Space-time Traveler

Chapter 6: Hourglass of Time 6


This cargo should be a considerable fortune to the aborigines.

Except for Linna who stayed with Su Ziyu because she was disgusted, everyone else was searching for trophies that could be taken away in the cave. The currency they used should also be gold and silver. Su Ziyu saw Lot carefully hiding three or four items that were suspected to be gold and silver coins into his pocket. Ever since he was pushed by someone in the village, Su Ziyu had been secretly observing this guy, and his intuition told him that the person who pushed him was most likely Lot. The cave was not small, and it didn't look like there was only one ghost-faced monkey settling here. Su Ziyu took a few steps forward, avoiding the corpse on the ground and quietly reached out to touch the evil god statue, and took a closer look. He found that the statue was actually very crudely made, but for some reason he felt quite horrified when he first saw it, as if it had come alive.

The one-eyed man seemed to be attracted by the eyeball on the statue. It was neither stone nor flesh and blood. It felt like a scary eyeball gem.

Before he took a dagger and prepared to dig out the eyes on the statue of the evil god, Su Ziyu touched the statue with his hand, and then he felt an icy chill. For a moment, he was a little confused, standing frozen in place, and then countless data streams flashed through his consciousness. As a practitioner in the game industry, he was quite familiar with data codes, although He couldn't understand any of the symbols of the data flow in his mind, but he did have the feeling that he was looking at the original code, an incredible 27-digit code.

The source of all this comes from the mysterious golden hourglass. Many of the special runes on it are similar to the codes in the data stream.

"What is this?" Su Ziyu felt a little out of control.

Then his eyes went dark, and his consciousness had come to a dark void. Little by little light emerged around him, surrounding him like a gorgeous galaxy. The golden sand gradually spread in the void, and it looked like They seemed to be planets, and he had the illusion that he was observing the microscopic universe.

"Acquire the power of the root... Activating the quantum terminal... Restarting the space-time supervisor system... Connecting to the terminal tower spirit... Restart failed... Connection failed..."

Some incomprehensible cold mechanical sounds sounded.

Then many chaotic noises came, like some kind of weird whispers, mixed with a harsh sound like a person scratching foam plastic with fingernails. Su Ziyu felt uncomfortable all over after just listening for a while, and his head seemed to be shaking. Like an explosion. But at this moment, a flash of light appeared in front of his eyes, and then a beautiful female figure with long blue hair appeared in front of him. She waved her hand gently, and all the weird whispers and harsh noises disappeared, and then she Staring at Su Ziyu in front of him, he said calmly: "When you see this residual image, I should have failed. Successor."

"My name is Diana...from Atlantis..."

The woman in front of her has an almost perfect face. This kind of perfection looks very unnatural, as if there are no flaws, and the whole person seems to be the product of being crafted to the extreme. Su Ziyu didn't know how to describe it, because she was so beautiful, so beautiful that he thought there shouldn't be such a perfect woman in the world.

The woman's figure blurred for a moment, as if she was missing some information. She continued: "The hourglass of time will take you to continue to drift in the long river of time and space, but no matter where you drift, it will take you to find it." Those indescribable terrifying existences..."

"I hope you can survive... find the root... or divinity... these powers can help you... the quantum terminal can be integrated with artificial intelligence or tower spirit upgrade... I will provide you with some help..."

"at last."

"Be careful of those ancient gods! They absolutely cannot be trusted!..."

Some special information was passed into Su Ziyu's mind. Before he could ask anything, the almost perfect female figure in front of him turned into a piece of data and disappeared. When he came back to his senses, he was still in the eerie cave, and the one-eyed man had just removed the eyeball gem from the statue. Everything that happened at that moment seemed to be an illusion. The only difference was that What's more, he feels as if he has some kind of connection with the mysterious hourglass of time.

"Okay. Go back." Lina suddenly said.

The entire cave seemed to have been ransacked by robbers, and all valuables had been taken out. Even the corpses that had begun to rot had been touched one by one. Su Ziyu didn't believe that this was something ordinary people could do. The residents in the village were very strange. They were too calm when facing the corpses.

Su Ziyu was dizzy when he went out, and his brain felt a little tired from receiving too much information at once.

"Is there only one monster?"

"Don't know? The one we killed was the one last time. It still had wounds from that time on its feet."

Su Ziyu suddenly found that he could actually understand the words of these aboriginal people. He opened his mouth to say something, but he realized that although he could understand them, he could not speak their language. What just happened was not an illusion. He had indeed activated some kind of special system, an existence that he couldn't understand at least at the level of a quantum computer, the huge data flow and the strange 27-digit algorithm. , limited by the limitations of the times, the only thing Su Ziyu can think of is quantum computers, which are only possible in the interstellar era and are said to be the key to unlocking true artificial intelligence.

The words spoken by the aborigines are translated into a language that Su Ziyu can understand through this system.

He tried to contact the data with his mind, but the information he obtained was extremely sparse.

"Name: Su Ziyu."

"Race: Human."

"Biological Level: First Level."

"Ability: White Crow Swordsmanship (LV0) [not yet started], time acceleration LV2 (psionic power)."

"Characteristics: Physical enhancement to LV1."

"Source power value: 1."

"Divinity value: 0."

This simple data panel reminded Su Ziyu of the mobile games he once made. If technology develops to a certain level, artificial intelligence can be applied to everyone, and a person's academic achievements can be evaluated and converted into skills, and finally made into a personal terminal data panel, which is probably what it looks like in front of you.

However, the above abilities may show academic qualifications, such as architecture, biology, engineering, medicine, fitter, welder, etc.

That 1 point of source power should be obtained by Su Ziyu when he came into contact with the statue of the evil god. Its function is to strengthen certain abilities of itself, but the only one that can be lit up and strengthened seems to be the [White Crow Sword Skill]. Su Ziyu didn't know swordsmanship at all before, so this ability is undoubtedly the swordsmanship that Linna recently taught him. Su Ziyu added a little source power to it as if he were playing a game to add attribute points. Then his whole body seemed to be sluggish, and his consciousness was drawn into a dark and closed space. Then he Involuntarily, he continued to practice the White Crow Sword Technique in this space, and some sword moves that Lina had not taught him automatically came to his mind.

He was almost completely unable to control himself and could only passively accept this training. Some complex data streams affected his mental senses, allowing him to clearly feel the changes in his body's breathing, heartbeat, and skeletal muscles during exercise.

This reminded him of the learning machine in science fiction novels, which is a thing that can directly instill knowledge into the brain through virtual reality, but what is happening in front of him is even more powerful.

One hundred thousand times.

Su Ziyu practiced this sword technique a hundred thousand times in that strange space. From the initial passive practice to the subsequent active adaptation, he could hardly feel the passage of time at all. When he came back to his senses, he was still in the cave. He was only two steps behind Linna. In other words, it may have happened in less than a second, but he already clearly felt that he had already He has mastered the White Crow Sword Technique and can use its sword moves casually.

Speed of thought.

It is said that the computing speed of the human brain can surpass time. Su Ziyu cannot understand all this, but he knows that this thing is extremely awesome.

"Are you okay?" Linna stopped and waited for Su Ziyu.

Since entering the cave, he froze on the spot several times, as if he was frightened. Looking at Su Ziyu's slightly pale face, Linna thought he was afraid, and she couldn't help but protect him. Lot's expression seemed to be a little disdainful, but there was a trace of jealousy in his eyes. This pretty boy was so frightened when he saw the corpse. He didn't know why Lina was so good to him. Besides being good-looking, what other advantages did he have

… … …

(End of chapter)