Space-time Traveler

Chapter 57: Psychic 2


All the energy points that he had finally accumulated were squandered.

However, Su Ziyu was in a good mood. The psychic enhancement system did not exist at the beginning. He turned it on after he killed Jack yesterday. It was as if the system had obtained a skill tree for psychic expansion from Jack. The thing that Blackened Jack blocked his bullet yesterday was probably the psychic armor, and the psychic suggestion also appeared in the data prompt.

In the wasteland world, the time and space supervisor system opened the skill tree of 'flesh distortion'. In this world, it activated the skill tree of 'spiritual enhancement', and its growth seems to be far beyond that.

The ability of spiritual vision allowed Su Ziyu to see something different.

Even in the daytime, when he activated his spiritual vision, he could see the eerie scarecrow in the sunflower field and the huge clay puppet shrouded in fog in the town.

But this ability also brings a little trouble.

When Su Ziyu stared at one of the big goblins with his spiritual vision, some strange changes suddenly occurred on his body. The big goblin seemed to stiffen up, and then his face quickly became older and his skin became shriveled. , sharp teeth appeared, and black and sharp nails grew out, just like the changes that happened to Peak at that time.

Fortunately, Su Ziyu averted his eyes in time and turned off his ability. The big goblin slowly returned to normal and left as if he had completely forgotten everything that had just happened.

"Don't look around!"

"Especially you can't just use your spiritual vision to look at those big fairies!" Su Ziyu said with a little fear.

He was not afraid of the monster that the big goblin turned into. With Su Ziyu's ability, such a monster could still be dealt with. What he was most afraid of was causing a chain reaction and causing something even more terrifying to come out.

There is no doubt that spiritual vision is the ability he needs most at the moment.

Otherwise, he really doesn't know whether he is dreaming or in a real world.

Over time.

Maybe he would be affected by the huge contrast between day and night.

Jack obviously believes that everything in the night is real. Everyone else is dead, the surviving goblins have turned into monsters, and the witches have all died and gone crazy. Everything during the day is an illusion that deceives themselves and others. He gradually darkened in despair, and even went so far as to want to destroy everything by stimulating the Winter Witch.

But Su Ziyu doesn't think so.

If everything is really corrupted like in the night, then what is the meaning of everything that appears like a dream and fairy tale during the day

The world may be polluted.

But it has not yet reached the level of complete corruption, and the key to maintaining all this during the day may be the Winter Witch. At least neither the scarecrow nor the clay puppet appeared during the day, and the big goblins looked completely normal as long as they were not unusually stimulated.

The 'He' in the witch's mouth should just corrupt the night.

In the past two days, Su Ziyu has been active around the town, and today he plans to go around to see the situation.

Su Ziyu's first stop was the forest he passed through at the beginning.

At that time, he encountered a small thing invisible to the naked eye, and the little thing bit him in the tiger's mouth.

Lush trees appeared in front of me.

To the naked eye, this place is just a lush forest, but in the eyes of Su Ziyu who has turned on his spiritual vision, the entire forest is filled with a gray mist, and the trees in front of him all grow into strange shapes, with twisted and winding branches. They were entangled together, and there was an eerie aura when they looked at them.


In front of Su Ziyu's eyes was a twisted tree with all its leaves gone. The bark was dry and gray, and the branches stretched out and became entangled. This is what he saw after turning on his spiritual vision, but Su Ziyu reached out and touched nothing. On the contrary, he touched a tree trunk in an empty place in his field of vision. He switched back to the normal naked eye mode. In his hand, He is holding a green branch.

"Are these things empty during the day?" Su Ziyu murmured.


While Su Ziyu was thinking, he seemed to hear some slight movement, but when he turned around, he found nothing.


The little thing invisible to the naked eye appeared again.

Su Ziyu quickly switched to his spiritual vision state, and then he saw a figure passing by quickly. It was very small, about twelve centimeters, and looked like a humanoid, with a pair of light green wings on its back.

I didn’t bring an insect net.

Su Ziyu pretended that his clothes were accidentally caught on a branch, and then suddenly reached out to grab it when it approached quietly.


The little thing was suddenly caught in Su Ziyu's hand. It looked like a little goblin, wearing clothes made of leaves, with messy green hair. There were fine teeth in its mouth. It was about to open its mouth and bite it at the moment. He took a bite. Su Ziyu quickly pinched its slender neck with his fingers, looked up and down and said, "Who are you?"

The little thing in front of him let out a scream, as if he couldn't speak, and was just trying desperately to bite him.

This little thing was very weak, and Su Ziyu felt like he could crush it to death if he stretched out his hand.

He stood there and thought about it.

Suddenly he stretched out his hand and gently tore off the wings of this little thing twice. The tearing was not much and would not cause it to lose its ability to fly, but it would definitely be affected to some extent.

Then, Su Ziyu pretended to loosen his grip and let it go.

The little thing that finally escaped from the clutches was flying precariously in mid-air, with a look of horror on its face. It turned around and flew away into the forest. If it were in perfect condition, Su Ziyu might not be able to catch up. This little thing moves very quickly and disappears without paying attention.

But now it has a hard time flapping its wings, but it can still fly.

It wants nothing more than to escape.

Su Ziyu followed silently, wanting to see where it would go.

He pulled out the short black blade from his waist and made a series of marks on the big trees he passed. He followed him in the dense forest for who knows how long until a tall laurel tree appeared in front of him. There is also a very exquisite tree house built on the tree trunk.

This tree house must have been unoccupied for a long time.

The outside was covered with withered yellow leaves. Su Ziyu looked around. As soon as he was distracted, the little thing didn't know where to hide. He climbed up carefully, pushed open the door of the tree house, and immediately found a large row of books on the shelves. There was a faint fragrance inside the tree house, and there was a large light gray cloak next to it.

"Where is the Witch of Autumn?" Su Ziyu observed the surroundings vigilantly, and casually pulled out one of the books.

… … …

(End of chapter)