Space-time Traveler

Chapter 28: Southern Cross 1


This gun is really heavy!

Most people may not be able to carry it with them even if they replace a mechanical prosthesis. After all, it weighs 30 kilograms, and it will be too much for those with a little physical ability to carry it for a while. But this is really not a problem for Su Ziyu. Don't forget that he was the one who carried Pasha out of the Southern Cross.

The walk took at least an hour or two. Pasha weighed about 60 kilograms. Su Ziyu just sat down and took a breath.

His physical endurance is now terrifying, and he has never felt particularly tired.

"Prepare more bullets for me. Any type will do." Su Ziyu lowered his voice slightly.

Pasha nodded lightly and said, "No problem."

"This gun can be disassembled and assembled. I will take you to practice. We will set off in an hour."

This BTL82M modified anti-material sniper rifle can be split into parts up to 1.15 meters long. The metal used seems to be titanium alloy, and some special parts are also installed. However, it is not very cumbersome to use. The biggest problem is It is more troublesome to maintain than other firearms, which is a problem common to most anti-material sniper rifles.

There were many people involved in this operation.

Ten armored vehicles were driven out alone, and they had ample firepower. A row of rocket launchers were prepared, and anti-aircraft machine guns were mounted on the vehicles. A man whose hands had been replaced with mechanical prostheses also carried a six-barreled Gatling heavy machine gun. . But this time I didn't wear the exoskeleton powered armor, so the front row of meat shields was a little weak. Everyone has prepared an extra set of protective clothing. The Southern Cross is a serious source of radiation pollution, and there is even a serious nuclear leak in the core area.

The convoy soon set off.

I don't know if it was Su Ziyu's illusion, but before he left, he noticed a familiar white man on the side of the road. He looked a bit like Leon, but his face had completely changed.

The cement road outside is almost scrapped.

Cars are basically just decorations in this era. Occasionally, passing through the ruins of a town, you can still see a burned-out sports car with only an empty shell left. Su Ziyu heard a burst of gunfire on the way, but Pasha and others ignored it at all and just said casually: "Maybe it's scavengers or plunderers."

Not everyone likes to be attached to an organization, and there are some people in the wilderness who live in family units near the ruins of past cities.

The day passed quickly.

Su Ziyu was bored sitting in the car, so he just kept disassembling and reassembling the BTL82M. While setting up a tent for camping at night, Pasha walked over quietly, handed three special light red injections to Su Ziyu, and then lowered her voice and said: "Czech-03. A powerful stimulant. It can be obtained at It greatly improves combat effectiveness in a short period of time, but will make you very tired after using it.”

"Don't use it unless absolutely necessary."

"It's addictive."

Su Ziyu reached out and took the injections, glanced at them and put them away. He had heard of this stuff in the camp, and it was said to be a very overbearing stimulant. The biggest disadvantage is that you may become addicted after using it. There are some not-so-good things added to this thing.

The next day they arrived near the Southern Cross.

It looks very quiet here, and there are no traces of animal activity outside. The group of people quickly put on protective clothing and then cautiously entered the ruins of the city. The ruins on the outskirts of the city have obviously been cleared, and there are traces of explosives opening roads near some collapsed houses. There is a scrapped excavator fifty meters to the right. There is a large pool of coagulated blood inside the cab, and there are dents caused by the bomb outside.

"Be careful." Pasha said, standing on Su Ziyu's left side with a gun in hand.

After putting on the protective clothing, everyone looked about the same bloated appearance. Only one burly guy looked strange because his protective clothing was short-sleeved and exposed two mechanical arms that exuded a metallic luster. , holding the six-barreled Gatling heavy machine gun in his hand.

The city has been abandoned for a long time.

There are still many burned-out car casings outside with many bullet holes, but the road has been cleared. After crossing a street, a group of people saw a scrapped tank in front of them. It was very rusty. The iron frame of half a helicopter was exposed on the third floor of a building. There was something hard to describe hanging on it. Something like dried bacon.

"Pay attention to your surroundings!"

"Those ghouls are very cunning!"

Creatures such as ghouls generally appear in areas with high radiation pollution, and there must also be serious sources of radiation pollution. Many ghouls were born on the day of the catastrophe, and it is unknown why they have not died yet. Basically, wherever a nuclear bomb has exploded, zombies may be born. They have completely lost their human sanity, but they still retain some human instincts. The brains of the ghouls have become like dried tofu, but I don't know why they still use some tactics. The only vital part of their bodies is the brain, and they usually prey on some radioactive mice and radioactive cockroaches.

A tall building of more than thirty stories in front has collapsed.

The street formed a slope, and metal garbage was scattered on the ground, making people feel a little frightened when walking through it. At this time, there were already ruins of houses all around, and the environment was a little dark. If you encountered a corpse next, you might have to encounter a street fight.


"A source of radiation contamination was found 150 meters south!"

The group of people dispersed into independent teams, Su Ziyu naturally followed Pasha, and there were three other people beside him, two men and one woman, all of whom looked taciturn. The source of the pollution found was a scrapped heavy-duty truck. There were three iron barrels scattered outside, with the radiation symbol printed on them, but they were so rusted that they couldn't be seen clearly.

Everyone avoided that side.

Without protective clothing, ordinary people will soon be seriously injured as long as they are close to these pollution sources.

The ride was quiet.

There was only the whine of the wind from time to time. When passing by a high-end residential area, Su Ziyu also saw some scrapped cylindrical machines. These should be household robots used by rich people.

"There are still 5,000 meters away from the target location."


There was a burst of gunfire.

Su Ziyu instantly turned around and raised his gun, only to find that it was just a false alarm. It turned out that someone just encountered a few radioactive rats, each of which was as big as a small dog.

Walked a little further.

They saw a lot of corpses, all wearing tattered protective clothing. There were signs of being eaten on the corpses. More than a dozen radioactive rats squeaked and got into the ruins when they saw someone coming over. There were scattered on the ground. There were many bullet casings, and a grenade at Su Ziyu's feet. A heavy machine gun was mounted on a stone pillar, and a headless body lay next to it.

This should be the person who died here last time.

If Su Ziyu hadn't saved Pasha's life, she might have had to answer here.

"Always be alert!"

"We have entered the range of activities of the zombies!"

The radiation pollution in this area is even more serious. There is an extremely turbid artificial lake a hundred meters away, with a lot of garbage floating on it. The lake water is already dark blue with an asphalt-like luster, and there are some broken statues next to it. , there is a lot of black and red substance on the surface, I don’t know what it is, it makes people feel disgusting.

… … …

(End of chapter)