Space-time Traveler

Chapter 68: giant snake 1


The leader of the old man seemed to have been eaten by the giant snake.

Just when Su Ziyu was hesitant, a loud eagle call suddenly came from the sky, and then a figure wearing a slightly gleaming silver-white armor suddenly fell from the sky. He jumped directly from a height of hundreds of meters. , when he landed, he waved the spear in his hand and instantly nailed a giant snake to the ground. The golden spear was also surrounded by a piece of lightning.

- "Drive away the darkness!" A clear female voice came from the sky.

A small sun seemed to appear in the sky.

The nearby giant snake suddenly went crazy and retreated into the darkness, and then a huge black shadow suddenly rushed out. It propped up its body and bit into the air.

It was a behemoth more than two hundred meters long!

this moment.

A thought flashed through Su Ziyu's mind. Did York really not brag

Why are the snakes in this world so big? !


A flash of lightning flashed under the night sky, and the figure wearing silver-white armor suddenly threw the golden spear in his hand. The giant snake more than two hundred meters long let out a mournful cry, and then saw a figure leaping forward. He got out, held the handle of the gun and pulled it out.

Blood splatters!


The long and thick black snake tail whizzed past, setting off a gust of wind. The figure flew backwards before landing, flying hundreds of meters away and knocking down five or six big trees before stopping.

A cry of surprise came from the sky.

Su Ziyu couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat when he saw it, and said to himself: "Dead?"

"You appear so gorgeous! You won't die so soon, right?"

That guy is just a superman.

Su Ziyu has never seen anyone jump down from a height of hundreds of meters as if nothing happened.

He shouldn't die so easily, right

In the sky.

A dazzling light arrow hit the giant snake's head, but it seemed that the power was not as powerful as expected. It felt not as good as Su Ziyu's anti-equipment sniper rifle, because the light arrow only burned the giant snake's head. There is a burning smell from the outside.


The dull sound of gunfire rang out again.

Su Ziyu shot and killed the giant snake that was attacking the half-giant in the distance. He shouted: "Get over here! Cover me!"

He is just a shooter now and is in urgent need of a meat shield in the front row.


A thunder sounded again.

The figure that was swept away by the giant snake rushed out again. He didn't seem to be seriously injured. He quickly raised his spear and stabbed the giant creature in front of him.

Ever since his physique was strengthened to LV6, Su Ziyu had never seen anyone with a stronger physique than him. He didn't expect to meet such a perverted person today.

Is this guy really human


Another giant snake was killed by Su Ziyu with a headshot. He found that the enhanced perception seemed to also benefit his shooting skills. His gun sense was obviously stronger now than in the wasteland world.


The half-giant who had retreated to the side of Su Ziyu roared, suddenly leaped out and slashed with a giant sword more than two meters long.

Blood spurted.

The half-giant split half of the giant snake's body with a sword, then let go and rolled to avoid the tail of the snake that whizzed by.


There was another dull gunshot.

At this time, Su Ziyu could no longer care about the problem of running out of ammunition. He fired continuously, killing a giant snake again and forcing back two other giant snakes.

The front row meat shield cannot fall down.

Otherwise, he would have to go up and fight with the knife himself.

Only by hitting the vital parts of the head can these giant snakes be killed with one shot. If it hits other parts, it will only cause some non-fatal damage at most.

"Get away!" An anxious female voice came from the sky.

— "Time accelerates!"

Su Ziyu suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart. Without thinking, he activated the time acceleration and ran away like crazy. Behind him, a three- to four-meter-thick snake tail smashed down, directly smashing a hole out of the ground. Dimples.

so close!

He was almost smashed into a pulp.




There are fewer and fewer giant snakes around. There is an extremely strong smell of blood in the air. The corpses of giant snakes are twitching on the ground. There are not many people alive in the entire caravan.

After the last small giant snake was killed by the half-giant, Su Ziyu turned his gun and aimed at the largest one.

The man in armor deliberately led the largest snake away from him.

"The last one."

Su Ziyu took a deep breath and loaded an armor-piercing bomb.

— "Time accelerates!"

Everything around him once again became slow motion frame by frame. Su Ziyu aimed at the head of the largest snake, and very calmly shot, reloaded, shot, reloaded, and shot again.




Blood holes appeared on the head of the giant snake. It made a sharp hissing sound and turned its head as if it wanted to attack Su Ziyu. The head of this big guy is so hard that even armor-piercing bullets cannot penetrate it. It seems to be blocked by its skull.


At this moment, an angry roar sounded.

The figure in silver-white armor leapt up. He ran at high speed on the giant snake's huge body. Then he jumped up with a spear in both hands and plunged it deeply into the giant snake's head.


The ground was shaking, and the giant snake struggled and twitched wildly. The man gritted his teeth and refused to let go. After a stalemate for several minutes, the giant snake gradually stopped struggling.


Su Ziyu sat down on the ground. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and murmured: "What's going on? Why did you suddenly encounter such a terrifying monster!"

These snakes are too big.

Although there are no special abilities, only some of them can spit venom, but the huge size also brings great pressure to the perilla fish.

"Are you okay?" came a gentle female voice.

A beautiful woman wearing what looked like a white sacrificial robe fell from the sky. She was quite tall, had a very beautiful appearance, and had long golden hair.

"Asa people." The half-giant behind Su Ziyu said in a rather fearful voice.

"No." The beautiful priest in front of him shook his head and said, "I am from Warner."

"rest assured."

"I won't hurt you."

Su Ziyu was thoughtful after hearing their words. He pointed at the giant snake corpse in the distance and asked, "What kind of monsters are those?"

"The son of the eater." The beautiful priest in front of him said softly.

Su Ziyu continued to ask: "What is a gnawer?"

"Don't you know? You smell like a witch! Are you not a witch?" The beautiful priest thought for a while and patiently explained: "The gnawer is a kind of giant snake. They are before Ragnarok. Eat the roots of the World Tree with the black dragon Nidhogg.”

Norse mythology!

Dragons, giants, goblins, witches, dwarfs, golden apples...

Su Ziyu's guess turned into reality. His expression was a bit shocked. He stared blankly at the beautiful priest in front of him and asked, "Are you from the Warner Protoss?"

"The age of the gods has ended long ago." The beautiful priest in front of him shook his head and said, "I am just a Warner."

"Priest of the White Queen."

… … …

(End of chapter)