Space-time Traveler

Chapter 17: Polaris 1


Although Su Ziyu felt very curious.

But reason told him that he shouldn't rush into the past rashly. After experiencing the previous worlds, he now felt like he was completely reborn. Human potential is the easiest to be forced out on the line of life and death. Even Su Ziyu felt that he had changed a lot.

It was very dark in the alley. The black man didn't feel a little normal until he walked under the streetlight. He tremblingly reached out to look for a cigarette. When he found that there was no more cigarette, he raised his head and revealed his bloodshot eyes, staring at him. Asked: "Is there any cigarette?"

Su Ziyu shook his head and quietly took half a step back.

At this time, the other party's expression looked a bit ferocious for some reason. He looked like a drug addict suffering from drug addiction, and his expression seemed to be distorted because of fear. Underneath his somewhat ferocious face was suppressed irritability, and for some reason Su Ziyu looked at him as if he were seeing a wounded and aggressive beast.

He knew better than to compare a man to a beast, it was rude, but that was how he felt.

Fortunately, the tavern is almost here.

There were five or six people standing outside the bar, each dressed weirder than the other, retro and mechanical, with some metal decorations on their bodies. The leader of the group was dressed like a Western cowboy, with pistols on both sides of his waist. The black man quickly entered the tavern. Su Ziyu hesitated and followed. Before entering, he glanced at the man dressed as a western cowboy. He was wearing a pair of black leather gloves, and the metal part of the wrist on his left hand was exposed. gloss.

Noisy, noisy, chaotic.

Just walking into the tavern, Su Ziyu couldn't help but frown at the sound waves inside. It was like a chaotic dance of demons inside. The heavy metal music made people's heads hurt. Some people were twisting their bodies in the center of the stage, as if It's something to vent about. Old Bill was sitting near the bar, discussing something in a low voice with the fat man during the day. There were several men and women making out in a dark corner nearby, looking a little dazed. Su Ziyu saw the one he had thrown away on the table. Plant pills. The smell of low-quality perfume made people's noses irritate. Two or three women who looked like they had the smell of dust on their bodies noticed him and came over with bright eyes, but he avoided it and sat near Old Bill.

"What do you want?" The speaker was a one-eyed woman.

She has a lazy look, long hair hanging down, and she looks quite gorgeous, but her one eye affects her beauty, and the slight scar at the corner of her mouth adds a bit of sharpness. The lights in the bar are too bright to see clearly, but her voice is very magnetic. , like a lazy cat. She sat there as if she were a lioness patrolling her territory, and she showed an interesting expression when her eyes fell on Su Ziyu.

"Let's have a glass of whiskey." Su Ziyu glanced around and said.


A glass of wine was placed in front of him, and then the woman stood up, leaned down slightly, revealing a deep ravine under the dim light, and said with a half-smile, "Is this your first time here?"

"Yeah." Su Ziyu looked back and nodded.

"Would you like to try our new arrival? We brought it from the south." The one-eyed woman pointed to the corner on the right. There were several people there who seemed to be having too much fun. One woman took off her top by herself. .

"No need." Su Ziyu frowned and refused.

At this time.

A man who looked a little thin and wore a studded leather jacket passed by behind him. Su Ziyu's hand holding the wine glass suddenly paused. The next moment, his whole body suddenly exploded. He reached out and grabbed the other man's neck, and then He twisted his arm joint with his backhand and slammed it onto the metal bar.


A muffled sound attracted the attention of many people, and someone put his hand on his waist.

Su Ziyu silently took his wallet back from the other party's hand, then raised his head and glanced at the one-eyed woman in front of him.

The one-eyed girl's expression was slightly cold at this time. She showed an apologetic smile to Su Ziyu, and then said to a strong man standing next to her: "Break a leg and throw it into the back alley."

"Feel sorry."

"This cup is for you."

The one-eyed girl took out a better bottle of wine from the wine cabinet, poured a glass and handed it to Su Ziyu.

"Thank you." Su Ziyu said thank you, but moved the glass of wine away with one finger.

He didn't drink any more whiskey, but stood up and said, "How much?"

"15 yuan." The one-eyed girl smiled, looked at him and asked, "Not bad at all. Are you interested in making some money to spend?"

"Not interested." Su Ziyu shook his head, took out 50 yuan, threw it on the bar, and said, "I'll serve two glasses of wine to the two gentlemen at that table. The rest is a tip."

The bartender was quick.

Just when Su Ziyu stood up to leave, wine was served on Old Bill's table. The German man turned to look at him and raised his glass with a smile. He thought it was his warning during the day, and Pasha conveyed it to Su Ziyu. This glass of wine was a thank you. But in fact, Pasha didn't tell Su Ziyu anything. He just invited Su Ziyu casually because he took the other person's car during the day.

Su Ziyu nodded and left the tavern.

When Su Ziyu stood up and was about to leave, the one-eyed girl couldn't help but narrowed her eyes slightly. Her expression was slightly cold, and she stared at Su Ziyu's back silently. Before he went out and turned around, she picked up the cup and invited Su Ziyu to it. He took a sip of his wine, and Su Ziyu happened to see this scene.

The atmosphere here is very unfriendly.

Su Ziyu was not interested in staying here when he met a thief just after he sat down, and the scrutinizing looks from many people made him a little uncomfortable.

When he went out, he found someone following him.

three people.

Hanging far behind, it was not until he entered Old Bob's neighborhood that the men hesitated and went back.

There are still many people active outside.

Old Bob was not in the hotel, replaced by a young white man. He was trimming his fingernails with his legs crossed. He was holding a tactical dagger in his hand and glanced at Su Ziyu coldly.

On the second floor, at the door of the room.

Su Ziyu suddenly frowned when he opened the door and reached out to pick up a broken hair.

Someone had been in his room.

He glanced at the things under the bed, and there was nothing missing, but he was sure that someone had come in after he left, because he casually tied the hair to the door handle. It was purely an intuition. He felt that the water here was very deep and there were many extraordinary characters in it.

But this is already the end of the wasteland, and most simple people should be dead.

A night of silence.

There seemed to be someone fighting outside at night, but Su Ziyu didn't get up to watch. The person selling roasted rats on the other side of the street was replaced by an Indian during the day. There were several drunk men lying on both sides of the road, looking covered in filth.

Everyone looked on with cold eyes.

Su Ziyu noticed that the guards only glanced at the farce and then looked away.

This is the North Star.

What Pasha calls "free people" is leading the pursuit of freedom and equality, trying to overthrow the rule of the plutocrats and rebuild the base camp of human civilization.

do not know why.

Su Ziyu suddenly wanted to laugh, but couldn't.

This place is filled with decadence, depravity, madness, debauchery, depression, greed, and violence. Robberies, thefts, fights, and fights happen almost every day. Everyone must be vigilant at all times, because something may happen if you are not careful. The guards at the camp looked on indifferently, as if as long as they didn't get close to the wall, no matter what happened outside, it had nothing to do with them.

… … …

(End of chapter)