Space-time Traveler

Chapter 42: invite


It all happened so fast!

One second, the super aberration was still approaching menacingly, and the next second, its huge body fell forward due to inertia, and the strange flesh and blood organs in the lifted skull had already been shot to pieces.


The nearly five-meter-tall body of the super aberration collapsed. It didn't seem to be completely dead, but its limbs could no longer move freely and could only twitch strangely.

"This vitality is too tenacious!"

Su Ziyu was sure that he had exploded the head of the super aberration.

But it is really not dead at this time, it just seems to have lost its ability to move. The other components of the body clearly still have traces of life, as if they are composed of separate living bodies.

"Fire coverage!"

Explosions sounded one after another on the fallen monster. The people in the Brotherhood were also very nervous. They bombarded the body for nearly three minutes before gradually stopping the attack.

At this time, the super aberration was finally too dead to die.

"mission completed."

"Turn on the relevant flesh and blood strengthening abilities!"

It wasn't until the data stream gave a prompt that Su Ziyu breathed a sigh of relief, put down the hot BTL82M, got up and walked towards the body of the super aberrant body. The members of the Brotherhood have surrounded it. The monster's body has been blown beyond recognition, but it is still twitching.

"Get 5 points of source power."

The prompt of the data flow made Su Ziyu frown slightly. He originally thought that he could get some divine points, but he didn't expect that what he collected was source power points. It seems that the acquisition of divinity value is not entirely linked to the strength of the monster. At least the super aberration in front of him is much more dangerous and powerful than the monster Lott turned into.

Maybe it was because of some special reasons that he was able to obtain that little bit of divinity value at that time.

"Probably dead." Su Ziyu said, looking at the still nervous brotherhood members beside him.

After speaking, he gestured slightly to Pasha beside him.

Since the people from the Brotherhood are here, it is natural to hand over the information on the bionic human project to them, so that everything will go smoothly.

Pasha hesitated for a moment, then quickly went over to talk to the brotherhood people.

As for Su Ziyu's other matters, he took advantage of the fact that no one else was paying attention and quickly wandered around the entire battlefield, touching almost all the living corpses he could find.

Now he was certain.

That is, ordinary living zombies do not provide source power value. Only the highly deformed elite living zombies can obtain some source power value. It's a pity that the number of such elite living zombies is too small. The source of power they can obtain is exactly the same as that of the radiation giants, but the difficulty of dealing with them is completely different.

One radiation giant can defeat at least 2 to 3 elite zombies.

A total of 8 points of source power.

The biggest harvest came from the super aberration, and the other three points of source power came from the scattered elite zombies, one of which was killed by a member of the Brotherhood.

Not far away, that guy Leon came out of nowhere, looking gray and gray.

"Thanks to you this time." He seemed to have a high status in the brotherhood, and his attitude towards Su Ziyu was quite friendly, even though the two had fought in the hotel.

Pasha solemnly handed over the bionic human plan to the Brotherhood.

The other party also attaches great importance to it.

A man in the lead quickly contacted the rear, and then asked a small team of combatants to escort it back to the base.

Others entered the Freemen's stronghold.

There may be lone living corpses inside, but what is more valuable are the various resources of the Freemen organization. The people inside are almost dead, and I don’t know what happened. Leon doesn’t want to say more, but A bit vaguely, it is said that the monster killed many people in the dark, and then released the living corpses in the underground laboratory.

Of course Su Ziyu had suspicions, but he didn't get to the bottom of it.

Later, someone else arrived at Polaris. Among the crowd, Su Ziyu saw Old Bill, the German man who was very prestigious among the scavengers.

He actually acted with the Brotherhood.

"There is a source of radioactive contamination inside. We need protective clothing to go in." A woman with a stern face led someone out of the sewer.

She glanced at Su Ziyu and nodded slightly, then said: "The laboratory below is very polluted."

"It's better to be completely closed off."

Leon had already replaced a simple robotic arm at this time. Many members of the Brotherhood seemed to have installed bionic limbs. Su Ziyu just saw no less than ten people dragging their incomplete bodies around as if nothing had happened. , most of these people have combat disabilities in their limbs.

"Yes. Take someone down to clean it up." Leon nodded and said, "The others will follow me inside to collect information."

The men of the Brotherhood are well on their way to receiving the legacy from the Freedmen.

Not far away, Pasha looked a little silent.

Next to her was Old Bill, who seemed to be trying to persuade her. There was a slight argument between the two during the exchange.

Su Ziyu did not go over to interfere. He held BTL82M over there and sat on a rock to rest. The brotherhood member who had been accompanying him brought him a bottle of clean water and a small box of compressed biscuits. After Su Ziyu ate some, he handed over a pipe: "Clean. No additives."

This is a man who looks a little taciturn, about thirty years old. His left arm is a special mechanical arm, and his right arm is intact. He is minding his own business, lighting a cigarette and taking a puff.

Not everyone has bionic organs installed, and more still use mechanical prostheses.

This time Su Ziyu didn't refuse, he lit the cigarette and took a puff.


I feel mentally relaxed a little, and the physical fatigue slowly subsides over time.

The man next to him should be a very qualified warrior. He smoked silently like this, occasionally turning his head to look at the corpses of the monsters. There were other people nearby who were gathering these corpses. They would all spark up in the end, otherwise If eaten by things like irradiated rats, radiated cockroaches, etc., more dangerous individuals may be born.

About an hour later.

Leon walked out of the sewer. He held a thick stack of research materials, handed some of them to Su Ziyu, and said slowly: "That old guy started studying ghosts a long time ago."

"In order to suppress his radiation distortion, he has not eaten for the past three years and relies on some special means to maintain his life."

Su Ziyu flipped it over a few times and threw it back.

He had seen similar scenes in the Southern Cross laboratory, and the leader of the Freemen just repeated this process.

Radiation pollution is everywhere in this wasteland era.

Not only food and water, but also slight radiation pollution will accumulate in daily activities. The earth has already undergone unknown magnetic field changes after the catastrophe. Corruption of flesh and blood is the sword of Damocles hanging in this world. We don’t know when it will fall. No one may be able to escape. Just as the time and space monitor system said, humans in this world are on the verge of extinction. edge.

"Do you want to join us?" Leon stared at Su Ziyu next to him and asked, "The Brotherhood needs people like you."

Su Ziyu smiled and then shook his head.

Leon just sighed when he heard this, looked at the super-deformed body in the distance, and said slowly: "In fact, what is more terrifying than these monsters is the despair that envelopes this era!"

"Thank you for finding a glimmer of hope for us."

"The brothers owe you a favor!"

… … …

(End of chapter)