Space-time Traveler

Chapter 92: Witch Hunter 1


Time passes day by day.

Su Ziyu found that although the golden gravel in the hourglass of time had decreased, the flow rate in this world did not seem to be fast, and he might stay in this world for a longer period of time than before.

The relationship between the group of people is also much better than when they first met.

"Damn it!"

"Why did I lose again?" Fan Tesin scratched his hair and said angrily.

As Su Ziyu became more and more familiar with the rules of Gwent, his skills continued to improve. More importantly, he played as if he was going to win. Many times, he clearly had no luck, but His opponent, Fan Tesin, seemed to have even worse luck.

So Fantersin always loses more than he wins.

Melissa sat nearby preparing food. She was also a witcher who was not interested in Gwent. Um. apprentice.


"Get ready to eat something." Su Ziyu stood up and directly rejected Fan Tesin's plan to try again.

During this time, he learned a lot of witcher survival skills.

If wilderness survival can be counted as a skill level, he should be at LV1 level now.

The monsters occasionally encountered along the way did not gain source power points, maybe because they were not contaminated, or maybe because they were too weak.

Su Ziyu estimated that only leader-level monsters could drop source power points.

"There's movement! The sound of horse hooves!" Fan Tesin suddenly stood up and said.

Witchers' senses are also very strong, and they can even detect some completely invisible monsters.

"There are a lot of people. At least six of them." Su Ziyu looked at him and put his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Tap tap tap.

The sound of horse hooves gradually came.

Soon, they saw six men in black attire. These men were holding a variety of weapons. Almost everyone had a crossbow on their back. Their expressions were extremely cold. It looked like they had a lot of weapons on their hands. Blood killer. They also discovered Su Ziyu and his group. Their eyes first fell on the two men, and then on Melissa. They stared at her for a while before riding away.

"Witch hunter." Fantasia frowned and said solemnly.

In recent years.

Terrible plagues broke out everywhere, and many villages and towns were abandoned. On the way, Fantasia also talked about something about witches. Many people believed that the outbreak of the plague was related to witches. Witch hunters were an organization that only appeared in recent decades, and they hunted witches from all over the world.

"Be careful of them." Fan Tesin whispered: "They are the lackeys of the Zoroastrian Cult."

The full name of Zoroastrianism is the Eternal Fire Sect.

A sect that fanatically worships flames and has great power in the world. They are very unfriendly to all aliens. In the past few years, there was a scandal of massacre of dwarf villages.

A witch is a sorceress.

They also served in the court of the human kingdom hundreds of years ago and were active as palace advisors for a long time. However, the wizard's organization was later involved in dirty political struggles, and their losses may have been greater than those of the witchers. Now the surviving sorceresses are hiding their identities.

Like witchers, wizards in this world are unable to have offspring.

However, most of the demon hunters are men, while the majority of wizards are women. The number of wizards is already very small, and even Van Tersin has not encountered a few.

Normally, Fantersin refers to witches as sorceresses.

"Let's go too." After seeing the six witch hunters, a trace of worry appeared on Fan Tesin's expression.

This is not far from Lunde.

They traveled all night and finally arrived near Lunde at noon the next day.

This is a quite prosperous port city.

The population here is about 200,000. They saw many caravans before entering the city. This is where the big money-making business that Van Tesin mentioned is also here.

When entering the city, Fan Tesin's expression was quite solemn.

Soon, they discovered that a lot of people had gathered near the city gate. Among the crowd was a bloody pillar with a woman whose face could not be seen clearly. Standing next to it were three black-clothed witch hunters they had seen that day. people. Fan Tesin's face suddenly turned livid, and Su Ziyu saw him put his hand on the hilt of the sword, then took a deep breath and slowly put it down.

That woman has been dead for a long time.

It can be seen that her appearance was extremely beautiful when she was alive, with waist-length flaxen hair. There were wounds pierced by crossbow arrows on her chest, and her arms and legs had scars from the flame explosion.

It should have been caused by an explosive.

But in this world they are alchemy tools, and Fantersin also has a small bottle that explodes.

The people of the Eternal Fire Sect can refine this kind of explosive, and Van Tesin mentioned that the fire oil they prepare is more powerful than the demon hunters. Sorceresses have suffered a lot of persecution from the world and the church in recent years. Witch hunters are hunting them down everywhere. In some areas, even demon hunters may be attacked.

"Huh." Su Ziyu looked away slightly.

This sorceress should have been nailed to a pillar after her death. Those witch hunters must have the support of secular forces behind them, and they don't know what their purpose is.

"Let's go." Fan Tesin's voice was a little low and hoarse.

Melissa's expression was also quite sad and angry. She looked at the witch hunters coldly and restrained the murderous intention in her heart.


Su Ziyu felt a surge of spiritual pressure, which was a reaction caused by psychic perception. It only occurred when facing magic fluctuations. He looked up at the window on the other side of the street and only saw a flash of A figure wearing a gray robe.

Don't know who it is.

But that's definitely a spellcaster!

Fan Tesin should be quite familiar with this place. He took Su Ziyu to a remote hotel.

Su Ziyu could tell that this experienced demon hunter was controlling his emotions, because he started drinking as soon as he arrived at the hotel, and the hand holding the wine glass was trembling slightly.

"Her name is Jenny."

"A very, very kind sorceress. The potions she prepared have saved many people's lives."

"She's not a powerful witch."

"Most of what she has mastered is some magic to treat injuries." Fan Tesin's voice was low and hoarse. He raised his head to reveal his bloodshot eyes, looked at Su Ziyu in front of him, and said slowly: "She has saved My life! Twice!”

"These damn witch hunters!!!"

At this time, Fan Texin looked like a beast that was eager to devour people. Su Ziyu had never seen such a terrifying appearance on this demon hunter.

"Feel sorry."

"The big business I mentioned earlier may be in ruins." Fan Tesin drank all the wine in his glass and said solemnly: "The employers here can no longer be trusted!"

… … …

(End of chapter)