Space-time Traveler

Chapter 154: Abyss of Corruption1


In the endless void of the Milky Way.

After experiencing so many time travels, Su Ziyu has gradually become accustomed to the sights he sees in front of him. Countless faint stars twinkled in front of his eyes, and the hourglass of time took him drifting in this long river of time and space, but what was a little different from before was that he had slowly adapted to all this. There are no abnormalities on many stars. These should be uncorrupted worlds, but the target of the Hourglass of Time will not be these normal places, but will lead him closer to those stars that have been polluted.


"Why is it here again!" Su Ziyu's expression changed slightly.

Two crimson star spots appeared in front of him, one of which was obviously darker in color, and the aura it emitted was close to dark red.

I don't know if it was because of the continuous improvement of his authority level, but this time he actually obtained some marking information in advance.

—“Corrupted Dragon Kingdom [Deep Pollution]!”

— "Unstable mechanical ascension [deep pollution]!"

"Damn it!"

Su Ziyu just glanced at it and determined that these two places must be quite dangerous.

To be honest, he definitely doesn't want to go to such a dangerous place, because with his current ability, it is still a bit reluctant to deal with this kind of world.

"Activate vacation authority!" Su Ziyu immediately issued the order.

However, some prompts soon appeared: "Plane positioning permission is temporarily unavailable! Startup failed!"


Entering the previous world seemed to have used the plane positioning permission. Su Ziyu looked a little anxious and couldn't help but try to return to the world he had experienced before.

"The plane positioning permission is temporarily unavailable! Positioning failed!"

Damn it!

Seeing that he was about to fly towards the dark red star and enter the world marked as 'unstable mechanical ascension', Su Ziyu couldn't help but gritted his teeth and issued an order: "Accept the invitation from the God of Death!"

The next second.

Su Ziyu received a large amount of data stream instantly, and the huge data made him stunned for a while.

Immediately afterwards, his entire figure began to disappear.

Large amounts of data are transformed into improvements:

"Receiving unknown data transmission."


"Mission entrustment: Death's invitation."

"Entrusted to: Time and Space Hub."

"Mission goal: Help Death win a game."

"Task content: Incarnate and descend to a certain plane, and win a game of gods as the spokesperson of Death. Depending on the final result, Death will give certain rewards."

There was a brief blank in consciousness.

When Su Ziyu's senses recovered, his entire body had turned into a ball of light and fell directly from the sky in the form of a spiritual body. He felt that he had passed through space barriers and fell to the earth like a meteor.


The whole person's consciousness couldn't help but explode.

When Su Ziyu's consciousness completely recovered, he was already standing on an extremely desolate land. The ground under his feet was dark red, and a blood-red sun hung in the sky. There was nothing visible to the naked eye. There is only an extremely desolate Gobi Desert directly ahead of life.

"My body? Oh my God! What happened?" Su Ziyu glanced at his hands and couldn't help but froze on the spot.

He looked very special at this time.

His appearance is still similar to his past, but his skin is a fiery red, and there are actually flames burning and jumping on the surface of his body. There seems to be a pair of small protrusions on his forehead, like horns that have not grown out, and his hair is burning. There were wisps of flames, and there were traces of slight cracks on the exposed skin of the body. In addition to the strong muscles, there was also the endless power of flames.

"The demon incarnation has been fused!"

"Terminal Auxiliary Tower Spirit No. 76 is connecting!... Data transmission is in progress!... "

"Information transformation is in progress!"

"Activate the blood pool!"

"Mission target transmission begins!"

A large amount of data flow was transmitted to Su Ziyu's mind, and before his eyes, the earth under his feet was also undergoing amazing changes.

Streams of blood-like liquid spurted out.

The ground directly in front of him seemed to have collapsed, and a strong evil force emerged. In just ten breaths, a huge blood pool with a diameter of tens of meters appeared in front of Su Ziyu's eyes, with endless tumbling blood liquid. It keeps emerging, exuding a trace of power that makes people long for but shudder.

"Capturing souls!"

"The current soul value is 10 points."

"Start hatching!"

In the surging blood pool, shapes made of flesh and blood gradually emerged, and then strange worms about half a meter in length crawled out of the blood pool. There were actually twisted human faces on the surface of their bodies.

These worms kept pouring out, and finally squirmed around the blood pool in front of them.

Some information emerged.

"Mission goal: win this bloody battle in the abyss!"

"Mission reward: Death's reward."

"Mission Notes: The Lord of Death and the Lord of Hell discovered an unknown world at the same time. In order to compete for the ownership of this world and avoid the escalation of the conflict that would lead to another bloody battle in the abyss, they set up a game bet."

"The winner will gain control of this world!"

A continuous stream of data emerges.

"Terminal Auxiliary Tower Spirit No. 76 has been loaded!... The digitization page is starting!..."

"The blood pool hatching pool is ready."

"The killing power begins to pour in!"

"Startup completed!"

"Faction Locked—Death's Spokesperson!"

"The camp's goal is to gather a huge army of demons to completely destroy the demonic forces and other forces in the current world."

"Games start!"

Su Ziyu stood there stunned for a while before recovering. Then he discovered that in addition to the space-time monitor system he originally had, there was actually a second auxiliary system in his consciousness, that is, the terminal auxiliary system. 76 Talling.

A large number of different data pages are displayed on it.

"Abyss Blood Pool [First Level]."

"Demon hatching pool: hatching efficiency +50%, demon gene tree unlocking 20%, demon gene mutation efficiency 10%, soul collection efficiency +10, killing power conversion +20%."

"Advanced requirements: 50 soul points, 100 demon gene points, and 10,000 killing power points."

above these data displays.

Su Ziyu also saw some special values: 0 soul points, 10 demon gene points, and 1,000 killing power points.

When his eyes fell on him.

"Devil incarnation—Fire Demon Form [Level 3]"

"Rank: Elite Demon."

"Abilities: Fire Control, Demonic Skin, Demonic Power, Flame Storm, Teleportation, Evil Aura."

"Advanced: Balrog mutation sequence (not activated), Barro demon mutation sequence (not activated), leader template (not activated)."

It really feels like a game.

Su Ziyu looked at his palm curiously. He was sure that it was not his body, but an incarnation of the devil who had descended from his own consciousness.

That feeling is amazing.

It was as if the body was filled with a terrifying explosive force.

He leaned over and picked up a hard stone from the ground. He squeezed it into a pile of powder with a gentle squeeze of his palm. Su Ziyu kicked the rock in front of him. A stone the size of a millstone cracked and splashed, and his body was uploaded. The feedback that comes is like being punched with a sandbag.

This is an amazing power that he has never had before.

"Devil?" Su Ziyu's interest gradually became high. As a former game industry designer, he really had never played such an interesting game.

This feels even more exciting than virtual reality!

Su Ziyu opened the hatching page of the Abyss Blood Pool, and then saw some unlocked demon gene tree mutation sequences—little devil, abyss lurker, violent demon and succubus.

All demon hatchings need these ferocious abyss worms in front of them.

Abyss worms must be transferred out with soul points. Su Ziyu did not hesitate at all and directly chose to spend 100 points of killing power to hatch them into little devils.

The next second.

All the abyss worms curled up on the spot. They turned into ferocious tumors, beating continuously like a heart. In just a few minutes, all the tumors transformed by the abyss worms exploded, and each of their faces was revealed. A ferocious little devil jumped out of it.

These little devils were only about 1.23 meters tall, with black claws and sharp teeth. They were as messy as a group of goblins, but the evil aura exuding from them was enough to frighten ordinary people.

"Is it just this kind of thing? Isn't it too weak?" Su Ziyu said secretly.

These little devils are quite weak.

Probably weaker than ordinary soldiers, a single demon hunter can kill them all.

"do not care."

Su Ziyu stood up and looked around, secretly saying: "Let's explore the nearby environment first."

"Although this mission is not life-threatening."

"But the reward from the God of Death should be very good! You must find a way to get it, otherwise you won't know how to resist in the next world!"

Whether it is the corrupt Dragon Kingdom or the unstable mechanical ascension, it is not a simple place to understand literally.

A strong wind blew.

Su Ziyu found that the climate in this world was a little harsh, and his current location should be in a plain area.

These little devils all have simple intelligence and can understand his telepathic commands. After accepting his orders, these ten little devils followed him in a chaotic manner. They did not look like an army. Rather like a group of refugees following behind.

“Discovering open-pit mines.”

Su Ziyu had only walked a few hundred meters when he saw a pile of dark red stones on the ground, which seemed to be some kind of open-air ore.

Immediately afterwards, he encountered a group of enemies.

They were insects with hard black carapace, which looked a bit like scarabs. Their huge mouthparts were quite sharp, and they crawled out of the underground cave in a swarm.

"Kill them." Su Ziyu tried to give the order.

Then, he saw those little demons swarming up, tearing them apart with their claws and biting them with their teeth. In just a few breaths, not a single scarab was killed, but the little demons were bitten to death by these bugs. Three of them were killed, and then the other little devils fled back in a swarm.

"This morale is too bad!" Su Ziyu shook his head.

He stood there and flexed his muscles a little, then suddenly swooped up, trampling a scarab into a pulp with one kick, and then smashed another scarab into pieces with a punch. Meat.

"Get 10 points of killing power."

"Get 1 soul point."

"Discover the flesh and blood tissue of the Zerg gene mutation."

A fireball flew out.

Su Ziyu tried his spell-casting ability and found that mobilizing the power of fire was as simple as eating and drinking. With a rumbling explosion, he killed all the scarabs in front of him.

A total of 120 points of killing power, 10 points of soul value and several Zerg genetically mutated flesh and blood were obtained.

"It really feels like playing a game." Su Ziyu couldn't help but smile.

Is this really a game world

Su Ziyu didn't think so. Everything here looked like a real world, but he was blessed with gamified data power.

This is the scariest thing!

The god of death who issued the mission could actually turn reality into a game.

Is this the power of gods

"Discover the wild swarm of abyss worms!... Can be transformed!... "

After all, this is not a real game world. Su Ziyu has to ask those little devils to transport the insect's body back and throw it into the blood pool.

Near a lush weed pile.

Su Ziyu saw some wild abyss worms. Their bodies were light gray, unlike those hatched in the blood pool with a hint of dark red.

— "Devil's Mark."

Su Ziyu waved his hand and spent 50 points of killing power, and then saw a trace of dark red lines on the surface of these abyss worms, and they actually crawled towards the blood pool one by one automatically.

Demons must be hatched near a pool of blood in the Abyss.

"Damn it!"

"You stole my prey!" Just as Su Ziyu was busy transforming this bunch of wild abyss worms, an angry low roar suddenly came from not far away.

Then, he saw a cloaked figure appearing in front of him.

—"Night Witch: A special existence that grazes soul worms in the lower plane. They will sell soul worms to any customer who needs them at a high price, whether they are demons, demons, undead, or anyone else."

Auxiliary Tower Spirit No. 76 quickly gave a prompt.

Just as Su Ziyu was thinking about how to deal with the other party, a dark energy arrow struck.


There’s nothing to talk about, right

Su Ziyu's figure flew directly up, and the surface of its body was covered with blazing fire. The temperature nearby was rising rapidly, and the weeds on the ground had been ignited.

He now almost understands how to play this game of death!

— "Firestorm!"

A fire pillar about six meters in diameter rose up, and the bursting flames were close to the height of three floors. The night witch who launched the attack in front of him was directly enveloped in the flames. Amidst the shrill screams, Su Ziyu's figure flew up. , and instantly grabbed the opponent's neck.


With a very clear sound, the night witch's head was twisted off by him on the spot.

The power of the devil is so powerful!

"Get 600 points of killing power."

"Get 5 soul points."

"Obtain a medium-sized soul crystal."

Su Ziyu threw away the body of the night witch in his hand. He looked down at his body. The demonic body was full of amazing explosive power. He had never defeated the enemy so easily as he did today.

… … …

Two chapters in one. This was probably an idea from the Abyss Dominator period, and I finally decided to write it out.

(End of chapter)