Space-time Traveler

Chapter 21: Savage Age 3 (Additional update for the leader’s pound of white radish


Su Ziyu's thinking was not very clear tonight.

It wasn't until the cold wind blew for a while that he finally woke up when he returned to Old Bob's hotel. He had an indescribable feeling that he just felt a little impulsive.

There was a young man sitting at the door of the hotel, carrying a beer bottle and playing with a dagger in his hand. He nodded slightly when he saw Su Ziyu. This is a very powerful man, with a thick layer of calluses on his hands. During the day, Old Bob is looking after the store, and at night, it is him. He looks a little cold, but he does not give people a Feeling of danger, he knows how to restrain his edge. The people here each control an industry in the camp, so there is no need to go out to scavenge. Old Bob's status should be very high, and he is very prestigious among these white people.

When Su Ziyu entered, he saw another resident, a mixed-race, male, with a yellowish complexion. He couldn't guess the way out, but he looked very imposing and felt like a soldier.

Because he had a straight face, looked meticulous, and had a faint murderous aura about him.

The other party glanced at Su Ziyu and then went upstairs. Su Ziyu noticed that his waist was bulging. It seemed that it contained not a firearm, but a grenade, but he couldn't be sure because he only guessed based on the appearance. from. This man lives in the room next to Su Ziyu and should have just arrived today.

He didn't feel much sleep after returning to his room.

Su Ziyu connected his consciousness to the peculiar golden hourglass, and then his spirit gradually sank into the huge data flow. This was a good way to help him sleep. Looking at the code made him want to sleep. Just observing him would Feeling a little sleepy. Although Su Ziyu remembered the strange twenty-seven characters, he was completely unable to understand their meaning. He could only determine that they came from some extremely advanced civilization.

"Name: Su Ziyu."

"Race: Human [divine creature]."

"Biological Level: Level 2."

"Ability: White Crow Swordsmanship LV1, Firearms Mastery LV0 (not yet started), Time Acceleration LV3 (psionic power)."

"Characteristics: Strengthen the physique to LV6, and strengthen the agility to LV1."

"Source power value: 0."

"Divinity value: 0."

When he first arrived in this world, Su Ziyu obtained the characteristic of agility enhancement LV1. The characteristic should refer to a passive ability. The Hourglass of Time will strengthen him to a certain extent. The principle is still unclear. I just gained a new ability [Firearm Mastery] today, but since I only practiced it for one day before reaching LV0, it means I haven’t gotten started yet. He used to live in an environment where it was difficult to get access to firearms, but he would play with bows and arrows when he was bored. If possible, Su Ziyu would like to practice his firearms skills in this world.

A night of silence.

There seemed to be another fight outside last night.

Su Ziyu woke up a little late. He was a little impulsive yesterday for some unknown reason, and his behavior was not quite like his usual style. Most of the money obtained from the predators was given to that man. Su Ziyu only had a few hundred yuan left in his hand, which was not enough for the next period of time. If he didn't give the man money, Su Ziyu could stay in the hotel more comfortably until the end of this time travel, but now he had to find a way to get some money, unless he was willing to live on the street and eat cheap roasted rat meat every day.

But let’s talk about regret.

In fact, Su Ziyu had no regrets in his heart, but he just couldn't figure out why he slapped that man at that time. This was not his style.

He felt that he might have suppressed some emotions in his heart, and then burst out in the environment last night.

When he went out, he saw the man again.

The other party seemed to have not slept all night, and his eyes were red and bloodshot. He had been waiting here for a while. When he saw Su Ziyu, he walked over quickly, lowered his head slightly and said, "Thank you."

"You already thanked me yesterday." Su Ziyu looked at him and asked, "Is he okay?"

"Yes." The man nodded with gratitude, and then said sincerely: "I will find a way to return the money to you as soon as possible."

Su Ziyu smiled when he heard this.

The purchasing power of money in this era is still very strong. Let's not say whether he can make so much money in a short time. Even if he makes so much money, Su Ziyu may have left by then.

"What's wrong?" Pasha's voice sounded from behind.

She took a few steps forward, separated Su Ziyu from the man, and looked at him up and down with a wary look on her face.

"It's okay." Su Ziyu patted her shoulder and said to the man in front of her: "Go back and take care of them. As long as people are alive, there is still hope."

The man bowed deeply to Su Ziyu, then turned and left.

"What happened?" Pasha's voice was filled with concern.

Su Ziyu casually talked about what happened last night. There was nothing to hide about this kind of thing. He himself had also been extremely helpless. If someone hadn't helped him, what would he have become in the end? I don’t know either. Maybe it was the silent cry of the man last night that touched him. He remembered that when he was still in school, it was snowing lightly that day. He walked out of the station carrying a suitcase and saw a weathered man with dry and cracked hands. He was suffering from calluses and frostbite. He was sitting next to a rickshaw, and the wind and snow were all over his rickety body. He was not tall, and was even a little thin. He was gnawing cold steamed buns alone, and while he was eating, this man suddenly cried, without any The voice was like this while crying and chewing the buns. After finishing eating, he clapped his hands and got up, wiping his tears with his dirty sleeves.

Then, he went to work.

He still remembered this scene. It was so unremarkable that many travelers coming and going in a hurry didn't even notice it. However, he stared at the man's back and was stunned for a long time. There were not many traces of his father in Su Ziyu's life path when he was growing up. It took him a long time to understand how he should live like a man.

Living like a man is not easy.

Pasha had been listening quietly, her eyes staring at Su Ziyu in front of her, her expression did not change much, but her eyes became brighter and brighter. She reached out and shook Su Ziyu's palm, facing the rising sun. The sunshine smiled and said: "Let's go."

"I brought a lot of bullets for you."

This man smells like sunshine.

That is the remaining breath of civilization.

very warm.

She was born in the world after the catastrophe. Even if she came into contact with people who came out of the shelter, those people had already been assimilated into the same appearance by this era. Even she herself had succumbed to this era and gradually lived as a The look she once hated.

She was glad that she met Su Ziyu at this time, not long after he had just left the shelter, and before he had been assimilated into this era.

If she had anything to say to Su Ziyu.

That sentence is - never forget your original intention.

… … …

Finally opened a new book.

What should be said

When I was young, my hormones were so high that all I could think about was women, gratification and revenge, and decisive killings. It wasn’t until I was approaching my thirties that I learned that life needs to stop and think, and I felt that what I wrote had some flavor. I have been swinging between ideals and reality. I almost gave in at one point, but finally got up tenaciously.

I didn’t live the way I wanted, but fortunately I lived the way I didn’t regret.

This book can be regarded as the culmination of my accumulation over the years. Many creative settings that I once abandoned will appear as independent worlds.

I hope I can write the kind of words I want.

If it doesn't work.

So ten years later, let’s try it again in a different position.


At the age of thirty, entering middle age, I finally dare not shamelessly say that I am a teenager, and that I will always be eighteen years old.

Here’s to you!

Respect youth!

—I love your pagoda.

(End of chapter)