Space-time Traveler

Chapter 2: Hourglass of Time 2


"It's so damn cold!"

Su Ziyu rarely swears, but recently he feels that swearing is quite refreshing, and it can calm his irritable mood a little.

His whole body felt a little stiff now, as if he had arrived in cold Siberia wearing a single coat. To be honest, he didn't know how long he could hold on, but after being kept in a cage as a pet by those aliens for six full days, he There were no more suicidal thoughts in my mind.

If a person dies with his face facing the sky, he will not die for tens of millions of years.

Maybe it was because he lived too peacefully in the first half of his life. He was a little weak at the beginning, and the thought of simply committing suicide appeared in his mind more than once. Maybe it was the mistreatment of him by the aliens that inspired a fierceness in his heart. I don't know when he suddenly stopped being afraid of death.

The last knife that killed the leader of the alien species, if there was even the slightest mistake, he would be the one killed.


It’s so damn cool!

With that knife thrust out, Su Ziyu felt that his entire spirit had been lifted.

"It would be a bit funny if he didn't die in the hands of those snake people, but froze to death instead." The wound on the back was so frozen that it almost no longer felt pain. The heat in Su Ziyu's body was lost very quickly. According to In his own estimation, he would not survive the night if he could not find a warm place.

I don't know how long they walked, but Su Ziyu's eyes suddenly opened up a lot.

"This is... the road!?..."

Although it is just the most primitive mud road, there is still a very obvious difference between the road in front of you and the surrounding primitive environment. This must be a road opened by humans, or some other intelligent creature. After seeing those named by myself, After becoming a snake-man mutant, Su Ziyu felt that he would not be surprised by anything he encountered again.

It's too cold.

You must find a warm place, otherwise you will freeze to death quickly.

Su Ziyu ate some snow on the roadside to replenish water, silently calculated his remaining physical strength, and began to gradually speed up. The biting cold wind made his reaction slightly slower. His lips were cracked by the cold, and a layer of white frost formed on his eyebrows.

He walked alone in the biting cold wind, and the thoughts in his mind became fewer and fewer because of the cold.

It was a very strange ethereal state. The whole person only knew how to move forward mechanically. He clearly felt that his body was close to the state of death, but for some reason he was not afraid at all. He even felt a little anxious for some reason. Laughing, but he couldn't laugh at all now because his face was frozen.


After climbing over a small hillside, he saw a barren farmland and a small fenced-in village not far away. Su Ziyu felt as if he had been saved, and he couldn't help but speed up his pace, but at this moment he suddenly felt something tripped under his feet.

He fell.

This fall completely awakened his awareness of his physical condition. His limbs were extremely stiff, and all his strength seemed to be exhausted in an instant, and he no longer even had the strength to make a sound.


so tired!

Just die. Anyway, I am alone, I am no longer a virgin, I have already driven the car I should drive, and I have nothing to worry about. I just don’t know if anyone will adopt my little orange. If he is so fat and becomes a stray cat, he will definitely live a miserable life...


Who is helping me up

A burst of random thoughts seemed to have exhausted Su Ziyu's last energy, and he fell into darkness.

"water!… "

I don't know how long it took, but Su Ziyu finally regained consciousness. He felt very thirsty and his throat hurt, but no one offered him water. After the initial blur, he quickly woke up. come over.

Su Ziyu glanced around and breathed a sigh of relief.


This time I'm not locked in a cage.

He seemed to be lying on the bed, without clothes, but he was covered with a thick and soft fur. There was the crackling sound of firewood burning next to him, and there were bursts of warmth. His body was still a little stiff, and there was a burning sensation on his back. It hurts so much that it feels like my whole back is a little sore and numb. The sound he made when he woke up seemed to have alarmed the people outside. Soon there was a sound of footsteps, two heavy and one light, one footstep was particularly heavy, and then he saw three humans, two men and one woman, pushing open the door and walking in. , the leading man was nearly two meters tall, his eyes were alert and he placed his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

"#@%#¥#%%@..." He looked at Su Ziyu and said.

It's over.

There was another language barrier, but fortunately, the people I met this time were humans.

Su Ziyu has never felt so close to a human being. Although the other person is obviously Caucasian, he really feels very friendly after seeing the snake man for so many days.



"Can you give me some water to drink? I'm dying of thirst!... "

The other party obviously didn't understand what he said, but fortunately we were all humans, so we could finally try to communicate. After Su Ziyu made some gestures, the human leader finally understood. He reached out and handed a kettle on the table to He gave it to him, but kept his right hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist.


"thank you!"

He drank a lot of water, and then he had the energy to observe everything in front of him. The three humans in front of him were all Caucasian, but they couldn't understand English. They looked like ancient people. The leader The man also wore leather armor. The two people next to him are slightly younger. The young man on the left is examining him, while the girl on the right has a curious look on her face. It seems that it is the first time she has seen a human with his skin color.


"Thank you for saving me, I will repay you." Although the other party could not understand him at all, human beings can communicate more or less internally.

At least they knew Su Ziyu meant no harm, and the leading man also moved his right hand away from the hilt of the sword.


"su." Su Ziyu pointed at herself, then leaned against the bed a little weakly and stretched out her right hand.

The leading man seemed to understand what he meant, but instead of shaking hands with Su Ziyu, he held his arm with his hand, and their elbows touched lightly.

"Ken." The leading man said a pronunciation similar to Ken, and then pointed at himself.

Human facial expressions and vocal pronunciation are somewhat similar. It is not as difficult for Su Ziyu to communicate with the other person as it is with the snake man. At least he cannot hear the babble of the snake man at all, and he cannot judge the other person's expression preferences at all. .

He was in severe pain all over his body now.

Someone must have given him medicine. He touched his back and felt something similar to herbal medicine. There seemed to be few intact skins left on his back. Those snake people were ruthless, and Su Ziyu had never been hurt in his life. After such a brutal beating.

The three people in front of him walked out, and he heard the lock as the door closed.

The other party is still wary of outsiders.

But at this time, Su Ziyu no longer had the energy to think so much. He really needed to take a good rest.

Outside the gate.

Just after Su Ziyu lay down again, the three humans outside also began to communicate. The language they used was somewhat close to Old Norse, a language that uses runes, a language used in Nordic mythology, and its pronunciation is different from English. It's big, but it also has some similar syllables.

"This man may be an exiled noble."

The leading man said solemnly: "Except for those whip marks, there are no other scars on his body. There are no calluses on his hands and feet. It seems that he has not experienced any physical labor."

"I saw people with his skin color when I ventured to the East, but they didn't look much like him."

"I don't know where he's from either."

The bodies raised under the material conditions of modern society are still quite different from those of these aboriginal people. Even that girl's skin may not be as delicate as that of a perilla fish, let alone the aboriginal people of this world who need to do heavy work. Physical labor. The difference between Su Ziyu and other people is like a picture of a modern person compared with a picture of ordinary people during the Republic of China. The look and temperament are very different. I am afraid that only the wealthy children of the Republic of China could have his complexion. The leading man not only thought he was a nobleman, but he was also very likely to be a nobleman with a high status.

But he didn't understand why a noble of high status would suddenly appear in a remote place like Beifeng County.

It takes three or four days to walk to the nearest city. You can hardly see any outsiders here, and even businessmen only come here once every six months.


"Then he should be very valuable." The young man whispered.

The girl next to him couldn't help but glared at him when he heard this, and said with a slightly angry expression: "I picked him up. He is my trophy. You are not allowed to touch him!"

After saying that, she flashed the dagger on her waist.

When she came back from hunting, she picked up a man on the roadside. He was also a noble. The girl seemed to be in a good mood.

"Keep an eye on him."

"Don't let him run around. Winter is coming, and those monsters may appear again. I don't want to see any trouble." The leading man glared at them, then put his hand on the hilt of his sword and walked toward the guard tower. Go, there are dozens of people outside, all talking about the foreign man the girl picked up.

But no matter what, Su Ziyu is still a human being, and their attitude is not very bad.

… … …

(End of chapter)