Space-time Traveler

Chapter 3: Hourglass of Time 3


Su Ziyu woke up from hunger.

Then he smelled the aroma of food coming from outside. He didn't know what was being cooked, but he smelled the smell of mushrooms and felt that his stomach was already growling with hunger.

"you're awake."

"Let's have something to eat." The girl opened the door and walked in, placing a wooden bowl next to Su Ziyu's bed.

Although he didn't understand what the girl said, it didn't stop him from understanding what she meant. Su Ziyu got up and took a sip from the bowl, and suddenly felt a warm current rushing from his stomach to his whole body. Finally, I ate something that looked like human food. The food given by the snake man was the same as pig food. Although I didn’t know what the food in front of me was made of, Su Ziyu tasted the taste of wheat porridge, mushrooms and meat. This food must have been cooked for a long time, but it tasted delicious anyway, or maybe he was too hungry. He finished the bowl in a short time, and gestured awkwardly at the girl in front of him with the empty bowl, who soon brought another bowl over.

"Su." Su Ziyu pointed at himself.

"Lina." The girl said a pronunciation similar to 'Lina'.

The two looked at each other awkwardly for a while. The language barrier was indeed quite troublesome. She quickly turned around and walked out. At the same time, Su Ziyu heard the sound of the lock locking.


"Finally survived." Su Ziyu felt that he had lost a lot of weight. He touched his belly and felt that the little belly was gone, and his six-pack abs appeared on their own. He was in good spirits now, so he concentrated on the strange golden hourglass. This thing should be his only hope of returning home.

During the time when he was locked in the cage by the snake man, he could only concentrate on studying the golden hourglass in the consciousness space. It was a vitreous golden hourglass, with oak-like brackets on both ends. The surface was golden brown, and it was engraved with many graphics and symbols that he couldn't understand. It was very complicated, and he would feel mentally tired after looking at it for a while. The most peculiar thing is the gravel among them. Su Ziyu has never seen luminous sand, but these gravels will have a golden stream of light emerging at any time, and the light they emit is full of dreamy colors.

Su Ziyu had almost no research results, but he found that after entering the second world, he seemed to have mastered a somewhat remarkable ability.

When he grabbed the knife to kill the alien leader, Su Ziyu felt that time seemed to flow extremely slowly at that moment, and everything around him seemed to have turned into a slow-motion movie. He was the only one who was not immune to this. Influence. That's why he took action faster than the snake leader, and almost completed the process of grabbing the knife and killing him in an instant.

"If you want to go home, you have to count on it."

This golden hourglass seems to have the ability to travel through time and space, but this ability is not controlled by Su Ziyu. Whenever the golden gravel on it dries up, it will forcibly send him to another world, and next time The time spent in one world seems to have become much longer.

"I wonder if this thing can record coordinates. It would be great if it had the coordinates of the earth on it."

Su Ziyu thought wildly for a while and soon fell into a deep sleep.

the next day.

When he woke up, he heard a ping-ping-pong-pong sound outside. There was a set of clean clothes beside the bed. The texture was a bit like linen. It was a little cold when he put it on, so he put on his animal skin coat. The door was unlocked today. When he walked out, he happened to see the girl named Lina sparring with someone. He basically didn't know much about swordsmanship, but the other party looked very powerful. The two people who were sparring had very fast reaction times. Su Ziyu couldn't even see his movements clearly, but they could parry and block the enemy's attacks, just like in the movie.

Linna seemed to have seen Su Ziyu. She stopped, picked up the wooden sword, threw it to him, and then made an inviting gesture.

"I can't..."

Su Ziyu subconsciously reached out to catch the sword. He didn't expect to catch it, but it also pulled the wound on his back, which caused a little pain. He felt that his skills seemed to be much more agile than before, and he was a little eager to try. Said: "Then let me try."

He has never seriously learned swordsmanship, but he can still slash with a sword.

When he was young, he had some fights with others, and he knew that strength and speed were the key to victory or defeat. Su Ziyu felt that his physical fitness had become stronger, and the injury on his back was not very painful anyway. He also wanted to try. Test to see if there is any change in your combat effectiveness. The strange traveling experience during this period told him that if he wanted to live, he must improve his own strength. Even a little improvement would increase his hope of survival.


The girl looked at Su Ziyu's posture holding the sword with interest. Although it didn't look very standard, the posture was still very handsome. She circled around Su Ziyu a few times, and blocked him slightly when he couldn't hold back his attack. Then she slid forward and the wooden sword was already placed on Su Ziyu's neck.

"Holy shit! Are you so powerful?" Su Ziyu didn't even see the opponent's move clearly. He only felt that the wooden sword was blocked and moved out of position, and then the opponent had already put the sword on his neck.

Is this an instant kill

Somewhat unconvinced, he took a few steps back and swung the sword again, but his wrist suddenly hurt. He couldn't even hold the wooden sword and dropped it to the ground.

Is this girl so powerful

Why do I feel like I have no ability to resist in front of her

In the room not far away, a tall man named Ken was also observing Su Ziyu's movements. He looked at it for a while and shook his head and said: "He doesn't know how to fight at all. Let my sister stop testing him."

Any man in the village would be better than him. After all, most of the people in this village are hunters.

Ken turned around and picked up a black short blade, frowning in thought. The young man next to him asked curiously: "Is there anything wrong with this knife?"

The black metal has never been seen before, and the surface of the handle is engraved with strange snake patterns. This type of weapon is very rare in the north. Ken has only seen similar swords when he went out on adventures when he was young. Generally speaking, this kind of weapon is used. People are very fast in shooting, and some assassins use such short blades as weapons.


Ken picked up the black short blade and slashed it with the long sword next to it, and then handed it to the young man.

"This..." There was an expression of surprise and desire on the young man's face. After the two weapons were chopped, the short black blade was almost unscathed, but the long sword already had a big chip. The short blade could probably cut off the long sword directly. Ken's long sword is a standard weapon used by the army. The quality can be said to be quite good, but it breaks into pieces in front of this black short blade. This black short blade is probably worth a lot of money.

"I have never seen such black metal." Ken frowned and said, "It looks a bit like the legendary black iron."

"No matter what."

"The identity of this foreigner is not simple!"

Su Ziyu's injury recovered very quickly, and he was almost fully recovered on the third day.

I don't know if his physique has changed in some way, or if the medicine the girl applied to him is very effective. However, the experience of suffering during this period did make him feel that he had grown a lot. Growing up in a peaceful era, he did not have so many opportunities to face life and death decisions in the past, but now in just ten days, he has died several times. After escaping, his whole person underwent some earth-shaking changes.

He even learned swordsmanship, although it was only some of the most basic moves. In Linna's hands, she might not be able to perform even five moves.

In the past two days, they no longer restricted Su Ziyu's activities, and he also met some other people in the village.

What do people of this era say

They look completely different from those on TV. Even makeup can’t bring out their weather-beaten faces. The ones closest to their appearance are probably the pirates in the Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Most of the men have unshaven beards. There was a stench of sweat, and when you opened your mouth, you could see a mouth full of big yellow teeth. In the entire village, Lina is the only one with teeth as white as Su Ziyu. She is also the only one who bathes regularly, which is considered an unusual behavior in the village. However, the people living here are quite fierce, and hunters account for the majority. I don't know if it is Su Ziyu's illusion, but he feels that this village is a bit weird.

Every day he would practice swordsmanship with Lina for a while, and most of the time he would enjoy the process of being abused.

The days were fairly peaceful.

The gravel in the golden hourglass was also decreasing little by little. Su Ziyu made a rough calculation and estimated that the gravel in the golden hourglass would be gone in six or seven days, and then he would be sent to the next world.

He wanted to take advantage of this period to improve his ability to survive.

It happened that many people had nothing to do in winter, and Linna didn't have to go out hunting, so she had time to teach him swordsmanship every day. It's a pity that the two of them don't understand each other in the same language, otherwise he might be able to learn faster.

"Lina is teaching that foreigner "White Crow Swordsmanship"."

"Don't you care about this?" The young man's voice was filled with dissatisfaction.

Ken raised his head and glanced at the young man in front of him. While wiping his long sword, he said casually: "That's her business. If you have any questions, just tell her yourself."

The young man's face turned red when he heard this. It wasn't that he didn't want to tell Lina, but that he couldn't beat her at all.

He slammed the door and walked out with some dissatisfaction. Before leaving, he couldn't help but glance at Su Ziyu who was sparring with the girl, his eyes a little gloomy. In this era, the population is sparse, and young people have very few choices when looking for a spouse. Lina is the most beautiful girl in the village. It is impossible to say that he has no ideas. But now she is obviously very close to this foreigner. Although this foreigner is not very strong, he is handsome. Even many women in the village are not as good-looking as him. Lina's attitude towards this foreigner makes her sad. People feel very uneasy.

Seeing the girl's attitude towards strangers getting closer and closer, he now regretted that he had agreed to her bringing people back to the village.

… … …

(End of chapter)