Space-time Traveler

Chapter 161: Expansion 2 [3500 subscriptions plus more updates]!


This land must be conquered.

Not only because it can collect protection fees, but more importantly, this land can automatically hatch soul worms.

Just now, Su Ziyu witnessed the birth of a soul worm. He vaguely heard some movement, and then saw a young worm emerging from the ground. Its gray-white body seemed to have just been born. It gnawed a little bit around and then turned into the size of a normal abyss worm.

This abyss worm has been wandering around in place since it was born, seemingly without any intelligence.

No wonder there are wild swarms of worms here.

Su Ziyu casually marked the soul worm, and then led his demon army to continue sweeping the corrupt plain in front of him.

After knowing that there was a lich next to him, he was still a little worried.

A large number of wild claw demons were killed.

The land eroded by this abyss covers about one hundred square kilometers. Su Ziyu soon reached the border area. As he took a step forward, the color of the land was withered yellow, while the land under his feet had a hint of crimson.

Basically, no demons can be seen outside this range.

The outside seemed to be the territory of wild beasts, insects and sub-dragon species. From a long distance away, he could see a group of leisurely walking dragons, which looked like small mountains of meat.

"This is my territory!"

As a newly promoted demon lord, Su Ziyu quickly made this land his own. He kept half of the claw demons and then brought the other demons back to the abyss blood pool.

Today's results are very good.

Su Ziyu obtained a total of more than 6,000 killing power points, 210 soul points, 160 demon gene points, plus several soul crystals.

These are all demons from the wild.

There are not many powerful demons in this land. The most dangerous demon encountered is a claw demon elite. If Suziyu hadn't appeared, it might advance to become a demon lord.

"Master." The succubus adjutant greeted him warmly.

She brought back a dozen kobolds, but Su Ziyu found that there seemed to be injuries on her arms.

"What's wrong?" Su Ziyu asked.

"I met a kobold warlock, and I killed it." The succubus adjutant raised the trophy in his hand and said proudly: "It will be restored tomorrow."

It was a staff that looked a bit tattered.

Su Ziyu had no intention of taking away her spoils. After all, the succubus had a very high IQ, so he left it to her to use as a weapon.

The resources harvested this time are enough.

Su Ziyu quickly decided to upgrade the Abyss Blood Pool first, because this was his base camp.

50 soul points, 100 demon gene points, and 10,000 killing power points.

This consumption is a bit distressing.

Su Ziyu had to convert some soul crystals because the killing power might not be enough later.

"Abyss Blood Pool [Level 2]."

"Demon hatching pool: hatching efficiency +100%, demon gene tree unlocking 40%, demon gene mutation efficiency 20%, soul collection efficiency +20, killing power conversion +40%."

"Enhanced soul collection: There is a certain chance of obtaining high-quality souls, and a very low chance of obtaining legendary-quality souls."

"Demon promotion: Spend a certain amount of resources to transform the demon, and you can directly promote it to an elite unit."

"Soul resuscitation: Spend a certain amount of resources to resuscitate the demon's soul. It is possible to awaken part of the memory of the past life and obtain some special abilities of the past life. At least elite units can perform the ritual."

"Worm Mother: Spend 5,000 killing power points, 300 soul points, and 200 demon gene points to summon a worm mother. The worm mother will not leave the range of the abyss blood pool, and is not under the command of the demon lord, but Any enemy that comes close will be attacked by it. The Worm Mother is considered the Demon Lord, the leader unit."

"Advanced requirements: 100 soul points, 200 demon gene points, and 20,000 killing power points."

The earth is shaking.

Su Ziyu felt that there seemed to be some evil and powerful force gushing out from the ground. The size of the abyss blood pool was gradually expanding, and at the same time, the crimson land was also expanding. Some of the originally withered yellow land was gradually transformed into blasphemy. place.

A large amount of blood-like liquid spurted out.

All the demons seemed to be in high spirits, and the succubus adjutant looked like he was about to stick to Su Ziyu.

"Master! Our strength has grown again!" the succubus adjutant said with an excited expression.

The diameter of the advanced abyss blood pool is close to one hundred meters. Demons can quickly recover from their injuries after getting close to it. However, demons cannot enter the blood pool, and the blood-like liquid is also very dangerous to them.

Mother of Worms

Demon lord

Unable to direct? Equivalent to a powerful guard

The first thing Su Ziyu noticed was the mother of worms. It was a huge worm that was tens of meters long. It looked similar to an abyss worm, but it gave people a special sense of oppression.

"What a big bug! It's a pity that the price of summoning is too high!" Su Ziyu couldn't help but shook his head.

Its information is displayed on the system.

The Mother of Worms is a powerful creature that is born near the blood pool of the abyss. Its strength is close to that of ordinary demon lords, but they have no intelligence and are only lives dominated by pan-consciousness.

It will protect the Soul Worm and prevent others from approaching the Abyssal Blood Pool.

But it cannot be taken out.

As long as the Mother of Worms appears near the Abyss Blood Pool, they will never leave unless the Abyss Blood Pool dries up.

"Hatch 50 Claw Demons."

Su Ziyu found that the speed of demon hatching had become faster, and some higher-level demons had also been unlocked, including his own current form - the Fire Demon.

The newly unlocked demonic forms are - War Demon, Cunning Demon, Fire Demon, Flo Demon, Demon Hunter and Snake Demon.

Su Ziyu can see their graphics and information.


These demons are basically mid-level demons, and some of them have some prerequisites for promotion, which seem to be related to the abilities they master.


"The Abyss Blood Pool captured a high-quality soul."

Su Ziyu had just finished upgrading the Abyss Blood Pool and was checking the expanded demon information when a system prompt suddenly woke him up.

Did you gain something so quickly

Su Ziyu's expression was quite surprised. He looked into the abyss blood pool with the help of the system's ability, and soon saw a tall soul.


It is about five or six meters tall and has an appearance close to that of a human, but it does not have any hair. The state of its soul seems to be related to the state of its life. The consciousness of this giant soul has been very blurred, and his huge body exudes a coercion that makes other captured souls dare not approach at all.

— "The soul of a fire giant (excellent quality): The soul of a fire giant warrior, after being transformed into a demon, may awaken some of the skills of the previous life. The killing power consumed by the demon advanced mutation is reduced by 25%."

… … …

I wrote 8,000 words today, I’m a little tired and my back hurts. Try another day for ten thousand words.

Pagoda wants to go out for a walk and stretch his body.

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(End of chapter)