Space-time Traveler

Chapter 134: Djimon van Talf1


Disha is a desolate place.

You can only see dilapidated and abandoned villages on the road, and you can hardly meet any merchants. Even if you encounter humans occasionally, they are traffickers escorting slaves.

Because there are mines here, many slaves were thrown into them and worked until they died.

The base camp of Djimon Van Tarff is a desolate and dilapidated old castle. Some traditional vampires once raised humans here, but it was later abandoned for some reasons. It is said that it is related to the split among the vampire factions. It has been more than a hundred years.

Nowadays, more and more people among high-level vampires believe that they should give up the lifestyle of hunting blood. They have many ways to satisfy their desire without killing people.

This makes it easier for them to hide their identity and less likely to cause large-scale chaos.

Djimon Van Tarf is an old vampire who has lived for more than five hundred years. He is a very stubborn guy, so stubborn that some moderate vampires regard him as a thorn in their side and think that he is a psychologically twisted pervert.

There are obviously many ways to obtain blood, but he chose the bloodiest and cruelest way.

It took a group of people a day to arrive near the castle of Jimon Van Tarf. What surprised Su Ziyu was that there was actually a human village here. Although the population was not large, it seemed Life is okay.

These humans are not slaves, and they don't look frightened.

They don't even know about vampires.

"Gimon Van Talf will not hunt near his own territory." A charming-looking vampire banshee said softly.

This high-level vampire is very strange.

He is a terrifying evil beast of the night outside, but in his own territory he is a respected and lonely aristocratic master.

Su Ziyu and his party continued to move around the village. With so many people, the sorceresses needed the help of magic to cover their tracks. The castle of Jimon Van Talf is a bit remote, built on a mountainside. The vampire banshees left after arriving nearby because they were afraid of high-level vampires.

"This castle is not easy to enter." Fan Tesin said, looking at the castle halfway up the mountain from a distance.

The demon hunters were organizing their equipment, and some of them were a little nervous because this was their first time facing a high-level vampire.

"So many crows!" Melissa whispered.

Fan Tesin nodded and said: "It is said that high-level vampires can control animals. Be careful!"

Dozens of crows were hovering in the sky above the castle. From a distance, there was no living person in sight, and it looked like a dead land.

It's getting dark.

Fan Tesin nodded slightly to Su Ziyu next to him, and then led the people gradually closer to the castle. Ms. Enid followed him. The sorceress melted the door with a spell and opened an entrance.

It's quite quiet inside the castle!

But the floor is very clean and seems to be cleaned frequently.

There were some strange noises coming from the dark corners. There were cellar passages going down on all sides of the corridor, and I didn't know what was inside.

"Look out! Something's coming out!" Ms. Enid whispered.

The sorceresses came to the demon hunter's back alertly, each blessing a protective spell barrier.

There are many crows hovering in the sky.

Their pupils glowed slightly, and they were looking at the group of people coldly.


A black shadow flashed past the corridor in front, and then the roar of the monster was heard.


It was as if a heavy gate was opened, and some creatures with bat-like heads rushed out. They were monster species that Suziyu had never seen before. They looked even more ferocious, with a bloody mouth that seemed to be able to bite even bones. broken.

"Be careful! Bat!" Fan Tesin pulled out his weapon, took out a bottle of potion and poured it into his mouth.

At this time.

A figure wearing a black dress appeared on the balcony on the second floor. He silently stared at the group of people in front of him and said with an arrogant expression: "Are they another group of idiots who were tricked by Aenirella into committing suicide?"

"Witcher? Warlock?"

"She thinks she can kill me like this?"

Djimon Van Tarf has a rather handsome appearance. If it were not clear that his true identity is the evil beast of the night, everyone would probably think that he is a very well-educated nobleman.

But in fact, the way he committed the crime was extremely cruel, and no hunting target could survive from his hands.

"Go kill them." Djimon Van Tarf sneered.

Behind him were four maids wearing revealing long skirts. They looked similar to Aenirella's vampire banshees, but their expressions were colder and they exuded a disturbing aura. It is said that these are vampire women. They are a close relative of the vampire banshee, but they are quite dangerous. They like to hunt and torture humans. They are extremely greedy and will drink up the last drop of blood in their prey.

It is difficult for ordinary witchers to distinguish between the two, but the vampire banshee will be more human-like after disguise.

Four figures disappeared out of thin air.

Van Tesin and others nervously clenched their weapons. Djimon Van Talf was still standing on the second floor without taking action, but the vampire woman under him showed her invisibility and amazing speed.

Some creatures suspected of being blood demons also appeared nearby.

There seemed to be a large number of low-level vampires entrenched in this castle, and there were constant traces of creatures moving quickly in the shadows.


Dang, Dang, Dang!

A dull explosion sounded. Compared to Su Ziyu, Fan Tesin had much more experience.

He threw the alchemy bomb in his hand directly towards an empty location, and then he saw a large amount of silver powder scattered in the air, and then a vague human figure appeared in his sight. If Su Ziyu had known that silver powder bombs could break their invisibility, it would have been much easier to deal with the Corrupted Blood Demon.

- "Slow Seal!"

— "Protective Seal!"

After casting simple seals, the demon hunters came forward one by one. The sorceresses were preparing spells, and streaks of flame, ice, and lightning flew out.

Ms. Enid showed extraordinary strength at this time. She actually melted a bat demon into residue with one blow. This elf warlock who has lived for hundreds of years is not comparable to others. Her spells are very powerful. As long as she is touched by a vampire, she will die or be disabled. This quickly attracted Jimon Fan on the second floor. Talf's attention.

"Origin Warlock!" Djimon Van Talf's eyes were rather cold. He stared at Ms. Enid's white neck with a very greedy look.

The next second.

His figure disappeared from the spot.

This high-level vampire disappeared out of thin air, then suddenly appeared dozens of meters away, attacking Ms. Enid's spell shield with extremely sharp claws.

Unlike other vampires, the movement speed of high-level vampires cannot be captured at all. It looks like it disappears out of thin air and then appears out of thin air. This monster has very amazing power, and it broke through Ms. Enid with just one blow. Spell shield, but at this time Ms. Enid's figure had already appeared dozens of meters away.


Su Ziyu was glad that other sorceresses did not join the battle immediately, because they were completely powerless against high-level vampires.

Wearing an invisibility cloak, he lay on the slope of the mountain top, calmly capturing the enemy's traces.

Van Tersin is the bait.

Ms. Enid is also bait.

He is the real killer move!

… … …

(End of chapter)