Space-time Traveler

Chapter 90: The Witcher 5


This may not be the first time that Van Tesin has dealt with a water ghost.

Just when Su Ziyu was still adapting to the resistance of underwater activities, he had already cut off the arm of a water ghost with his sword.

Water ghosts are not very powerful monsters. Their strength is just a little stronger than that of ordinary adult men. They often use sneak attacks to drag people into the water. As soon as they enter the water, even a demon hunter will have a headache when facing their entanglement. When there are too many, even an experienced demon hunter may overturn.

However, their weaknesses are also obvious.

The bodies of water ghosts are more fragile than other monsters. Even ordinary people can cut them with a knife. If Van Tesin dealt with ten water ghosts at the same time on land, he would not even frown.


Su Ziyu chopped off the head of a water ghost with a knife. His strength was close to that of a giant. When it exploded, chopping these water ghosts was like chopping frozen meat.

The underwater combat is really gross.

It’s not just the problem of adapting to buoyancy in the water, but also the resistance of the water, and the problem of exerting force in the water.

Especially after he killed a water ghost, the dark red blood gushing out from the monster's neck quickly spread in the water, which not only affected people's vision, but also gave off a disgusting rotten smell. Fan Tesin and Melissa should have adapted to this situation, while Su Ziyu had to use psychic energy to protect his mouth and nose.

Water ghosts rarely appear on the shore except when they attack. If you want to kill them, you must go into the water.

"Contamination found!"

"Mission goal: destroy the jellyfish hag."

"Task reward: Increased authority level."

There are quite a few of these water ghosts.

Su Ziyu killed two, Van Tesin killed three, and Melissa was still dealing with one.

"Be careful!" Su Ziyu suddenly warned.

There seemed to be a natural cave covered by mud and water plants, and a cold breath flew out from it. Van Tesin's movements suddenly slowed down a lot, and his whole body seemed a little stiff.

Immediately afterwards, a bloated water ghost appeared in front of him.

It looks like a pregnant woman who drowned. Her face has been severely decomposed. Her long hair is spread out like algae. There are a large number of dark blue corpse spots on the surface of her body. Her fingernails are black and sharp and bluish. When she appears, she emits He let out a scream and then rushed over like a fish.

Van Tesin's reaction speed is very fast, but he is far less agile in the water than on land.

Su Ziyu saw a trace of blood spreading not far away.

The jellyfish hag seemed to have some special abilities. After its appearance, the cold lake water became even more biting. Melissa was the most affected. She struggled like a swimmer exhausted, and her hands and feet had slight twitching.

Su Ziyu didn't know if he could use psychic lightning in the water, but there was a high probability that he wouldn't be able to control it.

— "Time accelerates."

Everything around him turned into a slow-motion movie frame by frame. Su Ziyu's figure suddenly flew out, and the explosive impact caused ripples on the bottom of the lake. He rushed straight towards the jellyfish hag like a swordfish. , at the moment of contact, he swung his knife and slashed directly at the head of the jellyfish hag.

He knew very well how difficult it was to deal with the monsters marked by the time and space monitor system, so he had no reservations when taking action.

"mission completed."

"Get 1 point of source power."

The body of a jellyfish hag is no different from an ordinary water ghost. It can be killed by just cutting off its head.

The battle didn't last long.

But when the three people returned to the shore, they all looked exhausted. Of course, Su Ziyu was just pretending.


"There is actually a water hag here." Fan Tesin covered the wound on his stomach and said angrily: "No. You have to ask them to pay more when you go back!"

Next to her, Melissa was lying on the shore panting as if she was exhausted.

Being a demon hunter is indeed a hard job. This is the first time Su Ziyu has accepted a bounty mission, and he feels that this job is not easy to do.

"We should try to avoid underwater fighting in the future." Su Ziyu said to himself.

Fan Tesin briefly treated the wound on his abdomen, then came over and patted Su Ziyu on the shoulder and said, "Thank you."

"I'll treat you to a drink next time."

After saying that, he returned to the lake again.

The water in the lake was already a little turbid, and a lot of blood was scattered in the water. Fan Tesin used his sword to chop off the head of the jellyfish hag, and then turned over the corpses one by one. They were all the corpses of those who were attacked and drowned by the water ghost. , he swung his sword and chopped off the heads of these corpses.

"This lake has been polluted." After a while, he swam up panting and said to Melissa on the side: "Those corpses must be disposed of."

"Otherwise, it might turn into a new water ghost over time."

Although this demon hunter was paid to do things, he handled the matter very cleanly, otherwise he would have ignored these drowned corpses.

"What are you doing with this head?" Su Ziyu couldn't help but ask on the way back.

Fan Tesin showed him a stiff smile, twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Take it back and show it to them. Let them add money!"

There were five scratches on his abdomen, and he tried to laugh but pulled the wounds.

There was a group of people waiting on the other side of town.

Van Tesin soon became the silent and cold demon hunter again, and he even carefully covered his wounds.

This time they didn't stop there.

Fantersin set out immediately after receiving the bounty, even though he had not yet recovered from his injuries.

Very strange.

Ordinary people are afraid of witchers, and these powerful witchers seem to be very afraid of ordinary people. Fantersin doesn't even dare to let them know that he is injured.

The night was spent camping outside.

Fan Tesin drank some kind of potion he prepared and looked a little sleepy. He finally got nine gold galleons as reward, but Su Ziyu only got three. To him, money didn't matter at all. The source of power gained was the biggest gain. There seem to be a lot of pollutants in this world, but none of them are very powerful. All the ones encountered so far can only drop 1 point of source power, which is the same level as living corpses.

But they are much easier to deal with than living zombies.

Su Ziyu felt that he should spend more time looking for these monsters, because as long as there are enough of them, it is much easier than killing a super aberration.

Melissa was quite silent today.

She sat alone and played with the bonfire. From time to time she would look up at Su Ziyu. She hesitated for a while, then sat next to him and begged, "Can you teach me to fight?"

Su Ziyu couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.

He turned his head to look at Van Tesin, only to find that he seemed to have fallen asleep, at least with his eyes closed.

"Your mentor's swordsmanship is better than mine." Su Ziyu was telling the truth. White Crow Swordsmanship LV1 was indeed no match for Van Tesin's swordsmanship. He was just physically stronger than the Demon Hunter.

Melissa looked a little disappointed and said, "I don't have enough power."

"He said that the swordsmanship of the Raven School is not suitable for me, at least until I pass the potion trial, I can't use it at all."

… … …

(End of chapter)