Space-time Traveler

Chapter 15: Wasteland Age 5


The oldest among the scavengers is in his forties, and the youngest is only seventeen or eighteen years old. This does not include the early development of the Western race.

Su Ziyu didn't see anyone over fifty years old.

Nearly half of these people have some strange wounds on their bodies. Some are like scars after fire, and some are like hyperplasia of cuticle. Generally, the older the people are, the more obvious this condition is. Those who are younger look at it. A little bit more normal. Just when Su Ziyu's eyes fell on a woman in her twenties with long brown hair, she was also looking at him with interest, then suddenly smiled and blew him a kiss.

Su Ziyu couldn't help but look away.

At this time, Pasha walked up to him, glanced at the woman who was laughing and laughing, and stretched out her hand to pull him directly into a large truck.

There are many mechanical parts piled on the truck, which must have been dismantled from somewhere.

These scavengers also have guns in their hands, but they look more peaceful and don't look like crazy people like the looters. There were two men sitting on the other side of the truck, one black and one white. They both looked like they were of mixed race. The black man's lips were a little chapped and there were a row of blisters at the corners of his mouth. At this moment, he was wrapping something in paper and putting it to his mouth. He noticed that Su Zi After looking at Yu and Pasha, he grinned and said, "Would you like one? This is a good thing!"

Both shook their heads and looked away.

The black man didn't care. He lit it and took a puff, then handed it to the mixed-race white man next to him. They were holding the gun in their hands and looked very tired. After taking a few puffs, they became a little trance-like.

Decadent, depressed, muddle along, lifeless.

Su Ziyu couldn't see any hope in their eyes. These scavengers were sitting in the car and resting, looking like numb corpses.


They arrived near the camp.

Looking from a distance, Su Ziyu looked a little disappointed, because he thought this place would be a city, or at least a decent town, but unfortunately it looked like a huge garbage dump. There is a large amount of plastic piled outside, rusty steel is thrown randomly, there are many blowflies hovering on the garbage pile, a large circle of rusty iron plates is built as a fence, and there are people standing guard with guns at the gate.

"If I see you whipping these things again, I'll break your legs!" came the angry voice of the German man.

Su Ziyu looked over and saw him pulling what seemed to be a cigarette from the mouth of a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy, then throwing it directly to the ground and stepping on it.

"Who is giving him this thing! Don't blame me for being merciless!" The German man looked seriously and glanced at the others coldly.

At this time, a slightly fat middle-aged white man came over.

The German man put on a smiling face in the next second and greeted him: "Hi! Bob! Old man! How are you doing recently?"

"It's not bad." The slightly fat middle-aged white man hugged him, took a look at the things in the car, and asked, "How was the harvest? Are there any German or Chinese goods?"

The German man smiled awkwardly and said: "Most of the products I found this time are Japanese products. But the quality of the Japanese products is not bad, and they are barely usable, right?"

"Japanese products." The man named Bob smiled a little fakely when he heard this, and said, "They are all Japanese products!..."

"You know."

"The quality of Japanese products is not very good. The ones we find now will be scrapped after just a few uses."

"I can only give you this price..."

Bob held out three fingers, which made the German man frown for a while. He then smiled, patted the German man on the shoulder and said: "Old man, next time I find Chinese products, I will give you the original ones." Price. I know a place that has a lot of Chinese products.”

"Only you can find alloy steel that can be used to make exoskeleton armor. I'll give you this number!..."

The two walked away arm in arm.

The young man who was scolded by the German man at first bent down and picked up the cigarette that had been stepped on. He patted the dust on it, noticed Su Ziyu's gaze, curled his lips, and said He gave me a warning look, turned around and hid behind the car, lit it with fire and took a puff. The other scavengers also lazily got out of the car and walked into the camp. The long-maroon-haired woman who blew a kiss to Su Ziyu at first blinked at him, stretched out her tongue studded with small metal nails and licked her lips. Meaning smiled inexplicably.

"Stay away from her." Pasha's cold voice suddenly said: "If you don't want to get sexually transmitted diseases."

The two people walked towards the door.

"Pasha!" A strong black woman ran over, gave Pasha a hug and said, "Thank God! You are okay! That's great!..."

"I almost thought you..."

Pasha broke away from the other party's arms with some embarrassment, pointed to Su Ziyu next to her and said, "He saved me."

"Thank you! Man!" The black woman rushed over for another hug. Su Ziyu was stunned and did not avoid it. He felt as if he had been hit by a black bear.

"Marcela. Let's go in first." Pasha took Su Ziyu and ran away quickly.

There are many people in the camp.

Pasha should have some status here. Many guards were greeting her, and some looked at Su Ziyu next to her. The streets here are a little dirty. There are a lot of plastic garbage piled on both sides of the road, as well as some discarded parts that were dismantled and thrown aside. On the street directly opposite, there are two young men who look like Indians selling goods. Roasted rat meat, with the words - "Three for ten dollars."

Currency is issued by chaebols.

But it is not very convenient to circulate. In addition to currency, there are precious metals such as gold and silver, but the hardest currency is medicine, especially anti-radiation medicine. There were quite a few people at the roasted rat stall, and most of them seemed to be scavengers. Not everyone could buy with currency. Su Ziyu saw a lame man trading a mechanical watch for six roasted rats. mouse. These big rats were bigger than the rabbits in my memory, and they were roasted until they were sizzling with oil. Some people sat on the street and gnawed them. The drink provided was a yellow soda-like thing.

"Would you like to try it?" Pasha joked.

Su Ziyu quickly shook his head when he heard this.

Many people here have mechanical prosthetics, but some people do not have mechanical prostheses. Su Ziyu saw a young man who was cleaning the streets. He was very thin and had a dark complexion. One of his arms was normal. , but the other arm looked like that of an eight or nine-year-old child. After noticing Su Ziyu's gaze, he lowered his head and left quickly.

Pasha sighed and said nothing, patted his shoulder and said, "Let's go. I'll take you to the hotel first."

There is a scrapped car at the door of the hotel.

The logo on it is Maserati. It looks tattered and gray, with a row of bullet marks on the surface. The decoration of the hotel is mechanical punk, with a dark and decadent feel. There are many strange metal parts on the walls, and there is an ancient record player on the counter, which looks like a useless decoration.

The boss is a man in his fifties. This is the first man Su Ziyu has seen who looks more than fifty years younger.

"Get him a room," Pasha said.

They obtained a lot of loot from the plunderers, but the most valuable box was thrown into the stinking ditch by Su Ziyu, and the rest they could bring with them were some currency medicines.

A young man took Su Ziyu to the room upstairs.

Pasha faced the old man's teasing eyes, pulled him over, and said in a low voice: "You are not allowed to let those bitches disturb him at night! Do you hear me?"

The old man smiled, straightened his clothes and said, "I understand."

Pasha glanced at the stairs with a guilty look, then went upstairs as if nothing had happened.

… … …

(End of chapter)