Space-time Traveler

Chapter 136: Djimon van Tarff3



The first shot hit Djimon Van Tarf in the head, but it was blocked by the barbed arthropods extending from his back. This advanced vampire had three spider-like barbed limbs extending from its spine. One of them happened to block the bullet's flight path and was directly blown off in the violent explosion.

Djimon Van Tarff's back was a bloody mess, and the anti-material sniper rifle was very effective in killing him.


When the second shot came, Djimon Van Tarf seemed to be aware of it. The high-level vampire dodged at an alarming speed, but the bullet still hit his body, but at this time he had moved about A distance of about thirty centimeters. The bullet fired by Su Ziyu hit the broken bat wing behind him, and the left bat wing broke into two parts in an instant.


When the third shot came, Djimon Van Tarf made a gesture of spreading his wings and flying into the air. However, the first two bullets had caused him to lose his center of gravity, and the broken bat wing on the left could not maintain balance. The last shot The bullet hit his left leg near the knee, and then in a bloody mess, the high-level vampire's left leg was broken directly below the knee joint.

All this happens in an instant.

Perhaps only a high-level vampire could react so quickly within the flight time of a bullet, but it was a pity that he still failed to escape Su Ziyu's ambush.

Snap, snap, snap!

A broken barbed limb, half of a bat wing exploded, and a broken calf fell from the sky almost at the same time.

Only then did Djimon Van Tarf's extremely painful screams sound. He looked at Su Ziyu's position with his broken body, and then he heard the frightening dull gunfire again.

Before the fourth bullet hit Jimon Van Tarf, the figure of this high-level vampire suddenly exploded.

His whole body turned into a large number of vampire bats.

"not good!"

"He wants to run!"

Su Ziyu instantly put down the anti-material sniper rifle in his hand. Djimon Van Tarf's body had turned into a large number of vampire bats. Using firearms to deal with him was ineffective. And looking at the direction in which those vampire bats were flying, Djimon Van Tarf seemed to be planning to escape.

Su Ziyu's three shots severely injured this high-level vampire, and he lost half of his wings and a leg.

This kind of injury would have been fatal to anyone else, but it was still recoverable for high-level vampires. However, the broken half of the bat wing means that Djimon Van Tarf has lost the ability to fly, and the broken half of the calf means that it is difficult for him to even move. The terrifying speed of the high-level vampire is completely useless. room.

After determining the extent of his injuries, this high-level vampire immediately wanted to transform into a group of vampire bats and escape.

Both his human form and monster form have no fighting power.

The atomized form moves too slowly and is easily bombarded by the spells of the warlocks. The best way to escape is to transform into a group of vampire bats.

Of course, Su Ziyu will not let Djimon Van Talf run away.

Not to mention that after the mission fails, it will be difficult to find traces of Djimon Van Tarf. If he quietly recovers from his injuries and then retaliates against Aquarius and his group, no one can bear the consequences.

Others have no ability to deal with high-level vampires independently.

— "Lightning strike!"

A trace of jumping arc appeared in Su Ziyu's palm, and he felt that his spiritual energy was being consumed rapidly. In the blink of an eye, nearly one-third of his spiritual energy was consumed, and then a muffled thunder sounded in the sky. Even with the blessing of the 'electrostatic field', the consumption of lightning strikes is still quite staggering. Su Ziyu estimates that he can only use it three times at most.


A stunning bolt of lightning fell from the sky.

In the dense burst of lightning, a large number of vampire bats fell down like rain. Some of them were directly chopped into charcoal, while other parts were paralyzed by the power of lightning.

- "Thunderbolt Technique!"

Ms. Enid's reaction speed was also very fast. She quickly chanted a spell and summoned a thunderbolt. Although the power was not as powerful as the lightning strike of Su Ziyu, it still killed a large number of vampire bats. The biggest advantage of psionic power compared with spells is that there is no need to chant spells, but in terms of battery life, Su Ziyu is currently completely unable to compare with these sorceresses.

Whether it's a burst of telekinesis or a burst of lightning, his spiritual energy can be squandered in no time.


A pyroblast hit the vampire bats on the ground. Ms. Judy's spell was the last to arrive, but the effect was very good, covering almost all the vampire bats.

The corpse of the vampire bat was gradually disappearing, and Djimon Van Tarf's riddled body was revealed.

A scream came.

The vampire woman who was fighting the witcher suddenly rushed over, picked up the body of Djimon Van Tarf and tried to escape.

— "Lightning strike!"

But at this time, Su Ziyu's second lightning strike fell, instantly chopping the vampire woman into a pile of charcoal.

The other monsters are crumbling.

When Su Ziyu's figure fell from the slope and headed straight into the castle, the battle inside was almost over.

Ms. Elena is treating Van Tesin and Melissa. Both of their injuries are a bit serious. If they hadn't been strengthened by vampire mutations, they might not be able to hold on now.

"Are you a warlock!?" Ms. Enid said with a shocked expression.

That thunder can't fool anyone.

Demon hunters don't have that powerful spellcasting ability at all. At most, they can only use some simple magic seals.

"Can't a witcher be a warlock?" Su Ziyu asked back, then walked towards the body of Djimon Van Tarff and said solemnly: "Use fire! He must be burned to ashes!"

"He's not dead yet!"

Djimon Van Tarf's body seemed to be riddled with holes and blackened, but Su Ziyu knew that he was not dead yet, because the time and space monitor system reminded him that he was a pollutant, but Su Ziyu was approaching him. Afterwards, no source power value was obtained.

This unrecognizable corpse can still come back to life!

"Get 1 point of source power."

"Get 1 point of source power."

"Get 2 points of source power."

"Get 2 points of source power."

All four vampire women were killed, and Su Ziyu obtained 6 points of source power from their corpses.

There is nothing gained from the other monsters. It seems that they are not the same species as the Corrupted Blood Demon, and they are not yet able to provide source power.

"Here!" Lev from the Bear School gasped and stood up, throwing a bottle of alchemical fire oil to Su Ziyu.

Ms. Judy's reaction speed was also very fast. A fire snake appeared in her palm and directly enveloped the body of Djimon Van Tarf. The body of this high-level vampire burned in a blazing fire for a long time. Slowly burned into a pile of coke.

"mission completed."

"Permission level increased!"

"Get 8 points of source power!"

When the prompt from the space-time monitor system appeared, Su Ziyu breathed a sigh of relief.

This high-level vampire is finally dead!

… … …

(End of chapter)