Space-time Traveler

Chapter 74: Valkyrie 1


Poetry Cody.

The three Norn goddesses in Norse mythology are also the three goddesses of fate.

In both Nordic mythology and Greek mythology, there are three goddesses who represent fate. The three goddesses in Nordic mythology are Urd, Verdandi and Shikodi.

These three goddesses of destiny represent the past, present and future respectively.

These three sisters not only control the fate of mankind, but can even predict the fate of gods, giants and dwarfs. Their appearance is regarded as the end of the golden age of the gods. Before the outbreak of Ragnarok, their main tasks were to weave the web of destiny and draw water from the Fountain of Urd to water the World Tree.

On the eve of the outbreak of Ragnarok, Odin went to the Well of Destiny alone to explore, and saw only the three goddesses of destiny, their faces covered with gauze, sitting silently next to the withered World Tree, with only a broken net beside them.

There is no record of the Three Goddess of Destiny ever again.

"Are you the only one?" Su Ziyu walked over slowly and said, "Where are your sisters?"

Have you waited for me for six thousand years

Shikodi's words made Su Ziyu think about many problems in an instant. His coming to this world was not accidental, but inevitable.

Diana, that is, the woman who first appeared when the time and space monitor system was activated. She must have done something to the hourglass of time before, causing the hourglass of time to mark the current plane, so Su Ziyu Show up here. She even told the goddess of fate in front of her that her successor would arrive one day.

It was Diana's arrangement to come to this plane, and not surprisingly, she was the previous time and space monitor.

"They are dead." Shikodi said with a silent expression.

The goddesses of destiny who represent the past and present are all dead, and the only one who represents the future is alive now.

"Come with me." Shikodi stood up.

She casually threw away the broken net in her hand. She had repaired the net of fate for six thousand years but could not repair it. The future was still a fog, and as the goddess of fate, she could not see hope.

Shikodi walked towards the ancient wooden house in front of him.

Su Ziyu hesitated for a moment and then quickly followed. There were many questions that only the goddess of fate in front of him could answer.

Inside the wooden house.

Shikodi carefully opened a dark metal box, then she held a black Rubik's Cube in both hands and brought it to Su Ziyu and said, "This is what Diana left for you."

"She said you know what to do when you see it."

Unknown black Rubik's Cube.

As soon as Su Ziyu touched it, the data flow in his mind started to change. A large number of data runes poured into his mind, constantly filling in the missing information. Su Ziyu felt a sense of mental pressure. The huge data flow made his brain feel like it was about to explode. What was even worse was that he heard countless crazy roars, curses, and roars. The voice of hatred.

Vision has been blurred.

Su Ziyu felt that his soul was rising, and then his whole body seemed to turn into nothingness, and his consciousness kept flying towards the sky.

He saw an emerald green barrier.

It protects the world.


Su Ziyu's consciousness passed through this barrier, and then a terrifying doomsday scene appeared in front of him.

The most eye-catching thing is the remains of a World Tree that is still burning.

The heaven and earth it supports have been shattered. There is a terrible void storm at the boundary of the universe, which is eating away at the earth bit by bit. Pieces of land are collapsing and annihilating, as if everything will eventually be swallowed by the void. The land is riddled with holes and is littered with countless corpses and remains. The most eye-catching one is the remains of an unimaginably huge snake. Su Ziyu cannot see its boundaries at all, and can only see its huge bones. To go around the whole world.

— "The Serpent of the Midgard - the Serpent of the World - Jörmungandr!"

One of the most famous monsters in Western mythology.

It was said that the terrifying giant snake could circle the world. The remains of its dead body shocked Su Ziyu, and it was impossible to imagine how terrifying it would have been when it was alive.

There was some trance in consciousness.

Time seems to be in chaos.

In front of Su Ziyu's eyes, a battlefield so tragic that it was indescribable suddenly appeared. At a glance, there was a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood everywhere. Red lotus-like flames are burning on the remains of the World Tree, and the earth is littered with the bones of giants, gods, humans, fairies, and dwarfs.

He saw the corpse of Jörmungandr, the snake of the atrium - the worldly python. The huge body made people tremble.

He saw countless giants and heroic spirits falling on the battlefield. All of these giants were tens of meters tall. A huge fire giant stood like a mountain. Even after he died, he still made people afraid to approach him.

He saw the remains of Odin, the bones of Thor, the giant wolf Fenrir covered in blood, and the corpses of countless monsters and divine warriors.

The sky is falling apart!

The blazing World Tree is collapsing bit by bit, and the corpses of countless gods, giants, and terrifying monsters have been there on this dead battlefield for who knows how long.

Until a huge black dragon spread its wings and soared into the sky from the roots of the World Tree.

— "The Black Dragon of Despair-Nidhogg!"

After the black dragon that gnawed on the World Tree appeared, countless giant snakes emerged from the depths of the ground. They crazily devoured the dead bodies of the gods, and even killed each other in order to compete for flesh and blood!

The huge body of Nidhogg, the Black Dragon of Despair, circled in the sky.

Then it flew to the edge of the universe and disappeared into the abyss of the void little by little, leaving only a broken world.

But this is not the end.

Su Ziyu saw some strange changes taking place in the giant snakes that gnawed at the roots of the World Tree. They devoured all flesh and blood around them, even their own kind. A giant snake swallowed the bodies of Odin and Thor. Its body was instantly surrounded by lightning, its skin burned and healed, and its body gradually festered and twisted, turning into an indescribable flesh and blood monster.

More giant snakes are searching the earth for the flesh and blood remains left after Ragnarok.

Aesir, Vanir, Frost Giants, Fire Giants...

Dozens of giant snakes were frantically gnawing on the bones of the giant python Jörmungandr. They didn't know how long they had been eating, and their bodies grew bigger bit by bit, and finally they all turned into a behemoth dozens of kilometers long!

The age of the serpent has come.

Just as these giant snakes continued to devour the flesh and blood of the gods, a piece of filthy black mud emerged from the remains of the World Tree. It contained countless evil thoughts, which were unresolved deep-seated hatred, suspicion, jealousy, Greed, violence, fratricide, father and son hatred, countless malice gathered together, and spread like a plague as the black mud poured out.

The giant snakes that ruled the world after Ragnarok were also devoured.

Su Ziyu saw countless dead souls awakening. Their minds had long been distorted and merged into the body of the giant snake in the darkness. Along with it, some terrible physical distortions that could not be seen directly occurred.

The world is cursed!

The black mud seeped into the earth bit by bit, bringing with it the boundless hatred that set off Ragnarok, countless malice, and the cursed souls of the gods, and merged into this world.

… … …

(End of chapter)