Space-time Traveler

Chapter 91: The Witcher 6


Melissa is not very old.

Considering that Western humans develop earlier, she may be younger than she appears.

She longs to become stronger.

Su Ziyu didn't know the reason, but he didn't mind giving some pointers.

Being a demon hunter is a dangerous job. Every time you increase your strength, you have more chances of survival.

Van Tesin's swordsmanship is at full range, and his attacks are ferocious and lethal, but his defense is mainly about parrying and blocking. To be honest, anyone who has learned a little bit about swordsmanship knows that this kind of swordsmanship is not suitable for women at all. Because women are inherently inferior to men in terms of physique and strength. The prerequisite for parrying and blocking is that your strength and physique are enough to withstand the enemy's attack. Otherwise, if you block the enemy's attack, your own bones will be broken. But Melissa obviously doesn't. He possesses the inhuman level physical fitness of a real demon hunter.

In comparison, Su Ziyu's White Crow Sword Technique is indeed more suitable for her.

White Crow Swordsmanship is quick and flexible, with many dodge skills, and women can also use its power.

Su Ziyu turned around and looked at Fan Texin again, stood up and said, "Follow me."

Melissa's expression was full of surprise.

She really didn't expect Su Ziyu to agree so simply, and she had even prepared to beg many times and pay a certain price.

The moonlight is very good today.

Su Ziyu stopped after walking fifty steps, turned around and looked at Melissa who looked a little uneasy behind her, and said slowly: "The White Crow Swordsmanship I learned focuses on speed and dexterity, and most of the moves rely on the body. There is no way to dodge the enemy's attack."

"Watch carefully."

Su Ziyu showed a starting stance of White Crow Swordsmanship, and then slowly explained some of the more basic moves.

after an hour.

Su Ziyu returned to the bonfire, and Melissa was still practicing hard there. Her foundation was pretty good. With the foundation taught by Fan Tesin before, she could learn the White Crow Swordsmanship relatively quickly.

"You must be curious about why I want to accept a female apprentice." Fan Tesin's voice suddenly sounded.

The swordsmanship taught by Su Ziyu was indeed the way of a demon hunter, but Fan Tesin could not tell what school of swordsmanship it belonged to. Maybe Su Ziyu himself didn't realize it, but in Fan Tesin's view, many of the White Crow Swordsmanship moves are not designed to deal with humans. At least five sword moves are used to deal with large creatures, and three moves are In order to deal with enemies that move very quickly.

This is a characteristic of the swordsmanship of the Witcher School. Just by looking at the position of the move, you can tell whether it is for humans or monsters!

"Huh?" Su Ziyu is a good listener.

Fan Tesin sat up while holding the wound on his abdomen. He looked at Melissa who was practicing in the distance and said, "I met her when I was performing a mission in Dongluo."

"I was hunting a vampire at the time."

"I found her in the vampire's cellar. At that time, she was shackled and imprisoned there like a slave. She lost too much blood and was dying."

"She was only fifteen at the time."

Fan Tesin stopped talking at this point. He reached out and patted Su Ziyu on the shoulder and said in a deep voice: "I owe you a favor."

Su Ziyu couldn't help but be silent for a while after hearing this.

He turned his head and looked at the sweating girl over there. She was indeed different from other women. She had a heart that longed to become stronger.

The night passed quickly.

Van Tesin's injury almost recovered the next day.

They continued to move in the direction of Lunde, but in Su Ziyu's daily life, in addition to playing Gwent with Fan Tesin, he would occasionally take time to teach Melissa White Crow swordsmanship.

She is indeed not very old.

He has just turned twenty this year, but he looks a little more mature.

The wind, frost and suffering gave her the temperament of a mature woman.

Along the way, her attitude towards Su Ziyu was much better, even more respectful than towards Fan Texin. While passing through some villages to rest, Fan Tesin, an old man, had to wash his own clothes, but Melissa had already helped Su Ziyu wash the clothes he had changed into cleanly overnight.

This incident made Van Tesin so angry that he glared for a long time.

This journey was relatively peaceful.

Su Ziyu gradually learned more about the world. Fan Tesin was an experienced demon hunter with footprints almost all over the world. He could see that although Su Ziyu was powerful, he did not have much experience. From time to time, he would He will also impart some experience in a bragging way.

This world is very similar to the earth. It has a civilization level in the Middle Ages, with many kingdoms and constant wars.

Various monsters are active in this era, and witchers are experts in dealing with them.

However, compared to the witchers one or two hundred years ago, today's witcher organizations are much weaker. The reason is that some witcher organizations have been involved in many political disputes within the kingdom. The inhuman strength of the witchers aroused the covetousness of the kingdom and nobles. This, coupled with the greed of some people for power and wealth, led to the outbreak of an extremely tragic war within the witcher organization.

Many witchers died at the hands of other witchers.

In addition, the conditions for the birth of witchers are very harsh, and they are unable to give birth to offspring, which directly leads to a large reduction in the number of witchers, and some witcher organizations have even been destroyed in political struggles.

During that time, because the demon hunters relied on inhuman strength to assassinate many princes and nobles, this directly led to the secular forces being very resistant and afraid of them for hundreds of years. Many people regarded them as aliens and rejected them.

Since then, the witcher organization has gradually receded into the background.

They keep a certain distance from all kingdoms and are determined not to get involved in dirty political struggles.

However, the extremely tragic price has caused the demise of some demon hunter organizations, and some demon hunter schools had to live in seclusion because of their declining numbers.

Fan Texin thought that Su Ziyu was the descendant of this reclusive school.

The third day.

They picked up a mission in a small village along the way.

This is a very poor village.

The whole village pooled their money together and only managed to come up with half a gold galleon. Even ordinary mercenaries couldn't afford the price. However, Van Tesin accepted the task gladly and went out overnight to bring back a ghoul's head.

This is a very interesting witcher.

Su Ziyu found that she could learn a lot from him, and Fan Texin's views on life also gave Su Ziyu a lot of feelings.

The days are also precarious.

They also face all kinds of dangerous monsters.

Fan Tesin lives a more free and open-minded life than Su Ziyu. As he said himself, as a demon hunter, he naturally has to deal with all kinds of monsters, even if one day he will die in their hands. It doesn't matter.

Because that's what witchers are for.

He is a witcher.

This is his mission.

But he is also a person with a bottom line, and he has to collect money.

… … …

(End of chapter)