Space-time Traveler

Chapter 62: dwarf 1


It seemed like no one had gone upstairs just now, so who had been here

Su Ziyu silently pressed his hand on the handle of the knife, and then quietly opened the door of his room. After taking a look at him, he couldn't help frowning because his backpack had been tampered with. The BTL82M anti-material sniper rifle The location has also changed a bit. It seems that someone tried to pick it up, but put it back because it was too heavy.

No one was seen in the room.

But Su Ziyu closed his eyes in an instant. He concentrated on maximizing his perception, and then stabbed the dark corner with his knife in an instant.


The wooden cabinet next to it fell out of thin air. Su Ziyu heard the very slight sound of footsteps. He stabbed it with the knife again, but this time the position dropped fifty centimeters. He had already discovered the little thief who had sneaked into his room. He didn't look like a human being, but an intelligent creature about the same height as a big goblin.

"Don't kill me!" A child-like scream came, and then an extremely short dwarf appeared in front of him. He rolled to avoid it in an awkward manner, took off his cloak and said, "I'll give everything back." you."

"Please don't kill me!"

The blade stopped at the tip of the opponent's nose. Su Ziyu tilted his head and looked at the strange creature in front of him, and asked: "Dwarf?"

"Yeah." The little one said, too scared to move.

He is only about 1.23 meters tall, his skin is as pale as a corpse, his body is slightly twisted, his legs are short but his hands are long, his arms are longer than his knees, he has messy black hair, a big head, and A weathered and wrinkled face.

The dwarf's feet were bare and dirty, and those marks were left by him.

"Why did you steal my things?" Su Ziyu did not take back the weapon, but took back his light gray cloak with a little disgust, which was even covered with mud because the dwarf had penetrated it.

This is for people of normal human height. The most he can hold is to put it on his body.

"I..." The dwarf in front of him looked a little scared and rolled his eyes: "I know this. This is a witch's thing."

He was silent for a moment.

Then he seemed to give up resistance and said, "Okay. I'll tell you everything. But you can't hurt me."

Su Ziyu glanced at him, nodded and said, "Okay. But you have to return the stolen gems first."

The dwarf in front of him suddenly frowned when he heard this. He reluctantly took out five or six gems from his pocket and muttered: "These gems are of no use to you as a human, but if you give them to me, But it can create powerful magic weapons."

Su Ziyu reached out and snatched the gem. He took out a ruby and threw it, "Okay. Let's talk."

"If I am satisfied, it is not impossible to give you one."

The dwarf's eyes moved up and down along with the gem, his expression seemed to be very greedy, he thought for a moment and said, "I know someone."


"It should be a big goblin."

"His name is Peak."

"He was my former companion. He has a cloak exactly like yours. It can also make people invisible. He got it from the witch."

"He comes from the Dream Forest."

"You are a human and you definitely don't know this place. It is the country of witches, and there are many fairies living there. The existence of witches is like the white queen of your human country. Peake quietly ran out of the Dream Forest, and he also With a little girl and a talking squirrel."

"We traveled together in the north, sneaked into banshees' lairs, and killed evil minotaurs and mountain giants."

"But then they went south."

"It is said that they wanted to see the White Queen of your human kingdom. I never saw them again after that."

The dwarf in front of him was chattering, and he looked somewhat similar to Peake.


When he heard Peak's name, Su Ziyu's expression couldn't help but change. He listened carefully to what the dwarf in front of him said, and then said: "A big goblin, a little girl, and a talking squirrel?"

"Yes." The dwarf nodded honestly and said, "That squirrel likes to curse people very much."

"The most annoying thing is that I can't even scold it."

Su Ziyu continued to ask: "What does that little girl look like?"

"I don't remember much." The dwarf moved slightly and took half a step back, away from the sharp tip of the knife, and said carefully: "In my eyes, human beings all look similar, but I remember that the little girl had beautiful silver-white long hair. Hair. It is said that only the White Queen has such hair color."

The Winter Witch

Su Ziyu looked thoughtful, took back his weapon and said, "What's your name?"

"York Dulin." The dwarf said, raising his head and chest.

He seems to be quite proud of his name. Is the surname Dulin very important among dwarves

"This is indeed the witch's thing." Su Ziyu softened his tone a lot and said softly: "It should be the cloak that Peak took away. I also know Peak."

"I come from the Dream Forest."

York Dulin's expression was a little surprised, and he couldn't help but ask: "Really? You're not lying to me, are you?"

"How's Peak?"

"Is he okay?"

"He also said he would come and play with me when he had time, but it has already been ten years."

Su Ziyu was silent for a moment after hearing this, and finally said slowly: "He is fine. But there are some things that cannot be left. I left the Dream Forest this time to find the White Queen. The witches have some small troubles and want to ask her for help."

"That's right." York-Durr scratched his head and said, "No wonder you have this cloak."

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

Su Ziyu thought for a moment and said, "I need to go to the capital. Do you know the way?"

"I know you." York Duer looked at the gem in Su Ziyu's hand and replied: "But I can only send you to the Boer River. For some reasons, I can't go to the south."

After saying that, he said cautiously: "Can you order me something to eat?"

"I want blood sausage, wheat porridge and beer."

"The stuff you find in the ground tastes awful!"

Su Ziyu nodded and said yes, and asked casually: "Do you usually live underground?"

"Yes." The dwarf in front of him nodded: "Most dwarfs live underground, but there are very few dwarfs in the north, and there may be more dwarfs in the south."

“I really miss Peak’s food.”

“So delicious!”

The dwarf looked like he was reminiscing. I have to say that the food made by the big goblins was indeed delicious.

"Wait for me here." Su Ziyu glanced at York and said, "I'll go down and ask someone to deliver food."

After speaking, he took the invisibility cloak in his hand.

This is a test.

If York escaped, then he was lying and he could not be trusted. If he did not escape, then what he said might be true, and Su Ziyu might be able to ask him for help.

… … …

(End of chapter)