Space-time Traveler

Chapter 153: bid farewell


This world is a little different.

Su Ziyu obviously felt that the use of spiritual energy in this world was more expensive than the world of the demon hunter. At the same time, the speed of his own spiritual energy recovery had also slowed down slightly. He did not know why at the moment.

Maybe it has something to do with the energy level of the world.

Su Ziyu, Shi Rui and Unicorn drove for a long time through the night, and they didn't stop to rest for a while until the sky was dark.

The heir to the ancient blood is actually just a nineteen-year-old girl.

The long-term suffering made her much more mature than her peers, and the tracking of the Wild Hunt also forced her to hide in Tibet. For a long time, she wandered alone in another world.

Su Ziyu's appearance made her feel like she had found someone of his own kind, and she asked him a lot of questions about the different world along the way.

"Are you also a demon hunter? What school of thought?" Ciri asked, looking curiously into Su Ziyu's eyes.

"It should be regarded as the cat school." Su Ziyu handed the wine bottle to the girl in front of him and said, "Try it. The fruit wine brewed by the druid. It tastes very good."

"Hmm. It tastes good." Ciri took the wine bottle and took a sip. She said softly, "I have received training as a demon hunter from the Wolf School before."

"But I didn't do the Green Grass Trial."

She should be talking about the potion trial.

"Didn't you take the magic potion?" Su Ziyu glanced at the other party and nodded: "That's right. Taking the magic potion test will cause you to lose your fertility."

The girl told him many of her past experiences, including that the ancient elves once wanted to force her to give birth to a child for the king in order to recover the inheritance of the ancient blood. However, she did not expect that the king suddenly died suddenly, and so did she. With the help of the unicorn, he escaped in the chaos.

The origin of the bloodline of the ancient elves cannot be traced.

But they once had the power to travel through time and space. This power is continuously passed down in their blood, and the most perfect successor is the girl in front of them.

Su Ziyu secretly guessed that the ancestors of the ancient elves might be very unusual.

Maybe he is also a time and space monitor.


This is a wild guess.

"Can you continue to train me?" Xirui raised her head and stared at Su Ziyu in front of her, her expression pleading.

She has been hunted by the Wild Hunt. With her strength, she has to flee in panic even when facing small-scale enemies. After seeing the strength displayed by Su Ziyu, the girl's heart can't help but feel the desire to become stronger. got up.

"Okay." Su Ziyu thought for a while and said, "Come on. How about I try your skills."

The two men stood up at the same time.

Su Ziyu raised his hand to signal the girl in front of him to attack at will, ready to see what her strength was.

A ray of sword light pierced his face.


Su Ziyu instantly drew his sword to parry her attack. The girl in front of him showed extraordinary speed and dexterity. She drew the sword faster than Fan Tesin, and her strength was almost the same as that of an old demon hunter.

But she has not yet conducted a potion trial, which means she still has a lot of room for improvement.

"Come again." Su Ziyu's power obviously suppressed the opponent. He looked at the slightly panting girl in front of him and said: "This strength is not enough to deal with the ancient elves."


Another sharp sword stabbed Su Ziyu in the face, and he instantly turned around and struck it with his sword.

In an instant!

The girl in front of him disappeared. A strong sense of crisis made Su Ziyu roll over instantly, and he could no longer maintain the image of a master.

A bit of cold light came from behind.

Ciri actually appeared directly behind him, stabbing at him at a very tricky angle.

"Flash? Interesting!" Su Ziyu said with a surprised expression: "Can you use it continuously?"

"No." After this ultimate move was dodged by Su Ziyu, the girl in front of her looked a little depressed and said, "It takes a while to recover after using this ability."

"I'm too weak!"

Su Ziyu smiled and walked over and patted her on the shoulder, comforting her: "At your age, you are already very strong."

"And you still have a lot of room to grow."

He thought for a while and said: "The swordsmanship of the Wolf School is actually not very suitable for you. During this time, you can learn the White Crow Swordsmanship from me."

"You can try the fighting method of the Cat School."

Ciri has the ability to blink and teleport. As a woman, her innate strength is slightly lacking. The swordsmanship of the wolf school is more suitable for men. What she should learn is the fighting method of the cat school.

The day passed quickly.

Su Ziyu escorted Shire and Unicorn out of Jerusalem. On the way, they met a small group of *** cavalry. From their mouths, Su Ziyu got a message that Saladin's army was heading towards As they advance towards Jerusalem, it seems that another big battle will break out between the Crusaders and them.

In order to avoid the war, the group decided to head towards the Mediterranean.

It takes seven days for Ciri's time travel ability to recover, and all Su Ziyu has to do is protect her until she follows the unicorn back to her own world.

She has no spatial coordinates and needs the unicorn to help her locate her hometown.

The unicorn will then send the squid back to the ring of nature.

Time passes day by day.

It was relatively peaceful along the way. I don't know if it was because the ancient elves suffered too much losses in the Ring of Nature. After the attack that night, they did not encounter any more enemies.

Su Ziyu has been training Xirui these days, and at the same time teaching her the White Crow Swordsmanship to improve the girl's strength as much as possible.

Her teleportation ability is actually very suitable for assassination tactics.


Seven days later, Ciri regained her ability to travel through time and space.

The unicorn will locate the spatial coordinates for her, allowing her to return to her previous world.

"Will we meet again?" The girl's expression was slightly sad.

Su Ziyu taught her a lot during this period, and she finally met someone with similar abilities to herself, but she didn't expect that they would be separated soon.

"We will meet again if we are destined." Su Ziyu smiled.

He will still come back to this world in the future, but there is not much time left for this teleportation. He is currently unable to solve the problem of celestial convergence and hoarfrost. In the future, he will definitely have to fight head-on with those ancient elves. This world It was the most likely place he had encountered so far to complete the main mission.

"Thank you!" The girl in front of him took the initiative to give him a hug and said with gratitude.

"Be careful on the road." Su Ziyu smiled and patted her shoulder, hesitating slightly, then took off his frost giant power and put it on the girl's hand.

"This... this is..." Ciri's expression was quite surprised, because she had already felt the power coming from this strange object.

At this moment, she felt that her power was far greater than those men.

"Those ancient elves will definitely continue to hunt you." Su Ziyu said softly: "I will leave this rare item to you."

"If you wear it, you can exert the full power of the swordsmanship of the Wolf School."

Xirui's expression was moved and frightened, and she said uneasily: "This... this thing is too precious!..."

"It's okay. Just take it." Su Ziyu smiled, stood up and straddled the unicorn next to him.

He waved his hand, and his whole body rose into the sky together with the unicorn, gradually disappearing into the air.

The girl stood there stunned for a while.

Eventually, her figure disappeared from this world.

… … …

Natural circle.

When Su Ziyu's figure appeared again, he had returned to the natural circle.

Leaving the power of the frost giant to Ciri was his decision after careful consideration. Although this rare item was of great help to him, he now had many trump cards that could save his life.

In contrast, Ciri will need the power of this strange object more than he does.

This girl is the key figure in solving the problem of the intersection of celestial bodies. She has perfect ancient blood. She must not fall into the hands of those ancient elves. Su Ziyu's time to stay this time is running out. He has to find a way to do everything possible. Possibly improve Ciri's strength so that she can survive until her next arrival.

Su Ziyu was very sure that the next time he came to this world, he would no longer be afraid of the wild hunting army.

He waved goodbye to the unicorn.

The unicorn must also return to its own world, because the ancient elves are currently hunting their kind.

Very surprised.

Su Ziyu met the Dryad Queen Avina again in the Ring of Nature. She seemed to have not left here. The two had a brief exchange after the dinner. The next day, Su Ziyu left for the Free City. .

He planned to explain a little bit about what he had to do before it was time to leave.

The city of freedom.

The return of Su Ziyu made the people of the Sorceress Mutual Aid Association very happy. During this period, there were some new faces in the Chamber of Commerce.

They seem to be new members who have fled from the southern countries.

Neither Ms. Enid nor Fantersin were here. After Su Ziyu stayed for a day, he said goodbye to Ms. Elena and set off for the territory of the Demon Hunter Academy.

He was still the nominal lord there.

Dragon Valley.

This is actually a very ordinary valley. If it weren't for a small green dragon nesting here, no one would know about it.

"You're finally back." Fan Texin smiled and gave Su Ziyu a hug.

The ranks of witchers have grown again.

In addition to the people Su Ziyu was familiar with, there were also some unfamiliar new faces.

Fantersin is using Ms. Enid's connections to rebuild the witcher academy, and some new witcher apprentices have begun to be trained, most of whom are orphans.

"Take it." Su Ziyu handed a heavy package to Fan Texin in front of him.

It's full of gold.

Fan Tesin took it and glanced at it, threw it to Melissa next to him, and then said: "We have cleaned the mine during this period. The iron mine is expected to start construction next year."

"follow me."

"Ms. Enid still has something to discuss with you."

at dusk.

Su Ziyu met Ms. Enid and the three rich sisters in Qiuye Town. The sorceresses also want to rebuild the Warlock Academy here, but this cannot be done in a day or two. I am afraid it will take several years. Only then can the construction be completed. In the end, Su Ziyu couldn't stand the pressure from others and agreed to serve as the honorary dean of the Demon Hunter Academy and the special advisor of the Warlock Academy.

Su Ziyu was relatively leisurely in the following time.

While assisting Fantersin and the others in rebuilding the Witcher Academy, he also used Ms. Enid's intelligence network to collect information.

Within this week.

Su Ziyu killed a griffon and an old hag. What made him a little disappointed was that the griffon did not provide any source of power, and he only gained 2 source of power from the old hag.

The time to leave is getting closer.

Just when Su Ziyu also felt a little anxious, a new demon hunter apprentice finally passed the potion test.

Then, the data flow in his mind changed slightly.

"mission completed!"

"The authority level is increased! Unlock the enhanced database related to the witcher!..."

A large amount of data emerged in his mind. In this information, there were not only training methods for demon hunters, but also various mutation potions. What excited Su Ziyu the most was that there was actually a kind of magic weapon in the database. An improved trial potion that reduces the chance of death during a witcher's trial.

But the problem is also obvious!

This demon hunter strengthening information seems to come from other worlds, and a lot of the materials seem to be difficult to obtain.

Su Ziyu immediately found Ms. Elena and gave her some of the witcher's mutant potion formulas, asking her to try mixing them to see if she could find some alternative materials.

Qiuye Town, in the hall.

"Where did you find these potion formulas?" Ms. Elena's face was filled with disbelief.

Next to her were Ms. Enid, Ms. Judy and Van Tesin, and opposite her sat Melissa, Nicole, Mira and Lev. Everyone looked quite surprised at this time.

The magic potion formula that Su Ziyu came up with didn't exist in this world at all.

As for the improved trial potion, it is a feat that even the warlocks have not been able to accomplish. You must know that the chance of a demon hunter passing the potion trial has been very low in the past.

"terribly sorry."

"There's something I haven't said yet." Su Ziyu decided to tell a white lie and whispered, "Actually, I'm from another world."

Sure enough!

What made Su Ziyu feel a little strange was that the others were not so surprised, especially Ms. Enid and Fan Tesin.

"Actually, we have guessed it a long time ago." Fan Tesin came over and patted Su Ziyu on the shoulder and said: "Do you remember drinking that day? You said that maybe in other worlds, the inheritance of demon hunters continues... "

"I was just guessing at that time."

"Could you be a witcher who came from another world because of the celestial conjunction?"

"After all, you are still a little different from us."

Ms. Enid had an expected expression and said calmly: "No matter where you come from. You are our companions."

"We had an inkling when you left with the unicorn."


Now that you have accepted this statement, Su Ziyu doesn't bother to explain anymore.

"I'll be leaving in a few days." Su Ziyu thought for a moment and said, "There are some important things that I need to do."

"But I'll be back."

"I don't know exactly how long it will take."

After hearing his words, everyone else couldn't help but be silent for a moment, and then Fan Tesin said solemnly: "I understand."

"rest assured."

"I'm still here, nothing will happen."

At night.

After a sumptuous dinner, Su Ziyu first drank wine with Fan Tesin for a while.

The old witcher drank a lot today.

Su Ziyu couldn't help but get a little drunk, and then at Ms. Judy's invitation, he accompanied Judy, Nicole and Mira to play a Gwent game. During this period, Ms. Enid suddenly visited, so Su Ziyu played another game of Quint Party with her. Finally, exhausted, he returned to his room and fell asleep.

the next day.

Su Ziyu's figure disappeared here.

His departure did not alarm anyone, but left a legend in the mouths of witchers and sorceresses.

He is the lord of Akiye Town and Dragon Valley.

He is the Head of the Academy of Witchers and he is the advisor to the Academy of Warlocks.

He is a witch hunter from another world. He helped the sorceresses escape from the church and defeated a large number of witch hunters alone. He teamed up with the witch hunters and sorceresses to kill a high-level vampire. This was how they won the land they were in now.

It was he who brought the magic potion formula for vampire mutation.

It was he who restored the witcher legacy.

He helped the druids fight against the terrifying Wild Hunt and summoned powerful lightning storms to defeat the ghost hunters in one fell swoop.

He is the only witcher to ever ride a unicorn.

Before he left, he left behind the knowledge passed down by the demon hunters of another world, and these precious information will revive the gradually disappearing demon hunters!

His name is Su.

A legendary witcher.

He said he would come back one day, and we were all waiting for his return.

… … …

(PS: The third volume is over. The next volume is "The Game of Death - Bloody Battle of the Abyss".)

Two chapters in one. I'll start writing the next volume tomorrow.

(End of chapter)