Space-time Traveler

Chapter 24: Discovery 1



What Old Bill said before leaving made Su Ziyu a little confused, but he was sure that the German man definitely knew something.

There was not much contact between the two sides.

In other words, they had met a few times, and Su Ziyu even invited him to drink a glass of wine. The other party's last words were obviously to warn him to be careful, but he did not tell him the reason. Su Ziyu didn't know what happened in Polaris, but he felt that the water here was very deep. If he wanted to get the answer, he would have to check the sewers, but this was a dangerous area that Old Bill told him not to approach.


Su Ziyu still gave up.

It's not that he is not curious in his heart, but because the danger is not proportional to the reward, there is no need to try something too dangerous just to satisfy a little curiosity. After all, he only has some special abilities, and there is currently no way to completely ignore the power of firearms. Killing so many predators by one person is an act of trickery, and it may not be so easy if he does it again.

The camp seemed much emptier inside.

The black people are gone, and many scavengers have temporarily left here to avoid the limelight.

When Su Ziyu went back, he saw the one-eyed woman standing at the door of the bar talking to people. After noticing him, she looked at him deeply.

There are more people patrolling outside today.

Pasha asked a black woman to send him a message, warning him not to move around. There were also some black people among the free people, but these black people seemed to have no connection with the black people outside. They looked more like soldiers, and they were also right. He was indifferent to the gang war outside, and even looked at other black people with a hint of contempt in his eyes, a look that meant he would die.

Su Ziyu really couldn't figure out the relationship between these people.

Pasha had someone send some money and equipment. The amount of money was not a lot, only a few thousand yuan, but it was enough for Su Ziyu's daily expenses. It stands to reason that the role of money in this era will be greatly weakened, but the power of the chaebols is too strong to hold back, and they also firmly control the pharmaceutical resources. In this era, the value of money is not backed by gold, but Rely on those drug endorsements. The biggest expense of the money everyone earns is to buy medicines, and all of these medicines are lost from the hands of the plutocrats.

This is not an era of gold and silver standards, but an era of medicine.

The equipment Pasha sent was mainly tactical vests, body armor, and military boots, which fit just right. We have to wait until tomorrow to select weapons. Pasha should be busy with other things now.

Night falls.

Su Ziyu was lying on the bed recuperating. Only about one-eighth of the time in the Hourglass of Time had elapsed, and he still had to stay in this world for nearly twenty days. The money is almost enough, and there are also medicines and stocks from the looters. For the time being, his survival needs have been met. He is more thinking about what he can get from this world to increase his future survival ability. Su Ziyu already has an inventory of conventional firearms from predators, but it is difficult for him to obtain unconventional weapons. Even if he obtains them, he may not be able to take them with him and use them.

"Huh?" Su Ziyu suddenly sat up from the bed.

I don't know if it was his imagination, but he seemed to hear a slight landing sound just now.

Su Ziyu cautiously opened the door and took a look. On the edge of the corridor, he seemed to see a black shadow crawling into the alley. It was very agile and the trace was gone in the blink of an eye.

He stood there and thought for a moment, then raised his hand and gently knocked on the door next door.

no response.

He knocked a few more times, but still didn't hear any movement.

This is the third floor.

The figure just now should have gone down through the window. The wall outside was very smooth and there was almost no place to stay. With Su Ziyu's current physical condition, it shouldn't be a problem if he jumps from the second floor, but if he jumps from the third floor, there is a high probability that he will be injured. The figure just now should be the man who lives next door.

Frat guys.

"In that direction? Is it the sewer?" Su Ziyu frowned.

Strong curiosity made him hesitate, but in the end he closed the door and returned to his room.

Three minutes later.

Su Ziyu, who had already put on a smart outfit, opened the door and walked out. He took the black short blade and a pistol at his waist, walked along the corridor to the second floor, and then slid lightly along the wall. Go down. The other party didn't open the door or pass through the corridor but left through the window. Apparently he didn't want to alarm him. Su Ziyu finally couldn't hold back his curiosity and prepared to follow him to have a look.

The alley is quite dark.

There was also a smell of rotting rust. Not long after he left, Su Ziyu heard the sound of hurried footsteps, and he quickly hid in the darkness to avoid it. The people who just passed by were free people, because only free people would wear mechanical watches, and those who wore mechanical watches were of high status.

"The experimental subject has been discovered! Requesting support!" a rapid voice sounded.

Su Ziyu waited until they left, then looked around, grabbed the fulcrum on the wall, turned over and climbed up.

"Experimental subject?" This title made Su Ziyu's heart skip a beat.

Now that his skills were much stronger than before, Su Ziyu climbed all the way up the corner and found a place with a better view and squatted down.

He was just curious and didn't want to take any chances.


There was a muffled sound near the entrance of the sewer, and then there was a burst of gunfire. Many people were rushing over nearby. Su Ziyu looked around and couldn't help but trembled, and then looked towards him with a little embarrassment. Not far away smiled.

On the roof of another street, he saw the man who lived next door to him.

The other party's expression was also very surprised, and even a little embarrassed. He made a silence gesture towards Su Ziyu, and then turned his attention to the battle over there.

Both parties should arrive at about the same time.

The other party doesn't seem to want the free people to discover him.

A scream came.

Su Ziyu saw a black shadow flashing past in the darkness, or rather a black shadow that rushed towards it. The speed was too fast to catch, and the power was also amazing. There was a muffled sound hitting the wall in the distance.

"What the hell?" Su Ziyu's expression gradually became serious.

The speed of the black shadow was faster than the ghost-faced monkey, almost as fast as the monster Lott turned into. A burst of gunfire rang out one after another, and the black shadow rushed into the house on the right despite the intensive shooting, and then there were three human screams in succession, which sounded like they were dying.


The Freedmen began to disperse, and then Su Ziyu heard a loud noise, and then a man wearing an exoskeleton power armor knocked out the swift black shadow. With the help of the nearby light, Su Ziyu finally It was when he saw the black shadow clearly.

… … …

(End of chapter)