Space-time Traveler

Chapter 163: Hydra



When Su Ziyu came to the side of the volcanic lake, he felt something and instantly turned his head to look at his side.

Six huge snake heads suddenly emerged from the volcanic lake.

One bite at a time.

It ate six little devils in the blink of an eye, and only then did its huge snake-like body appear.

This monster is extremely large, and its body hidden under the water cannot be seen clearly, but its huge exposed head is about one meter in diameter, its narrow neck is nearly ten meters long, and its body is covered with snake-like scales. You can see some scars left after being chopped with knives and axes.

— "Hydra (legendary creature)!"

Where are the other three heads

Why can I only see six heads

Su Ziyu soon discovered that its huge body had three necks with heads chopped off. Judging from the wounds, they should have been cut off with a knife. It must be a large creature that can cause such injuries.

"Still eating! Fuck!"

This hydra lizard seemed to ignore the demons at all. In just a moment, it had swallowed the little demon in its mouth, and its huge head bit into other prey again.

Without saying anything, Su Ziyu fired a huge fireball at its head.


In the flames of the explosion, the Hydra lizard in front of him let out a scream, and then turned his fierce gaze to the Su Ziyu not far away.

"Kill it!"

Su Ziyu waved his hand, and the demons around him immediately swarmed towards him.

The Mad War Demon rushed the fastest. It moved forward quickly on all fours. With one jump, it came to the neck of the Hydra Lizard. It directly locked the opponent's neck with its thick limbs, and then opened its mouth and bit it with a bloody mouth. A large number of claw demons jumped on the hydra lizard, and the demon's claws left scars on its surface.

A thick and long snake tail whizzed past.

More than a dozen little demons and claw demons were swept away directly, and they were already dead the moment they landed.

This monster is extremely ferocious and cruel.

Facing hundreds of demons, he had no idea of escaping. Instead, he moved his huge body and rushed towards the fish.

It moves very fast.

Many little devils were trampled to death along the way.

— "Teleport!"

Su Ziyu appeared more than a hundred meters away with a teleportation spell, and with three fire demons, he continued to use spells to greet the hydra lizard in front of him. This monster's vitality is so tenacious that it's a bit scary. Even though the demons left a lot of wounds on its body, it still looks high-spirited to fight.

"Why don't you die like this!" Su Ziyu became a little anxious.

The battle continues.

This was an extremely brutal and bloody fight, a head-to-head war of attrition.

Seventy or eighty little devils were killed.

Half of the claw demons were dead.

Five violent demons died.

The main forces in the current battle are the Crazy Fighting Demon and the Fire-Burning Demon. Only the Crazy Fighting Demon can cause a lot of effective damage to it, and the other low-level demons can only interfere with the enemy. The skin of this legendary creature is so thick that even the devil's claws can only scratch the skin, making it difficult to cause a fatal blow.

A cry of grief.

One of the Hydra's heads was directly hit by the Berserker's Chaos Hammer, and the head soon lost its breath of life.

After losing another head, the Hydra lizard in front of him seemed a little scared. It actually wanted to escape back to the volcanic lake not far away. How could Su Ziyu let it go back? He rushed forward and grabbed one of its eyes with the devil's claws.


The huge body of the Hydra is probably close to thirty or forty tons, and neither the Claw Demon nor the Violent Demon can stop it from escaping.

And as long as it enters the volcanic lake, the demons may not be able to do anything with it.

In other words, the dead troops in front of Su Ziyu were in vain.

— "Time accelerates!"

Seeing the hydra lizard getting closer and closer to the lake, Su Ziyu subconsciously used the ability to accelerate time. What he never expected was that everything around him seemed to freeze at this moment, and the hydra lizard in front of him suddenly appeared. It seemed to be frozen in place, retracting in slow motion frame by frame.

Su Ziyu's figure flew forward, and the sharp devil's claws instantly pierced into the snake head's eyeballs, one, two, three, four, five...


When Su Ziyu's figure landed, the hydra lizard in front of him suddenly let out a mournful cry, and all five remaining heads had their eyeballs poked out. There was a splash of blood on the huge snake head.

The demons swarmed in an instant!

Those injured mad war demons became more and more brave, tearing at the neck of the hydra lizard crazily. In the blink of an eye, another snake head was killed, then the second, and the third...

When the last snake head was killed, the huge body of the Hydra lizard collapsed.

"Acquire 36,000 killing power points."

"Gain 1 soul point."

"Acquire 60 points of demon genes."

"Acquire 120 points of Zerg genes."

"The Abyss Blood Pool captured a soul of legendary quality!"

"You killed a legendary creature!... The boss template is being unlocked!... You can promote the boss by consuming resources!... "

The battle is over.

Su Ziyu's plan to explore the south had to be abandoned early, and he could only find a way to transport the huge hydra lizard corpse in front of him with some remaining demons.

The casualties were heavy!

More than a hundred little demons died, only about thirty claw demons were left, only five violent demons were left, one mad war demon was killed and one was crippled, the fire demon had no casualties, and the succubus had no casualties. The adjutant was unscathed.

If Su Ziyu hadn't discovered that the ability to accelerate time could be used in the end, I'm afraid these demons would have died in vain.

He tested his abilities when he came.

Because the body has been replaced and turned into a demon incarnation, all psychic powers cannot be used. He did not expect that time acceleration could be used at the time. It was only then that he realized that the ability to accelerate time seemed to be linked to the hourglass of time. Yes, which means it can still be used even if the body is replaced.

What he cannot use are abilities such as psychic telekinesis, psychic lightning, psychic vision, and flicker.

"Skin off this monster!"

Because the corpse was too huge, it was troublesome for the demons to move it together. Su Ziyu could only ask them to break down the hydra lizard and transport it piece by piece back to his base camp.

This monster seems to often prey on demons and bugs, and there are many strange and disgusting things in its three stomach pouches.


"Let me skin it! They will only destroy this snake skin!" As soon as the battle was over, the succubus adjutant ran up immediately.

She had a puppy-like expression on her face, as if she was afraid that Su Ziyu would be angry.

Because in the battle just now, she didn't get close to the hydra lizard in the whole process, but just threw a few completely useless charm spells from a distance. Facts have proved that Su Ziyu's judgment is right, the succubus really doesn't need too much.

They are completely unable to fight head-on.

… … …

(End of chapter)