Space-time Traveler

Chapter 4: Hourglass of Time 4


Night falls.

Su Ziyu sat on the stone steps at the door and looked at the stars. Recently, he didn't know why he kept recalling some things from the past, and he missed the leisurely life on earth very much. In the past two days, he felt that the attitude of other people in the village towards him had changed slightly. This was an unfriendly change. Ordinary people might not be able to feel it, but for Su Ziyu, who had been living under someone else's roof since he was a child, it was. Quite obvious. I have to mention his past here. Su Ziyu was supposed to have a happy family and a wonderful childhood, but his father failed to live up to his expectations and became addicted to damn drugs. In the end, everything fell into pieces.

I don’t remember many things from my childhood.

Su Ziyu has been fostered in his uncle's house since he was five or six years old. His childhood life was not very good, because his uncle had a son and a daughter, and the family conditions could only be said to be very ordinary. Su Ziyu actually had a very bad life at first, because his eldest aunt was very realistic and disliked him, thinking that he was a big burden to her family. But fortunately, Su Ziyu has been smart and sensible since he was a child. He knows how to adapt to the environment instead of waiting for the environment to adapt to him. Under such circumstances, he began to help the family with housework within his ability from the age of six or seven, and gradually changed the entire family members' view of him.

His sister and brother have become much friendlier towards him and no longer think of him as an enemy who will steal his parents' love. His eldest aunt is also much kinder to him, at least she knows that he is an easy child to support.

It wasn't until Su Ziyu started going to school that his childhood became much better.

the reason is simple.

He can read and study better than other children, and his grades are basically among the best. Being able to read is the best talisman for a child like him who has no parental protection. Because he can read, he won't be bullied in school. Even if someone calls him a 'wild boy', as long as he tells the teacher with a tearful face, the teacher will teach him a lesson and call his parents over. Because he could read, the eldest aunt's attitude towards him became better and better. She thought that this was a child who would be promising in the future and no longer regarded him as a burden. Later, she even treated him better than her own son. When he was 18 years old, he said, "I will definitely study hard, and I will definitely repay you well when I am successful in the future." He later said this sentence twice, once in high school and once in college.

It was so helpless for a young child to talk about repayment, but he really had no other choice.

For a weak child, reading is his most beneficial protection.

At that time, a large proportion of rural children dropped out of school. Su Ziyu had never been worried about tuition fees. After his sister and brother didn't like studying very much, he became the hope of the whole family. Because he could read, he had a good time in high school. There were a lot of gangsters in the school at that time, and it was normal to fight in private over trivial matters during adolescence. After entering junior high school, the teacher could no longer be his protective umbrella. He studied a lot and fought more harshly than others. He chose some tough places to strike. After one or two fights in private, no one dared to bully him anymore.

Faced with a rebellious child, he must learn to protect himself.

In this way, Su Ziyu made a smooth transition to college. He was admitted to a pretty good university, Fudan University.

After high school, Su Ziyu spent some time moving bricks at a construction site, mainly to earn some living expenses, because the tuition fees had already put a huge burden on her uncle's family. The construction site is a good place. As long as you work hard, you will get paid. There are no requirements, no salary arrears, and you can also exercise.

When he was in college, he was truly independent. He no longer had to carefully please the people around him, no longer needed the care of his uncle, no longer needed the protection of teachers, and no longer had to look at people's faces in life. He was working hard and studying while looking for a future direction. , I finally studied computer science, but my job after graduation was to make mobile games. At that time, mobile games were booming. Basically, anyone who did well could earn tens of millions of dollars in monthly revenue. He successfully entered the management class a few years after graduation and entered the ranks with an annual salary of one million. , which can be regarded as a slight achievement.

During this period, Su Ziyu also fell in love several times, off and on, but never came to the end. He may be a bit lonely in nature and doesn't know how to love someone.

After working, he helped his family renovate the house. He helped his cousin to buy a house in the city when he later married his wife. Originally, Su Ziyu wanted to pay off the house directly and give it to her cousin as a way to repay her uncle and the others for their upbringing. But the uncle stopped him. This man who often dared not say a word when his wife scolded him shook his head and refused, insisting that he only gave a down payment, and asked his cousin to return the down payment to him in the future. This man who rarely spoke had his own persistence, just like Su Ziyu who owed no favors and always repaid his kindness. From then on, he settled in Shanghai and later raised a fat orange cat.

Su Ziyu doesn't have much need for material things, so when he has some money, he likes to travel and collect some strange collections, until he bought a golden hourglass said to be from Egypt from an Erdao dealer.

Then, he was tricked.

"Sigh. I don't know what happened to my fat orange!" Su Ziyu couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the night sky.

Uncle and the others don’t have to worry. Their cousins are all with them. There are villas in the countryside and small buildings in the city. After Su Ziyu made money, he made good arrangements for them and bought pension insurance as a way of repaying them. Upbringing. Since living independently, he basically goes back to visit during the New Year. There is nothing to worry about there. There are very few true friends. People in big cities are very realistic. It can only be said that Su Ziyu can get along well with others. The only thing that worried him the most was the orange cat, because it had been with Su Ziyu for a long time, and then he had raised it so fat that it had almost no ability to hunt.

"I hope someone will adopt it. Just don't become a stray cat." Su Ziyu murmured.

He patted his butt and stood up. The whip marks on his back had healed a lot, but he still needed some rest.

the next day.

When he got up, he heard the noise outside. When he pushed the door open, he saw a young man holding a sword. He seemed to be called Lot, which should be pronounced like this. The other person's eyes were not friendly. Recently, people in the village had been treating His attitude was slowly getting worse. Although Su Ziyu didn't do anything, these people were increasingly rejecting him.


Maybe he accidentally offended someone, and the residents in the village would sometimes point fingers at him.

"Su." Fortunately, Lina was still very friendly towards him. She brought food to Su Ziyu and pushed away the young man standing in front of him. The two sides couldn't communicate normally due to the language barrier, but Su Ziyu felt that something must have happened in the village, something very bad.

Lina didn't teach him swordsmanship today. They set up traps around the village.

There were two villagers outside watching him, and he seemed to be restricted in his range of activities again. The young man named Lott looked at him in a very unfriendly way. Su Ziyu didn't know why. Anyway, it was just in the past two days that he suddenly faced He became very rude. Not sure if it was an illusion, but he vaguely smelled a smell of blood. This smell was easily identifiable as coming from the second wooden house in front.

Time passes day by day.

Linna's visits became much less frequent, and she looked a little depressed every time she came. The young man named Lott often followed behind, always staring at Su Ziyu. The man named Ken rarely showed up, and occasionally Once I saw him, I seemed to find that he had a wound on his arm with a bandage wrapped around it. Su Ziyu didn't know what was going on. He couldn't communicate normally with these aborigines, and his range of activities was restricted to the vicinity of the wooden house.

"You must learn to be patient." Su Ziyu told herself.

He is a person who is good at adapting to the environment, and he understands that making troubles can easily lead to trouble, especially when the indigenous people are increasingly rejecting him. Because of the golden hourglass, Su Ziyu might not be able to stay in this world for long. To be honest, the people here were a bit vicious, and he didn't want any accidents to happen at this time. To be honest, he is very confused now and doesn't know what he should do. Every day he waits for his energy to recover to study the mysterious golden hourglass, trying to understand the extremely complicated and complicated runes imprinted on it.

But he gained little because it was an extremely mentally draining undertaking.

However, his gains were not without success. He found a rune similar to a scale, and there were some special marks on it. Different from when he encountered the snake man, he found that there was an additional rune mark on it, which was very interesting. It may be the world coordinates recorded by the golden hourglass, and a symbol inside may represent the position of the earth.

Night falls.

Su Ziyu's injury has almost recovered, so he goes to bed a little later than usual. In the past, he didn't go to bed until eleven or twelve o'clock, and this habit has not been completely changed. Since he didn't have a mobile phone or computer to play with, he could only look at the stars in the sky at this time. When he was bored during the day, he would draw a chessboard on the ground and play chess with himself.

Sure enough, life on earth is rich and colorful, but life here is really boring.

As a game developer, he legitimately plays games for a while every day, but here he has almost no entertainment projects.


Just when Su Ziyu was about to fall asleep, a shrill scream suddenly woke him up. There was chaos outside. There were bursts of footsteps and some panicked and messy voices. Many torches were lit. In the end, he couldn't hold back his curiosity and quietly put on his clothes and slipped out of his room. Room.

… … …

(End of chapter)