Space-time Traveler

Chapter 60: Chessboard Kingdom 1


Medieval civilization

Su Ziyu looked at the two men passing by on horseback, and his eyes fell on their weapons. The man on the right used a giant sword, which looked quite heavy. The man on the right used a hybrid sword, which could be used alone. A hybrid sword that can be used with both hands, it is neither a one-handed sword nor a two-handed sword. It is in the middle of the two and is more suitable for cutting. This is the kind of weapon Ken usually uses.

The package of the man with the giant sword also revealed a mace, which was also quite heavy.

The two men first glanced at Su Ziyu's face. There was no surprise on their expressions. They seemed to have seen yellow humans before. However, when their eyes fell on the anti-material sniper rifle behind Su Ziyu, their faces couldn't help but reveal a look of surprise. There was strong curiosity and doubt, probably guessing what kind of weapon this was.

It looks a bit like a gun, but it looks weird and has no blade.

Could it be used to hit people

Not far ahead was a human town. It didn't look very big. There was a wooden wall outside. There was also a lazy bearded man standing on the sentry tower. He just glanced at Su Ziyu and looked away. Su Ziyu thought for a moment and covered the anti-material sniper rifle with his clothes, and then slowly walked into the town.

Everything in front of you is a wooden house.

The town can be seen to the edge at a glance, and the number of shops is pitiful. There is only a grocery store, a blacksmith shop and an inn.

There was a sturdy old man smoking a pipe over there in the blacksmith shop. He looked Su Ziyu up and down and then looked away. Inside the grocery store was a woman in her thirties, whose arms didn't look any thinner than those of a man. She was walking out to pick up a piece of wood to take back for firewood.

There were a lot of people at the hotel, and the noise could be heard quite far away.

There are signs hanging in front of the shops. There is a hammer and iron felt on the blacksmith's shop, a bag on the grocery store, and a bed on the hotel. Others without signs are the residences of urban residents.

The population is not large.

It is estimated that there are only one or two thousand people, and the total number is not comparable to the community where Su Ziyu lives.


Su Ziyu pushed the door open and walked into the hotel. There were more than ten people sitting inside, all of whom looked very tough. The two men on horseback that Su Ziyu met in front of him were sitting in the corner. When the others heard the door opening, they turned to look at Su Ziyu. Many of them lowered their heads and whispered in surprise.

There are actually people of yellow race in there, but they have the faces of people from the Eurasian continent, so there is still a little difference.

Most of them were armed.

The hotel owner was a fat old man with a somewhat frightened expression. As soon as he came in, he asked Su Ziyu to sit down and asked, "What would the guest want?"

Su Ziyu pointed to the things on the table next to him and did not speak.

Don't like to talk

Or a mute

The innkeeper glanced at the black short blade on Su Ziyu's waist and said cautiously: "Would you like one from that table?"

Su Ziyu nodded.

Human language is very different from goblin language. The grammar sounds a bit like Latin, and it will take him some time to master it.

"It will be delivered immediately." The hotel owner quickly left.

The others lost interest after watching Su Ziyu for a while. They lowered their heads and talked quietly. These people should be mercenaries or adventurers. They were discussing how to kill a flying dragon. This topic immediately interested Su Ziyu. , he has never seen a real dragon in his whole life.

"Guest, please take your time." A waiter brought the food up.

Wheat porridge, black sausage, mushroom soup, gray bread, and a glass of beer. The beer has no foam and smells a little sour. The brewing technology must be very primitive.

Food tastes average.

It's far worse than what the big goblins do, and it's just barely edible.

Su Ziyu lost his appetite after two bites, so he simply listened quietly to the others talking. The whole thing happened very simply, that is, a flying dragon built a nest nearby, which not only threatened the residents here, but also alarmed the lords of this area. The flying dragon will attack humans and livestock. In the past month or two, more than ten people have been killed, and a lot of livestock have been eaten. So the lord here issued a bounty mission. Anyone who can kill the flying dragon can get a generous reward. However, because the flying dragon built its lair on a mountaintop surrounded by ice and snow, only mercenaries had the patience to hunt it.

Some people here have been here for a while.

They had seen the flying dragon several times, but there was nothing they could do about it, because the flying dragon did not fall down at all and flew away directly from the mercenary's head.

What these people discuss most is where the flying dragon's lair will be.

After hearing those people say that the range of bows and arrows could not threaten flying dragons, Su Ziyu subconsciously reached out and touched his anti-material sniper rifle, not knowing how lethal modern weapons were to this legendary creature.

Wyvern is a kind of dragon creature.

Their necks are relatively slender, they have no forelimbs, only strong hind legs, and they have no scales on their bodies. They can swallow half a cow in one bite, making them quite dangerous beasts. If it were the kind of giant dragon Su Ziyu saw in the witch tree house, I'm afraid all these people would be burned to ashes with a breath of dragon breath.

"Did you hear that?"

"There seems to be another war on the border." A mercenary lowered his voice and said, "The Black Queen's minions have appeared again."

"A lot of monsters came out."

"That's why flying dragons appear here."

Black Queen

Why is there a Black Queen here

Chessboard nation

Is it as clear-cut as a chess piece? When Su Ziyu heard the words, he immediately listened with interest, but unfortunately those people stopped talking after a few words, as they seemed to be quite taboo about it.

He just vaguely heard a title - "Dragon Witch."

Some mercenaries were checking out and leaving. The currency they used was a copper coin with a woman's head surrounded by flowers printed on the front and a budding flower printed on the back.

Is this the White Queen

Is this woman so narcissistic? He actually put his face on the currency.

Su Ziyu waved to the innkeeper to come over, then took out a white silver coin with no patterns on it, and said in a somewhat stiff tone: "Can I pay with this?"

"But... ok." The innkeeper looked at the black short blade on Su Ziyu's waist again, picked up the silver coin and bit it with his teeth.

Su Ziyu nodded and said, "Prepare another room for me."

The ability to understand languages is very strong, and now he has mastered some daily expressions.

"Okay." The innkeeper left quickly.

After a while, he brought over a large bag of copper coins. Su Ziyu glanced at them, and there must be nearly a hundred of them. It seemed that silver coins from the wasteland world had a strong purchasing power in this world.

When leaving the wasteland world, Su Ziyu considered that he might need gold and silver coins in the future, so in addition to weapons, ammunition, food and medicine, he also prepared an additional kilogram of silver coins and two kilograms of gold coins. In the wasteland world, these things are not valuable. You can find a lot of them by just scavenging the ruins of a city. When you see a gold necklace while exploring, it is difficult to even bend down to pick it up.

The most valuable thing about Su Ziyu is the gem. Please ask Pasha to find someone to get this.

As long as it was a world where gold and silver currency was used, Su Ziyu couldn't say how rich he was, but it was more than enough to be a rich man.

Unfortunately, the weight capacity is limited.

Otherwise, Su Ziyu could bring more things.

… … …

(End of chapter)