Space-time Traveler

Chapter 165: Fire giant


There are indeed giants to the south.

Su Ziyu saw the fire giants standing on the hillside. They seemed to live near this volcano.

It is possible that the three heads of the Hydra were chopped off by these fire giants, but Su Ziyu took advantage of them later. Otherwise, killing the Hydra would never have been as easy as it is now.

The body of the fire giant is very burly.

Their weight is probably five or six tons, and the Mad War Demon can only reach their shoulders when standing up, and their size is completely incomparable. The muscles of the Berserker Demon are all in the limbs, while those fire giants have well-developed muscles all over their bodies, and their broad and strong chests are full of explosive power.

There are probably more than twenty fire giants in number.

The leader of the fire giant wore a full-body armor and held a giant sword that looked like a door panel with blazing flames attached to it. Around him, the other fire giants were slightly shorter and had simpler equipment. They only had part of the armor. The most eye-catching one was a female fire giant. She was actually wearing a golden robe and holding a sword in her hand. He was holding a huge staff, which actually looked like a heavy metal staff.

This is a spell caster.

Possibly a priest, and other fire giants protecting her among the crowd.

"So this is where the fire giant's soul came from." Su Ziyu said secretly.

Some of these fire giants were injured, and the souls they harvested at the beginning might be those who died while fighting the hydra lizard.

They also tamed some huge dark red hounds. You can see some other giants behind them, which seem to have two heads, and there are also some troll-like creatures, but these creatures can only stand at the back.

These are supposed to be their vassal races.

The fire giant's tribe will accept some vassals, such as trolls, trolls, other weak giants, etc.

"Get out of here! Demon!" The leader of the fire giant seemed a little nervous. He only learned yesterday that the hydra lizard had been killed and that there was a demon's body nearby.

A powerful demon lord has risen here.

Even the fire giants who were born with amazing power are still afraid of the strength of the devil. The leader of the fire giant continued to threaten: "This is the territory of the fire giant! Unless you want to start a war with us!"

Fire giants are naturally good at intimidation.

Their diplomatic methods are to intimidate weak enemies, hold on to strong enemies, and give in when they can't hold them anymore. Anyway, the fire giant's mouth is very tough.

No matter whether you can win or not, you must not lose in terms of momentum.


This kind of intimidation was ineffective against Su Ziyu, but the little demons and claw demons were intimidated, and their expressions showed a little fear. If the demon lord hadn't been there, they would have fled directly.

The question Su Ziyu is considering now is whether to fight, whether it is possible to fight, and whether it is worth fighting.

The fire giant is a tough idea.

The casualties in a real fight would be staggering, and all of these demons might have to die.

The wealth that has been accumulated so hard may be wiped out in no time.

But we can’t just go this way.

The momentum cannot be lost.

— "The Realm of Evil."

— "Fire Field."

Su Ziyu opened his dual domains at the same time, then took two steps forward, looked at the fire giant on the top of the mountain and said, "I helped you kill that hydra lizard, shouldn't you pay some reward?"

"Want us to leave?"


"Give us a satisfactory reward and we will leave this land."


Su Ziyu can do the same. He waved his hand gently, and the demons behind him immediately bared their teeth and claws. The violent demons and fighting demons roared even more excitedly. Even the succubus adjutant looked cold. The whip holding the Hydra tendon made a muffled sound in the air.

The two snake demons were very calm. They stood on both sides of Su Ziyu, one on the left and the other on the right. Their cold swords were covered with the light of magic.

Snakes seem to be cold-blooded animals with fewer emotions than other demons.

The leader of the fire giant did not expect that Su Ziyu would blackmail them in turn, but this seemed to be the devil's style, and it would be difficult to let them leave without bringing out something.

The fire giants immediately hesitated.

If the demons want to occupy this land, then they will definitely fight to the death.

But if the demons just want to ask for some wealth, they can still accept it, because the fire giant tribe does not want to go to war with these demons at this time.

They turned around and discussed.


A two-headed giant monster was forced to come over with a bag. It seemed to be very afraid of the devil, so it threw the bag in front of Su Ziyu and then ran away quickly.

Su Ziyu motioned to the succubus adjutant next to him to open it and take a look.

A flash of crystal light.

It was hard to tell that these fire giants were quite wealthy. They took out twenty or thirty medium-sized soul crystals, plus some things that looked like gems, including a small amount of gold.

The fire giant knew that demons didn't like silver, so there was no silver in it.

"Let's go." Su Ziyu turned and left with satisfaction.

Leave after the autumn breeze.

Now is not the time to start a war with the fire giant. It is already a good harvest to have such a harvest.

It seems that all the creatures in this world know the nature of demons. The businessman they met last time paid the protection fee directly when they met. This time they met the fire giant and paid quickly. They were probably afraid that the demon would fall out if they didn't pay. Bar.

Today, more than 10,000 people with the power of killing were prostituted for nothing.

This wave is not a loss.

But when going back, Su Ziyu couldn't help but feel troubled.

Because the north of the abyss blood pool is the territory of the lich, the south is the territory of the fire giant, and the west is a red dragon. Although the east has been developed, it is too far away from his base camp to fight further.

What to do when the time comes to replenish troops

There is currently only one Abyss Blood Pool, and its location is fixed. If you continue to develop the entire territory to the east, it will become a long and narrow straight line.

A breakthrough must be found.

After Su Ziyu returned to his base camp, he immediately began to hatch the violent demons, and the number of violent demons was piled up to nearly fifty in one breath.

He thought about it for a long time.

Finally decided to fight the lich in the north!

Because there are a lot of soul values in the lich's territory, if you don't make a decisive move when encountering a problem, you should first check the strength of the lich and then decide on the next plan. And judging from the current situation, the territory of the undead is now the easiest place to obtain a large amount of killing power and soul value.

Su Ziyu has just gained the ability in the flame field.

This ability seems to be very useful in dealing with crowd tactics. As long as the field is opened, it can cause a steady stream of burning damage to nearby enemies.

… … …

(End of chapter)