Space-time Traveler

Chapter 78: Nightmare 1


Psychic lightning.

In Su Ziyu's originally enhanced skill tree, the expanded branch of psychic power was 'Psychic Mastery', but now there is an additional ability of 'Psychic Lightning'.

This seems to be a transformation of psychic power!

In the past, Su Ziyu's spiritual energy could only be used to move objects, such as levitating a stone, but now he can convert it into the power of lightning. However, this conversion consumes a lot of spiritual energy, which is almost impossible to move objects. Five or six times, he had just transformed a little electricity, but he felt that his spiritual energy was close to drying up and his spirit was a little sluggish.

"Succeeded?" Shikodi said with a surprised expression: "No! You did not gain the power of the Asa Protoss!"

"It failed." Su Ziyu looked at the electric arc dancing on his fingertips curiously and replied: "But I do seem to have gained a little ability to control lightning."

A trace of arc appeared on the surface of his body.

Not very powerful.

But it feels amazing.

"That can be regarded as something gained." Shikodi nodded and said in a much more relaxed tone: "Go to rest early. We will set off to the Dream Forest tomorrow."

The Valkyrie turned and left.

As if Su Ziyu had obtained a new toy, he couldn't help but try to control lightning with his psychic powers again and again.

"What an amazing power."

"But it's too weak."

"This level of lightning can't kill any monster at all!" Su Ziyu finally figured out this ability and murmured: "If you want to unleash its power, you must first strengthen your psychic level."

He still has 8 points of source power.

It was originally intended to be used to strengthen the 'Psychic Mastery' route, because there is the 'Psychic Flight' ability at the back of this enhanced skill tree.

But now it seems that 'Psychic Lightning' is more lethal!

—"Psychic LV2!"

—"Psychic LV3!"

After spending a full 6 points of source power, Su Ziyu instantly sank into his spiritual world. He saw the light spots in his body again. With the slight electric current coming from his brain, he discovered that his Psychic power is growing rapidly.

This improvement is very obvious!

The spiritual energy in his body almost doubled several times.

About two or three minutes later, Su Ziyu slowly opened his eyes.

He raised his hand towards a wine glass in the distance, and soon it flew directly into Su Ziyu's palm.


After the spiritual power was upgraded to LV3, its stability was much enhanced than at the beginning. At first, it was a little difficult for Su Ziyu to move a stone, but now he can actually lift a table easily with his spiritual power.

However, the consumption is still very high.

If you want to reduce the consumption of psychic energy, you must turn on the ability of 'Psychic Mastery', which can reduce the consumption of psychic energy by about 20% when using telekinesis. If you practice to acquire this ability by yourself, it may take more than ten years.


A series of electric arcs appeared in Su Ziyu's palm. This time, the power of psychic lightning was greatly increased. An ordinary person might not be able to withstand even one strike.

But the shortcomings are also obvious.

High consumption.

Short range.

It should be very powerful within ten meters, but once the distance is extended, his current psychic level is not enough.


"this is?"

After the upgrade, the branch of the skill tree where psychic powers are located has been expanded again, and some new abilities have appeared later, such as 'electrostatic field', 'lightning strike', 'lightning storm' and so on.

The skill tree of the Time and Space Monitor system has been expanded again.

In the wasteland world, Su Ziyu obtained the enhancement route of 'Flesh and Flesh Deformation'. In the Dream Forest, he obtained the enhancement route of 'Psychic Awakening', and now there is an enhancement branch of 'Psychic Lightning'.

However, as more and more strengthening routes are expanded, he must also carefully plan how to improve his strength.

If the purpose is to survive, the basic physical fitness must be strengthened, and there must not be too obvious shortcomings. Su Ziyu is running slowly now, so he wants to light up the ability of 'psychic flight', because it can Help Su Ziyu escape.

Many times he risked his life with monsters because he couldn't escape!

Really tired.

The night is getting darker.


Su Ziyu raised his hand and threw the tactical dagger, and then with a wave of his hand, the tactical dagger nailed to the wooden table returned to his palm.

Psychic powers are very flexible.

In the past half day, he had already come up with several unexpected ways to win, but the disadvantage was also obvious that it was very expensive to use. When the dagger is controlled by mind power to fly out, the power is very weak, even inferior to an ordinary crossbow. However, when it is thrown with mind power, the power is greatly enhanced, and it can even be turned.

However, Su Ziyu's purpose is not to make the flying knife turn, but to hope that one day he can make the bullet turn.

He still had to think carefully about how to use his psychic powers.

The night passed quickly.

The next day, Su Ziyu and his party were ready to return to the Dream Forest.

It will be much easier to go back this time.

The White Queen summoned a golden giant eagle, and Su Ziyu followed the Valkyrie on a Pegasus. The original journey of seven or eight days was completed in less than half a day.

"This is it." The White Queen patted the giant eagle's body and floated to the ground.

In front of you is a lush virgin forest.

From the outside it looked normal, but after activating his spiritual vision, Su Ziyu saw a gray fog and a translucent light green barrier.

This is a demiplane.

The Dream Forest is a demiplane attached to the chessboard kingdom. It is a special world between reality and reality.

It's like a fairy tale country.

"Let's go." The Valkyrie picked up the golden spear and swung it in the air, then rushed in with Su Ziyu.

He seemed to hear something crack.

next moment.

Su Ziyu appeared in the Dream Forest, and it was already dark in the Dream Forest at this time.

"Something's wrong!"

"The situation is worse than we imagined!"

The White Queen's figure also appeared quickly. She glanced around and raised her hand to raise a dark red flame, dispersing the fog in front of her and saying, "This place is very polluted."

"The laws of dreams have been changed by something!"

The Dream Forest was originally a beautiful fairy tale world.

This is the country of fairies.

And now the dream forest is like a nightmare, an evil black fairy tale. Countless trees have turned into strange silhouettes of shadows, and there are some shadow-like creatures in the darkness that are like wriggling creatures. They were as close as black mud, but before they could reach Su Ziyu, they were casually burned to ashes by the White Queen.

Su Ziyu wasn't sure how powerful the White Queen was, but her strength was obviously stronger than that of the guardian witch.

The gods in the Nordic god system are not omnipotent. The power of the Aesir is biased toward force, while the power of the Warner is biased toward magic. Even Odin, the king of the gods, learned spells from the Warner.

The White Queen should also be a descendant of the Warner Protoss, but I don’t know why when I looked at her with my spiritual vision, I saw a female giant.

"Found it." The White Queen's figure was suspended in mid-air.

A flame spear was condensed in her hand, and the fog was broken when she threw it. Soon, a huge clay puppet could be seen in the distance. It slowly turned its head, holding a spear made of black mud in its hand. apple.

… … …

(End of chapter)