Space-time Traveler

Chapter 34: Artificial Intelligence 1


As soon as Su Ziyu moved, Pasha followed immediately.

The woman in protective clothing hesitated and quickly followed them. She didn't know if there were any other dangers outside. She was a little scared to go out alone, so she thought it would be safer to follow Su Ziyu. All the originally closed gates seemed to have been opened. The woman was secretly looking at Su Ziyu along the way, as if she was curious about his identity.

After passing through a cold underground passage, everything in front of us gradually opened up.

There is actually an independent underground laboratory under the underground fortifications, but as soon as you entered the laboratory, you smelled a pungent metallic smell.

The room here is different from the glass installations outside. It looks like a biochemical experiment from the outside, but here are all kinds of metal parts, as well as simulated people that seem to be made of silicone. When she first saw it, Su Ziyu couldn't help being shocked, thinking that there were actually living people here, but when she walked in and took a closer look, she realized that it was fake, but it looked very lifelike, like a real-life silicone doll. . This simulator is quite heavy, about 70 kilograms. The completed one is a female, and there is a male next to her. However, the appearance has been damaged for some reason, revealing the white bones that look like metal inside.

Didi didi.

A closed alloy door was opened, and then a large number of electronic equipment appeared in front of them.

It seemed to be a large laboratory. As soon as Su Ziyu walked in, he saw an old-fashioned computer with a large area, about twelve meters in diameter, and many weak lights on it. Su Ziyu didn't know what this thing was, but it felt a bit like a supercomputer of this era.

"Backing up the data of the [Bionic Human] Project!" A cold electronic sound sounded.

Some data appeared on a large screen directly in front. Su Ziyu and Pasha couldn't help but walk over, while the woman in protective clothing curiously observed the various limbs and organs placed around her.

Most of these limbs are made of precision machinery, and some are bionic limbs that Su Ziyu has seen, which are bionic products that use silicone-like materials.

—[Human Redemption Plan]!

Su Ziyu saw the large characters at the top of these materials at a glance.

This document contains notes left by researchers at the time. In a brief summary, the first goal of this plan is to solve the pollution caused by anti-radiation drugs, and try to eliminate the pollution caused by taking anti-radiation drugs through various methods. Accumulated pollution value. And if this plan fails, then the laboratory will launch a second alternative plan, which is the [Bionic Human] plan!

Human blood has been contaminated.

At the top of the data, the original researchers stated that they were unable to eliminate the pollution caused by the use of anti-radiation drugs through various methods. The best they could do was delay and suppress it, but when it finally broke out, it would create even more terrifying monsters. Therefore, they launched an alternative plan, which was to define future humans as [bionic humans].

By replacing a large number of bionic organs, humans can be transformed into special mechanical humans and bionic humans.

The advantage of this plan is that it can greatly increase human resistance to radiation pollution and at the same time reduce the need for anti-radiation agents for ordinary people. Even if they accumulate a large amount of pollution due to the use of anti-radiation agents, the possibility of them experiencing radiation distortion reactions is also low. Much lower than ordinary humans.


The most important point is that the body organs of bionic humans are not made of flesh and blood, but what the pollution value needs most when radiation distortion occurs is flesh and blood. If special radiation distortion occurs in bionic humans, it is very likely that at the moment of mutation, , the bionic organs in his body were directly damaged by radiation distortion, and finally the entire radiation distortion reaction was forced to stop due to the death of the human body.

To put it more simply, when a standard bionic human being suffers radiation distortion, except for the head and brain, most of the limbs and organs on the body are bionic products.


This plan also has an obvious flaw, that is, human reproduction will become very difficult, and ethics and morality will be affected to a certain extent. Of course, the advantages are also obvious, that is, the life span of bionic humans will be greatly increased. With timely replacement of bionic limbs and organs, the life span of bionic humans can reach more than 120 years.

The ultimate goal of the entire plan is to transform all the surviving elites of mankind into bionic humans, and then use these bionic humans to restore civilization and study new paths to civilization.

And eventually freed from the need for anti-radiation agents, natural humans will thrive in the new era of civilization in the same way as in the past.

have to say.

After roughly reading the [Bionic Human] project, Su Ziyu was really shocked by these people's ideas.

Unfortunately, there is no information about anti-radiation drugs. It just shows that in the world after the catastrophe, humans cannot do without this special drug.

Speaking of which, in Su Ziyu's world, there seemed to be no way to treat nuclear radiation pollution.

As long as ordinary people are contaminated by nuclear radiation, they basically have only one option: waiting to die. It is nothing more than determining how long their remaining life is based on the degree of radiation contamination. But this world is different. Anti-radiation drugs can really eliminate the harm caused by nuclear radiation pollution. With enough drugs, ordinary people can live for more than twenty years even if they are continuously exposed to radiation pollution. , but more and more pollution values will accumulate in the body later.

"What kind of black technology is this anti-radiation potion?"

"And that frat guy."

"Is he a bionic human?"

This plan for bionic humans is not complete, and all subsequent research work has not been completed, but it contains a large number of bionic technologies, and even the organs in the human body can be replaced with bionics. Although this important information is trapped in the underground laboratory, the outside world seems to have also conducted research in this area. Perhaps this was not the only laboratory to implement this human salvation plan.

"Copy completed."

"Survivors. Please hand this information to the current government organizations of human society." The artificial intelligence of the underground fortifications seems to be relatively primitive and feels a bit stiff.

Su Ziyu motioned to Pasha to bring over the copied information, and then he whispered: "Take this thing out first."

"We'll see how we deal with it then."

In the early days after the Great Disaster, there were still some remaining government organizations in human society, but later they were basically controlled by the plutocratic forces. The most powerful ones today are the plutocrats, and then there are special organizations such as the Freemen and the Brotherhood. Su Ziyu doesn't care whether this plan can be implemented, but if the bionic technology is taken out, it will definitely bring benefits to the current broken human civilization. Bring a glimmer of hope.

… … …

(End of chapter)