Space-time Traveler

Chapter 77: Valkyrie 4


Outside the magnificent palace.

Shikodi walked directly towards the palace. No one dared to stop her along the way. Some people even knelt down on one knee in excitement after seeing her.


Su Ziyu saw Rebecca and Dan again. Their expressions were quite shocked when they saw Shikodi, and they murmured: "Goddess of Destiny..."

"Oh my God!"

"She's actually alive!"

After Ragnarok broke out.

The fate of this crystal-walled universe has been shattered.

Since the Age of Ashes, no one has ever seen the Goddess of Destiny, and they did not expect that the witch of the Lost Forest would actually be the future goddess - Shikodi. Others only recognized her as the Valkyrie, but these two senior members of the Warner Protoss recognized her at a glance as the goddess of destiny who was in charge of the future.

Shikodi seemed to know the location of the White Queen and walked into the exquisite garden unobstructed.

"Oh my God!"

"It's Valkyrie!"

"She's so beautiful!"

"No! Idiot!"

"That is the goddess of destiny who controls the future!... "

"She's so beautiful!"

"There is actually a Valkyrie alive!"

"She's so beautiful!"

On the rockery in the garden, several squirrels were chattering, but their attitude towards Shikodi was much better than before towards Su Ziyu, as if they were just talking to each other.

Shikodi turned his head and glanced at the squirrels coldly and said: "Shut up! The descendants of Ratatosk."

As soon as the Valkyrie spoke, the squirrels immediately hid in fear.

They move very quickly and disappear quickly.

It is said that there is a squirrel named Ratatosk on the World Tree. It likes to tease the goshawk on the top of the tree and the black dragon at the bottom of the tree.

Valkyrie pushed open the silver-white door and walked in.

The White Queen that Su Ziyu saw this time was much more dignified and graceful. She looked like she was sitting upright and her expression was quite serious. She was not at all as frivolous as when she first met Su Ziyu. However, the White Queen's attire is still the same as before, but she has restrained her flattery very well, and now she looks very similar to the rumored White Queen.

Noble, beautiful, gentle and kind.

People in this world really know how to read someone's food, even squirrels know not to mess with the Valkyrie by being mean-spirited.

"You have always wanted to see me." Shikodi stared at the White Queen in front of her and said expressionlessly: "What do you want?"

This isn't the first time the White Queen has tried to find her.

Before Su Ziyu, the White Queen personally went to the Lost Forest and sent people to search deep into it, but no trace of her could be found.

The existence of the Lost Forest is very special.

If she doesn't want to see someone, she can't be seen at all.

The White Queen stood up. She looked directly into the eyes of the goddess of destiny, her momentum was not weak at all, and she said slowly: "I want the Hall of Valor."

"You were once the leader of the Valkyries."

"You should know how to rebuild a Hall of Valor!"

Hall of Valor

Does the White Queen want to rebuild the Hall of Valor

The existence of heroic spirits is very special.

They are all dead in battle, but they are not ordinary undead. During the day, they train hard until they die in battle. At night, they are resurrected to drink and have fun. This situation lasts until Ragnarok breaks out. The heroic spirits resist the giant army. The main combat force.

"Hall of Heroes?" After hearing the White Queen's words, the Valkyrie frowned slightly.

She stood there and pondered for a moment before saying, "Okay."

"But I want something."

The White Queen looked a little surprised after hearing her words, and said without hesitation: "What do you want?"

Valkyrie said calmly: "Thor's blood."

"I know you still have one on hand!"

Hearing Valkyrie's words, the White Queen couldn't help but look stunned. She turned her head and looked at Su Ziyu behind Shikodi, her expression was a little hesitant, and then she nodded lightly and said, "Okay."

The Valkyrie doesn't need the blood of the Thunder God, it's obviously for someone else.

Soon, the White Queen called Rebecca and asked her to take Su Ziyu to rest.

The next thing they were going to talk about was something related to the Hall of Heroes, and neither of them seemed to intend to let Su Ziyu listen.

no way.

Su Ziyu could only follow Rebecca back to the guest room first, where sumptuous food had been prepared and twelve beautiful maids were waiting on her. However, Su Ziyu had no appetite and was just playing with the black rubik's cube. He didn't know what it was. Diana just told him that when the world was eroded, he could put it into the elemental pool in the Dream Forest.

That's where the Winter Witch sent her out.

Night falls.

After dark, the figure of the goddess of fate, Shikodi, appeared in front of him again.

The Valkyrie held an extremely delicate crystal bottle in her hand, which contained a dark red liquid. She looked at Su Ziyu expressionlessly and said, "Take off your clothes."

"Ah?" Su Ziyu's expression was a little confused, but he still followed the instructions subconsciously.

This Valkyrie puts a lot of pressure on people!

Shikodi gently unscrewed the bottle, and he didn't know if it was Su Ziyu's illusion, but he actually saw a flash of arc.

"Your strength is too weak."

"This is the blood of Thor, which contains the power of the God of Thunder. Diana has fused the blood of Odin before, and you should be able to do it too." Valkyrie said slowly: "Next, I will use secret methods to help you absorb it. The power, if successful, you may be able to control lightning."

"But whether you succeed or not depends on your luck."

A trace of arc jumped in the air.

The Valkyrie in front of him dipped a little of Thor's blood and gently touched Su Ziyu's exposed chest. In an instant, his whole body seemed to be shocked by electricity, and his body twitched involuntarily.

"Hold it!" Valkyrie said expressionlessly.

Su Ziyu gritted his teeth to hold back the stinging pain. As Shikodi used Thor's blood to write mysterious runes on his body, the feeling of being shocked became stronger and stronger. Su Ziyu's whole body was almost numb, and he had the illusion that he was standing on a high-voltage wire and was dying.

A trace of arc appeared on the surface of his body.

Su Ziyu felt like he was about to be electrocuted. If his physique hadn't been strengthened to LV6, he would have been electrocuted several times by now.


The Valkyrie in front of her completed the last rune character.


Suddenly there was a thunderous sound outside, and Su Ziyu felt as if he had been struck by lightning. He was stunned, and electric snakes were flowing all over his body. It took a while before he gradually regained consciousness.


After a long time, Shikodi's voice came, seeming a little disappointed, hesitantly said: "You haven't obtained the divine power of the Asa Protoss?"

The electrical current in the body gradually disappears.

Su Ziyu moved his body, shook his head slightly and said, "There doesn't seem to be any change in strength."

The Aesir are all powerful warriors, and Thor is the most brave and skilled among them. After hearing Su Ziyu's words, Valkyrie's expression became more and more disappointed.

The secret ritual seemed to have failed.

Su Ziyu is still a human being, and there is no aura of the Asa Protoss on his body.


Su Ziyu suddenly noticed a change in the data flow in his mind, and then he spread out his hands. With the rapid consumption of spiritual energy, arcs of electricity were jumping in his palms.

The ceremony seemed to have failed.

But he lit up a very special branch of ability.

— "Psychic lightning!"

… … …

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(End of chapter)