Space-time Traveler

Chapter 140: Asking for help 2


Wild Hunt.

The legend of the Wild Hunt has existed in this world for a long time.

But this was the first time even Edson really encountered them. The strength of this group of ghost hunters was very terrifying. Although the Ring of Nature successfully repelled them, it also paid a heavy price.

That's why this druid went all the way to the Free City to seek help from Su Ziyu.

Su Ziyu explained something to Alice before leaving.

Both Ms. Enid and Fantersin were very busy during this period, and he had no intention of involving the demon hunters and sorceresses in this matter for the time being. However, Su Ziyu still left some information for Ms. Enid, because this woman had also tracked the traces of these ghost hunters.

The two men left the Free City on horseback that same day.

On the way Edson told Su Ziyu what happened in detail. Shortly after the druids rescued the unicorn, they were attacked by the ghost hunters one night. They suddenly appeared in Under the night sky, the Ring of Nature was asked to hand over the unicorn. How could the druids agree? Then a fierce battle broke out.

The Ring of Nature was the base camp of the druids, and the ghost hunters did not have any upper hand and had to evacuate before dawn.

Morning of the third day.

Su Ziyu followed Edson to the vicinity of the Natural Ring.

This is a land close to the sea. The dense forest extends to the end of the mountains. The druids of the northern continent practice here. They maintain good relations with some fishermen and islanders living by the sea.

"Your Excellency Su. Please follow me." Edson led him to a large area of thorn bushes.

Countless thorns were entangled together, like a closed door. As the druid chanted a few spells in a low voice, countless thorns began to move, and they retreated little by little, revealing a forest. Trail.

"The elders activated the defensive spell of the Circle of Nature."

Adelson said softly: "The roads in the entire forest are closed."

These thorns can only prevent people from entering from the ground, but they are useless against enemies who can fly in the sky.

"Who?" came a cold female voice, and then a woman with emerald-green skin appeared on the tree pole in front of her. She had a rather slender figure, her exposed skin was smooth but strong, and she wore relatively bright clothes. It is simple and seems to be made of a mixture of cloth and leaves. Its slender thighs are full of strength and seem to have good balance. It can walk on the tree poles like flying.

This beautiful woman aimed her bow and arrow at the Su Ziyu in front of her. Her eyes were quite wary, but she was also a little curious, as if she felt something aura.

"Vera! It's me!" Adelson walked two steps forward.

He smiled a little apologetically at Su Ziyu and said softly: "This is Vera. She is a tree spirit, and she is the ranger of the Ring of Nature."

Su Ziyu looked at the beautiful woman in front of him curiously. Her appearance was comparable to that of sorceresses, but the color of her skin was very strange, a special kind of emerald green. It would be difficult to find her in the forest. trace.

Before coming, Edson told some things about the tree spirits in this world.

They are the natives of this world.

Also the guardian of the forest.

However, the number of dryads is now very small. Most of them are far away from areas of human activity. The dryads on the northern continent are better, but the dryads on the southern continent are very hostile to humans because human expansion has oppressed their living space. .

Dryads are a female-only race.

They are called the Daughters of the Forest and currently only live in a few areas. Dryads love forests, plants and nature, and hate humans who enter their forests and cut down trees.

They will use humans or elves to reproduce.

Those real tree spirits were born from their mothers after special "ritual" contacts with other races.

Without exception, these children all inherit their mother's characteristics, have green skin like plants, and are 100% girls, but their eyes and hair color may inherit their father's.

Dryads are a very magical race!

When he heard it for the first time, Su Ziyu was stunned for a while.

"It turns out to be Edson." The tree spirit ranger named Vera nodded slightly, put away his weapon and said, "Go in. Be careful. The animals in the forest have been a little violent recently."


Her figure disappeared into the dense leaves. Even Su Ziyu could not find any trace of her and could only rely on vague perception to determine the direction.

This tree spirit has great stealth abilities.

Adelson led Su Ziyu along the way. After walking a certain distance, he whispered: "Vera is a reincarnation. She may be very wary of strangers, but when you get to know her, you will find that she is actually a reincarnation." Very easy to get along with. ”

Ritual contact is not the only way dryads reproduce.

They also have a special transformation ritual that can turn girls from humans or elves into their own kind. It is a strange magic ritual that requires drinking some kind of magical spring water.

The reincarnated child in Edson's mouth is the tree spirit born in this way.

Dryads are born with the ability to cast spells and can control trees and vines in the forest. However, most dryads rely on bows and arrows to fight, and only a handful of dryads have good spellcasting abilities.

Their relationship with the druids is very good.

Edson said that every ten years, the tree spirits will ask the druids for some people to perform ritual reproduction, but the children born will be owned by the tree spirits' tribe, and they will raise these children together. , the child grows up with his mother, and it is almost difficult to see his father again.

To a certain extent, what the dryads need is just a tool for reproduction.

Their civilization has no concept of marriage.

There are a large number of animals living in the natural ring, and they don't seem to be afraid of people. Su Ziyu even saw a black bear walking, but it did not attack them and did not leave in fear.

"That's Crow." Adelson said softly, "This is its territory."


The druids seemed to have domesticated the animals in the entire forest, allowing them to coexist harmoniously in a special way. Edson told Su Ziyu that the animals here would not easily attack humans and would only hunt when they were hungry.


A small town built in a dense forest appeared in front of him, and Su Ziyu immediately saw the giant tree in the center that was tens of meters high.

… … …

(End of chapter)