaled him to keep quiet and whispered: "A strange object made by ancient witches. It can give people the power to be close to giants."

"No wonder you are so strong..." Fan Tesin looked like he suddenly understood.

Demon hunters of the Cat School focus most on agility, but Su Ziyu's power clearly surpasses the others.

This battle is dangerous.

Su Ziyu is the main output force, but it is Van Tesin and Lev who face the enemy head-on.

This rare item is obviously more useful for Van Tesin.

"Do you still have the magic potion you gave me last time?" Fan Tesin thought for a while and whispered.


It seemed that the old demon hunter was under a lot of pressure, and he actually took the initiative to ask Su Ziyu for such a medicine with obvious side effects.

"Yes." Su Ziyu took out the Czech-03 and handed it over, saying in a deep voice: "Don't use it unless absolutely necessary. You know its side effects."

Czech-03 will cause you to feel exhausted as soon as the effect of the drug wears off.

Deadly in combat.

"I know." Fan Tesin put away the potion and said seriously: "Be careful."

"It doesn't matter whether this operation is successful or not."

"Nothing can happen to you!"


It seems that the old demon hunter has regarded Su Ziyu as the hope of the demon hunter's revival, especially after he took out the vampire mutation potion.

Facing the enemy head-on was what he strongly requested.

Perhaps in his opinion, as long as nothing happens to Su Ziyu, the demon hunter will be able to resume his inheritance sooner or later.

… … …

(End of chapter)