Space-time Traveler

Chapter 31: Laboratory 2


A somewhat harsh electronic sound suddenly sounded, and then there were muffled sounds from outside, as if some intact gates were being closed. Although the computer technology of this era is underdeveloped, the algorithm is very special, because Su Ziyu has heard about artificial intelligence from other people. In terms of hardware conditions, it is very difficult for artificial intelligence to be born in this era, but he does not know them. How to light up these black technologies.

"Do not care."

"Continue to crack the program. Let's go out and take a look." Pasha picked up the gun and gestured to Su Ziyu, and the two of them walked towards the door.

Fifteen meters away, a heavy iron gate has fallen.

I don't know where the alarm was triggered, whether it was the people on Su Ziyu's side or other people who dispersed.

"It's done!" came a slightly hoarse female voice.

Pasha walked in quickly and asked hurriedly: "Have you found the formula for the potion? Where is it? Show me!"

"Here. No! This is not the formula for anti-radiation medicine!..." The woman's voice turned from happiness to doubt, and then she said with a slight trembling: "What is this?... Are you lying to me?... "

"Damn it!"

"What you want is these damn things!..."

When Su Ziyu felt something was wrong and walked in, the woman had already pointed a gun at Pasha's head, and some shocking pictures appeared on the computer monitor, which seemed to be some experimental data related to ghouls. The resolution of these old computers was not very high, but Su Ziyu could still see the slightly bloody and terrifying pictures clearly.

"Calm down! There seems to be something wrong outside!" Su Ziyu's voice sounded. He pointed a gun at the woman in front of him and said, "Did you hear that? Put down the gun first!"

ah! …

A faint scream came.

But because the gate was down and it was hard to hear clearly, the others seemed to have encountered something dangerous. At this moment, they heard five consecutive screams.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

"I'm pretty sure that my mission this time is to find the formula of anti-radiation agent, not to find any experimental information." Pasha's expression was quite calm at this time, and she said slowly: "Put down the gun first. At least you have to First let me know what the hell is going on here?”

The woman hesitated and took two steps back, but the gun was still pointed at Pasha in front of her. From time to time, her eyes would fall on Su Ziyu, full of vigilance.

At this time, Su Ziyu also saw clearly what was displayed on the computer. It recorded the process of how an ordinary person turned into a ghoul. There was a lot of data that Su Ziyu couldn't understand, but it kept appearing in the experimental records. The drug resistance test later recorded some distortion processes. It seems that when the drug resistance reaches a certain level, ordinary people who are contaminated by radiation sources will turn into ghouls, or even something more dangerous. These data pictures seemed to have lost part of them, but Pasha's face became paler and paler as she looked at them, and even her whole person seemed to be in a trance.

Drug resistance? Ghoul


A flash of inspiration flashed in Su Ziyu's mind. He reached out and switched the screen on the computer. He soon understood what the experimental data expressed.

There is indeed no formula for anti-radiation medicine.

However, it records various reactions after using anti-radiation agents. At first, the ordinary people used for experiments had no problems, but as they used anti-radiation agents more often, their bodies began to gradually accumulate Drug resistance. At this time, the ability of anti-radiation drugs to eliminate radiation pollution is getting worse and worse. As drug resistance continues to accumulate, these people's bodies begin to undergo some uncontrollable changes even if they use anti-radiation drugs. The latter set of photos records the physical distortions produced by people who have reached a certain level of drug resistance when they encounter radiation sources.

It was a monster whose skin seemed to peel off, revealing dark red muscle tissue. Su Ziyu had seen a similar looking monster next to the sewer that day.

— "Living corpse."

The second half of the test data seems to have been changed by a different person. They no longer use the word [drug resistance], but instead use [pollution value].

There seems to be some information missing.

The following research direction seems to have changed the target. They no longer test ordinary people, but continue to study the radiation distortion caused by the so-called pollution value. The corpses in these pictures are just the most common monsters. Su Ziyu also saw some more terrifying things. Some were humans, some were other creatures, and some were like some kind of aggregate of flesh and blood.

They all have a common characteristic, that is, they are huge and have obvious radiation distortion organs on their bodies.

Su Ziyu continued to read down.

The direction of subsequent research seems to have changed a little. The laboratory began to focus on how to eliminate pollution values, and the focus of research shifted to how to extend life and suppress distortion, that is, how to control the body's radiation when anti-radiation agents have to be used. The pollution value suppresses its own radiation distortion.

These experimental data seem to be separated by a long time.

It became more and more messy as it went on, as if there was something wrong in the laboratory. In the end, there was basically just a mess of code left.

"We have all been deceived..." Pasha raised her head with a pale face and murmured: "The formula of the potion that we worked so hard to find is not an antidote at all... it is just a poison that keeps us alive... and will eventually kill us. We all become that kind of monster who is neither human nor ghost..."

"No wonder those plutocratic forces firmly control the supply of medicines!... They have known all this for a long time!... "

"They've been hiding it from us!..."

Many previous doubts have been answered.

Su Ziyu felt a little depressed at the moment, and he was also a little worried because he had also used anti-radiation drugs. According to the data in the test records, he should also have something named [Pollution Value] in his body. Pasha said that there is a genetically synthesized substance in the formula of the anti-radiation agent that has never been able to be cracked. It may be the source of the pollution value, but Su Ziyu does not know where it was extracted and synthesized. After seeing so many hideous and terrifying pictures, Su Ziyu felt that there was a big secret in the formula of this anti-radiation potion.


There was a dull crashing sound from the other side of the gate.

At first, gunshots could still be heard, but now there was no movement.

Su Ziyu glanced at Pasha who was a little lost in front of him, raised his hand, picked up a gun next to him and threw it over, saying in a deep voice: "No matter what, let's survive first!"

"Can you still fight?"

Pasha raised her head and glanced at Su Ziyu in front of her, gritted her teeth, caught the gun and said, "Yes!"

very good.

This is like a real girl!

… … …

(End of chapter)