Space-time Traveler

Chapter 72: Lost Forest 1


Dragon Witch.

This was the third time Su Ziyu heard someone mention this title. He raised his head and stared at the White Queen in front of him and asked, "Who is the Dragon Witch?"

"I don't know." The White Queen shook her head gently.


Doesn’t even the White Queen know who the Dragon Witch is

As if seeing Su Ziyu's doubts, the White Queen held her white chin and said: "The Dragon Witch appeared suddenly. She appeared suddenly at the end of the Ashes Age."

These people called the period after Ragnarok the Age of Ashes.

Different from the birth of a new world recorded in Nordic mythology, after Ragnarok is the era of giant snakes. The gnawers of the World Tree devoured the flesh and blood remains of the gods and transformed into indescribable terrifying monsters. The Age of Ashes lasted for a long time, and it was not until the previous Supervisor of Time and Space appeared in this broken universe that the era of giant snake rule came to an end.

"She has very powerful magic and can enslave some dragons."

"However, she was later exiled by the Saviors."

"As for where he was exiled, I don't know."

"With the advent of the new era, the Dragon Witch appears again. Everyone thinks that the White Queen came first and then the Black Queen, but in fact the Black Queen appeared earlier than me."

Black Queen

Su Ziyu frowned and said, "You mean the Dragon Witch might be the Black Queen?"

The White Queen shook her head and said: "It should be said that the Black Queen may be the Dragon Witch."

"Why didn't you finish the golden apple?" Su Ziyu moved his steps and asked the most critical question.

golden apple.

A legendary treasure.

In Greek mythology, three goddesses fought over it, and there was no reason for the White Queen to take just one bite, unless she discovered something was wrong after just one bite.

But if she noticed something wrong after taking one bite, why didn't she stop the Winter Witch from taking it back

The White Queen's expression was very calm and she said slowly: "Ten years ago, I got this golden apple."

"But I've kept it sealed away in my treasury."

"It wasn't until I was seriously injured after fighting the Black Queen last month that I took it out. Only then did I know there was something wrong with the golden apple."

The White Queen seems to be hiding something.

But she doesn't look like she's lying, otherwise she wouldn't have revealed that she was tainted in the first place.

This woman is a little confused.

Su Ziyu took a deep breath, took out what the Winter Witch gave him and said, "When can you leave for the Dream Forest?"

As long as there is no problem with the Winter Witch's mental state, there should be nothing wrong with the Dream Forest for the time being.

The biggest fear is that the Winter Witch loses control, and everything is over.

At present, apart from the White Queen, Su Ziyu really doesn't know who else can solve the trouble in the Dream Forest.

"Not yet." The White Queen gently waved her hand and the thing in Su Ziyu's hand appeared in her palm. She closed her eyes and meditated, seeming to be reading the message the Winter Witch left her, then shook her head and said: "Even if I kill the monsters that appear in the Dream Forest, the problem will not be solved."

"The root of everything lies in the Winter Witch."

"She is the guardian witch of the Dream Forest. As long as her problems persist, those monsters will reappear."

Su Ziyu frowned when he heard this and said, "Then what should we do?"

"We need help." The White Queen looked at Su Ziyu in front of her and said, "Do you know about the Lost Forest?"

Lost Forest

It sounds familiar.


Su Ziyu had heard about this place from a mercenary not long ago. At that time, the mercenary boasted that he had won the favor of a witch there.

But he must be bragging, because he is a bearded, foot-picking man.

"I need you to go there." The White Queen solemnly took out an emerald green leaf and said slowly: "There is a mysterious witch there."

"I foresee some terrible futures. But I cannot see through the mists of fate."

“The sludge of the old world after Ragnarok is seeping into this world.”

"The monster's awakening is just the beginning."

Su Ziyu reached out and took the emerald green leaf. He felt a surge of vitality and wondered: "Why don't you go find her yourself? I don't know magic! I may not be able to find the witch!"

According to the mercenaries, the Lost Forest is a magical place.

No matter who goes in, they will get lost, but most people will turn out on their own. The legend of a mysterious witch there has been circulating for a long time.

"She won't see me." The White Queen blinked and smiled: "But you can find her."

Did I fall into a trap

Why do people in this world always speak in roundabout ways? Peak is like this, York is like this, and the White Queen in front of her is even more like this.

Until now, Su Ziyu doesn't know whether Peak is dead or not!

"I found the witch in the Lost Forest." Su Ziyu took a deep breath and said, "Can you solve the trouble in the Dream Forest?"

The White Queen nodded and said, "Yes."

"She'll tell you what to do."

"Okay." Su Ziyu nodded and said, "I'll leave now. Let Rebecca bring my things."

When he came in, his anti-materiel sniper rifle was taken away.

But the black short blade remains.

"Don't be so anxious." The White Queen chuckled and said, "Tomorrow I will have someone take you to the Lost Forest."

Speaking of which.

The White Queen suddenly smiled, full of charm, and said with a smile: "Are you really not going to take a bite? That is a golden apple! Although it has been contaminated, just one bite will not have much impact."

"It also allows you to gain some of the abilities of the gods."

Is this woman crazy too

Su Ziyu took a step back and shook his head.

The purpose of injecting anti-radiation drugs in the wasteland world is to survive, otherwise the radiation pollution alone can kill the fish.

Now that he knew there was something wrong with the golden apple, how could he still eat it

He's not crazy.

After seeing Su Ziyu's refusal, the smile on Queen Bai's face deepened, but she made a regretful expression, held her chin and said, "Okay."

"In that case, go down and rest."

"Rebecca will prepare your room."

When Su Ziyu came out, there was cold sweat all over his back.

Part of it was frightened by the White Queen, and the other part was frightened by herself. After seeing her super-deformed form, Su Ziyu was really frightened.

What did the White Queen say

He can not understand.

However, the world that the Hourglass of Time sent him to seemed to be getting more and more dangerous. He didn’t know if the level of authority he would increase after completing the mission would allow him to choose which plane to enter in the future. If he entered a world where the indigenous people were so terrifying, Su would Ziyu really didn’t know if he could hold on!

… … …

(End of chapter)