Space-time Traveler

Chapter 169: Magician


During this period, Su Ziyu accumulated a large amount of resources.

In the end, there were too many little devils and it was quite troublesome to manage, so he simply controlled the total number of little devils to about 5,000.

The resources he currently has are - 1,752 soul points, 357 demon gene points, 121 Zerg gene points, and 52,505 killing power points.

The number of claw demons has reached more than 600, the number of violent demons has just reached 100, the number of abyss lurkers is 10, the number of mad warrior demons is 12, the number of snake demons is 2, the number of fire demons is 3, and the number of succubus adjutants is currently Still 1.

This is a real army of demons.

Su Ziyu made a rough calculation and found that he had gained about 7,000 soul points from the Bone Burial Ground, and about 100,000 points in killing power.

The harvest from the battle is simply abundant!

The most important thing is that there were no major casualties, and a large number of troops were quickly accumulated.

He killed tens of thousands of undead in total. When he finally retreated, there were only a few hundred skeletons left in the Bone Burial Ground. They were all too scattered and too lazy to clean up.

The Lich's wealth is really rich!

Su Ziyu had been attacking for so many days, and he felt a little fond of the lich. If it hadn't been for the soul summoning tower he had arranged, Su Ziyu would never have been able to accumulate such a huge force in such a short period of time.

But now his lack of Zerg genes and demon genes is a bit powerful.

The devil gene is a little better.

You can also hunt some wild demons in the abyss to the east, and you can get part of them from the abyss transformation pool every day, but the Zerg genes are really gone now. Su Ziyu is very sure that there are no Zerg nests within a radius of fifty kilometers.

There is nothing to hesitate about.

Su Ziyu decided to upgrade the Abyss Blood Pool on the day he evacuated the Bone Burial Ground, because this is the foundation of the base.


Along with the massive consumption of resources, the entire base camp trembled slightly.

Then a large amount of blood-red liquid gushes out, and the size of the Abyss Blood Pool expands again. Now it looks like a small lake. The area of the Abyss further expands, and is soon connected to the area occupied to the east, and to the north It extends for more than ten kilometers and is close to the volcanic lake in the south.

All the land has a hint of dark red, exuding an aura of chaos and evil.

"Abyss Blood Pool [Level 3]."

"Demon hatching pool: hatching efficiency +150%, demon gene tree unlocking 60%, demon gene mutation efficiency 30%, soul collection efficiency +40, killing power conversion +60%."

"High-level soul collection: There is a higher chance of obtaining high-quality souls, a lower chance of obtaining legendary-quality souls, and a very low chance of obtaining souls from an alien plane."

"Demon promotion: Spend a certain amount of resources to transform the demon, and you can directly promote it to an elite unit."

"Soul resuscitation: Spend a certain amount of resources to resuscitate the demon's soul. It is possible to awaken part of the memory of the past life and obtain some special abilities of the past life. At least elite units can perform the ritual."

"Awakening the blood pool: It takes 20,000 points of killing power, 100 points of demon genes, and 100 points of soul value to awaken a new blood pool in an abyss. It must be kept at a certain distance from other blood pools."

"Purgatory Creatures: Through a special ritual, some intelligent creatures are transformed into purgatory creature templates."

"Worm Mother: Spend 5,000 killing power points, 300 soul points, and 200 demon gene points to summon a worm mother. The worm mother will not leave the range of the abyss blood pool, and is not under the command of the demon lord, but Any enemy that comes close will be attacked by it. The Worm Mother is considered the Demon Lord, the leader unit."

"Advanced requirements: 200 soul points, 400 demon gene points, and 40,000 killing power points."


The Abyss Blood Pool had just been transformed when Su Ziyu received a special system prompt.

"The abyss blood pool captured the soul of an alien plane."

A soul from another plane

Are there other worlds connected here

Su Ziyu's expression was quite surprised. He quickly entered the abyss blood pool to check, and then he saw a special soul.

— "The soul of a drow (excellent quality): The soul of a drow warlock living in the underground world. After being transformed into a demon, it is possible to retain part of the memory of the previous life. All resources consumed for advancement are reduced by 35%!"

Damn it!

What a powerful soul.

Although it is only a soul of excellent quality, it seems to be more powerful than the soul of the legendary Hydra Lizard.

This is the first spellcaster's soul that Su Ziyu has obtained.

The drow in front of him was a female. She looked quite gorgeous. Her skin color was gray in her soul state. He tried to directly promote her to become a fire-burning demon, but was informed that the conditions were insufficient. This soul even vaguely conveyed a little bit. Consciousness, she hopes that she can advance to become a succubus.

Are all spellcasters so powerful

In the soul form, he actually still has a certain amount of consciousness and can express his thoughts.

Advanced succubus.

As the abyss blood pool hatched, a tall succubus appeared in front of Su Ziyu.

"Master." This succubus showed considerable wisdom when she appeared. She leaned forward slightly and said, "Claya is happy to serve you!"


He actually still remembers his own name.

"Do you still remember what happened before?" Su Ziyu asked curiously.

"I don't remember." The succubus named Cleia in front of him shook his head, smiled coquettishly and leaned beside Su Ziyu, exhaling like a blue breath and said: "I just remember that I fell into the abyss after death. Maybe I still remember Some previous knowledge.”

This is an elite succubus.

She seemed to be even more clingy than the succubus adjutant. After she appeared, the succubus adjutant seemed to have a sense of crisis and stuck to Su Ziyu's side, constantly rubbing her body against her.

"Come with me." Su Ziyu thought for a while and said to the succubus adjutant: "Come with me too."

He brought two succubi to the abyss blood pool.

- "Soul resuscitation!"

A full 6,000 points of killing power and 100 points of soul value were consumed, and Su Ziyu directly used the soul resuscitation ability on the two succubi.

The next second.

The two succubi froze on the spot, the succubus adjutant burst into tears unknowingly, while Claire looked full of hatred.

"Damn Bichi!"

"You actually dare to plot against me!" Claire cursed, and the next second her body underwent some changes, and a spell wave actually appeared.

The succubus adjutant was silent after waking up, but her demeanor became more elegant and graceful, and her behavior looked a bit like a noble lady.

"Did you recall anything?" Su Ziyu asked curiously.

Claire remained silent, and after a while she said: "I recalled how I was killed!... It seems that I also awakened the talent of a warlock!... "

"Master..." The succubus adjutant's expression was quite painful, and he said in a low voice: "I only recall my identity in my previous life, as a noble, and some painful experiences. I was burned to death..."

… … …

(End of chapter)