Space-time Traveler

Chapter 52: Black Witch 1


The big goblins in the town have begun to prepare a sumptuous and delicious dinner.

But Su Ziyu obviously didn't have much appetite today. He felt very uncomfortable looking at the enthusiastic smiles in front of him, but he couldn't show it and could only rely on his acting skills to maintain his image. Peak seemed to have forgotten everything that happened today, and he began to brag about the things in the chessboard kingdom to others. The most talked about was the beautiful White Queen, as if he had great respect and admiration for the White Queen. According to Su Ziyu's current understanding, the chessboard kingdom is where humans live, while the Dream Forest is the land belonging to fairies.

"Doesn't that sunflower field need to be taken care of?" Su Ziyu asked pretending to be casual.

The areas where the big goblins are active are mainly concentrated near the town. They take care of the mushroom field every day, and the farthest place they go is the waterwheel by the river. During the day, he noticed that no big goblin seemed to be approaching the sunflower field, as if they subconsciously stayed away from it.

The only big goblin who can run around is Peak. He is called 'the rebellious Peak' by the other big goblins.

"That's dedicated to the Witch of Spring." Peak seemed stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "That sunflower field has been cast with magical magic!"

"Don't go there if you have nothing to do."


Su Ziyu couldn't help but think of the old and twisted faces he saw on those sunflowers last night, as well as the creepy and weird smiles. How could such a place full of evil and weird atmosphere be dedicated to the Witch of Spring


Peake seemed to have said that the first witch to disappear was the Spring Witch.

Everything was normal during the day.

The big goblins have a pretty regular schedule. As soon as it gets dark, they all cheered up and were already ready to go to sleep. During the day, they had the simple and simple minds of children, as if there was some power protecting them, preventing them from turning into the hideous and ugly monsters they did at night.

"I'll take you to the forest tomorrow." Peak said a little sleepily, and then went back to sleep.

Don't know when.

Another thin layer of fog emerged outside, shrouding the entire town.

Su Ziyu was lying in the hut without feeling sleepy at all, but he didn't go out now because going out at this time might disturb the big goblins. The current situation in the world is still unclear. He will have to stay here for more than a month. It is not a good thing to rashly break the peaceful situation of the town.

Click click click.

Su Ziyu sat on the ground and silently checked the ammunition. He also took out the BTL82M anti-material sniper rifle, but all the bullets had been replaced by high-explosive bombs. The most armor-piercing bullets he carried were actually because they were used to deal with radiation aberrations. Armor-piercing bullets are better.

He leaned against the wall and fell asleep for a while with his eyes closed.

For some reason, Jack didn't seem to appear today, and it was always quiet outside.

The tasks issued by the system did not have mandatory requirements. Su Ziyu did not complete the task of destroying the fusion monster. But this time he wanted to try his best, because gaining permission to record plane coordinates might allow him to find a way home. Since the Hourglass of Time can travel through time and space, it should be possible to return to the place where it first appeared.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Su Ziyu looked at the mechanical watch on his wrist, then stood up carefully. He checked his equipment, then took out an energy bar and ate it.

There are still two Czech-03s that have not been used.

But Pasha warned him not to use it anymore. This thing is very taxing on the body and has some bad side effects.


Su Ziyu quietly opened the door and walked out. The fog outside had become thicker. When he passed by a window, he saw the sleeping big goblins, with their old faces and shriveled skin. Her figure and sharp black nails were exactly the same as when she saw them yesterday.

There seemed to be some slight sound mixed in with the whistling wind.

Su Ziyu couldn't hear clearly and didn't dare to rush over to investigate because the direction came from the sunflower field.

The river is not far from the town.

As Su Ziyu's figure appeared near the tall waterwheel, a faint female voice also came: "You are here. ... "

A thin figure wearing a dark cloak appeared.

Su Ziyu looked intently at the person in front of him. He saw a pale and beautiful face with black lips and a little crystal white light deep in the pupils. She looked like the witch Su Ziyu had seen during the day. Almost exactly the same, the only difference is that her hair is now silver-white.

"Are you the Winter Witch?" Su Ziyu murmured as if he had thought of something.

The witch in front of him did not answer his question, but said slowly: "Human."

"Although I don't know how you entered the Dream Forest, I will find a way to get you out of here."

"Just go through the Black Forest and you can return to the chessboard kingdom on your own."

During the day, the big goblins are normal, but the witch guarding here is crazy.

At night, the big goblins turned into monsters, but the witch in front of them looked completely normal.

Su Ziyu felt as if he had grasped some important clue.

"I hope you can help me give this thing to the White Queen." The witch in front of her hesitated for a moment, then took out a strange crystal earring and said.

Do you want me to deliver the letter

Su Ziyu couldn't help but froze for a moment after hearing this, and then his expression became a little embarrassed, because although he was a human, he did not come from the chessboard country. He did not know the way to the chessboard country, and he had never seen it. The legendary White Queen.

"What exactly happened here?" Su Ziyu couldn't help but ask.

A trace of pain and regret appeared on the face of the Winter Witch in front of her. She shook her head gently and said, "Don't ask so many questions. Knowing too much is not a good thing for you."

"This is not something that mere mortals can interfere with."

"Give this to the White Queen and she will know what to do."

Da da da.

Just when Su Ziyu opened his mouth to speak again, a strange noise suddenly came from the depths of the mist, a bit like the sound of horse hooves, but it came from the other side of the river.

The strange sound of horse hooves was getting closer and closer, and the Winter Witch's expression instantly became extremely solemn, and she said slowly: "Get out of here first."

“He found me!…”

in the dark.

A bit of dark red fire appeared, and then a unicorn whose whole body was burning with blazing fire appeared in front of him. On its back was a knight in a red robe.

… … …

(End of chapter)